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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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Done with M79 for today! I'm going to spend all of next week on the CRW's and will show photos on Friday. Maybe they will be done or at least the first one could be done by then we'll see. :lol

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop in and encourage ya all to keep on crocheting! I have figured out how to type a bit, but this will be short as it's a pain. Can't wait to see all the finished projects that have happened since I've been gone and WOW are you guys making progress!:crocheting



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aaaaah, just when you all thought you were caught up....




still rainy and dreary here. Good day to sleep.


Me - Bear Claw R108

Me - Test M15

Tracy - S308

Wendy - caught up (S71)

Heather- M80

Brenda - M49

Donna - Train R30**

Sherri - S236 bumped

Laura - SLIPPERS R17

Jeannie - Children S129

Roxy - Square

Karen - on hold

Shelby - Scrap tossed to the bottom of the queue

Meegan - Prayer caught up R33

Honey - S11

Cats - R100

Janet - Afghan R38

Pickles - Ripple on hold

Cindy - Wedding M14

Dianne - Panels R398

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:oops hope I didn't upset anyone haven't been on here in a couple days, haven't been :crocheting the last couple days. :ohdear. I have been :juggle to much!


Honey Dew, glad all the folks had a good time at their picnic. I should be there Friday :woohoo. I miss Lake Michigan :cry


What are you testing Krystal?


Good job on getting your yarn sorted Tracey!


:help I have fallen off the Roll Call on my butterfly ghan I have 239/499 hexagons. I have to sew them all together. I am jumping back and forth between making the hexagons and sewing together. It will have27 rows and I need about 2 days to sew each row on

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:cheer:yayWill be glad to see you then on friday. Get going on those hexagons girl!

I have thirteen, count them, thirteen squares done:yay Two ahead. I don't know if I want to hold them for later or what but it's getting close to the end of June. That is the deadline for the squares. Just got a new person to make a square.

Christie, bobby wouldn't come home with me tonight:(. Had to leave him at Bob's house. Little brat.:lol He likes making his own decisions. So now I have to get up early and go over there till the sitter arrives.:(

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A nice sunny day here finally!


Me - Bear Claw R110

Me - Test Afghan M32

Tracy - S312

Wendy - Both S72

Heather- M81

Brenda - M49

Donna - Train R33**

Sherri - S258

Laura - SLIPPERS R18

Jeannie - Children S129

Roxy - Square

Karen - on hold

Shelby - Scrap tossed to the bottom of the queue

Meegan - New Prayer R6

Honey - caught up

Cats - R101*

Janet - Afghan R39*

Pickles - Ripple on hold

Cindy - Wedding M16

Dianne - Panels R400

Christi - hex 240

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Krystal - good morning! I worked on my scrapaghan last night and I'm on row 24. So we can go from there. I know I have to do alot of rows to catch up to be done by Nov. 1st.

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