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Crocheting during an earthquake

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Now I have done it all. There was an earthquake centered in Illinois this morning about 5:40 AM. We felt it here in Michigan, my husband had already left for work and I was lying in bed watching the news crocheting and I felt the bed shake. The dog barked, jumped on the bed, on to the crocheting and into my arms, and the bed shook again, and the ceiling fan above the bed was swaying. :bounce:crocheting

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We felt the earthquake here in St. Louis too. We are closer to the center of the earthquake. I had just awakened from having a bad dream and was trying to get back to sleep when the bed started shaking and the knick knacks on the dresser began rattling. I have to say I wasn't really scared, but I had one of those "whoa, what's going on" moments.

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My hubby had been up a while, and I had JUST gotten my first cup of coffee and sat down when he asked me 'Do you hear that?!' I listened, and could hear a rattling noise (which I think was some figurines I had on a shelf). I can't say I felt anything, though. Of course, at that hour in the morning, my primary concern was getting my coffee! :heehee Later on the news they were talking about the earthquake. It was still early, but they didn't think there was any major damage or that anyone had gotten hurt. That was certainly good news!

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We've had a couple earthquakes here over the last few days. I heard my windows rattling and it scared me! Ours weren't as big as yours though. I'm glad that you are ok. I live on the San Andres Fault.

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I'm on the Humboldt fault. I felt some sort of wiggle this morning. Something woke me up around the time the news is saying the earthquake hit in Illinois.


Hopefully that quake wasnt the New Madrid fault "waking up" and getting ready to let loose with THE Big One.

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The doors on our armoire started to rattle about 4:35 a.m. My husband and I were like, "what's that sound?" I laughed and said, "maybe it was an earthquake!" We went back to sleep for a couple of hours. I couldn't believe it when I saw the news!! I was joking, but it did really happen. Weird!

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I live in Effingham, Illinois and I felt it. It woke me up at 4:39am this morning. I didn't know what was going on until I got to work and someone asked me if I felt it. I said at least I''m not going crazy. Then around 10:30 we felt an aftershock. Haven't had a quake for years, since I was a little girl. Hope we don't get anything bigger.

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They've been warning us about the "BIG ONE" for the last two decades or longer. If it happens, it happens. I see no sense in worrying about it. I've lived here my whole life. Mom says one hit when I was a baby (30 some odd years ago) that caused the concrete floor to roll but other than that, only the occasional little tremor that I somehow always seem to miss.


Why am I so blase over it? Well, you can't stop it, can't prevent it, can't really predict it. So why waste time worrying over something you can't change?

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One of the books I'm currently reading is Bill Bryson's 'A Short History of Nearly Everything' which basically lists every possible disaster that could befall us. Makes you realise how very small and insignificant we all are in the hostile environment of our universe. So I'm with Relic Raider: no point in worrying about it if we can't influence it. Besides, as my friend Eva was always wont to say, even if you were prepared for every natural catastrophe, you could still fall under a bus tomorrow anyway :lol (Touch wood - God forbid!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The IL quake woke me up (I live across the state, near MO) and I just laid in bed, then after it was over got on the PC and went to the USGS website--it took about 15 minutes for the info to come across. Well, by that time I was wide awake, so I got ready to head to work.


That area has had about 25+ aftershocks in the past week--makes ya wonder if there isn't a big one in the making. But there's not a whole lot to be done for it, so I'll just keep on hookin'.

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Wow. You all get up early! We felt it in Bloomington, IN. It woke me. I woke my hubby and told him I think we had an earthquake. He said its probably just a wind storm, and we both went back to sleep. When we finally got up and turned on the news we learned it was an earthquake.

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They say there's lots of fault lines under the New England area (east coast), but I've never heard about an earthquake here in Mass. I say whatever happens, happens. I'd rather crochet/live than worry about what "might happen".

Ellie 13

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