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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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I think I will join this CAL as I have few WIPs with a lot of rows. Two WIPs are xmas gifts. One is for the shadow knit KAL that I am going to start up again. I have few others as well.


Do I have to figure out how many rows per project that need to be completed ? Or do I start from what I already done with the projects ?


Xmas gifts need to be done by beginning of December as I will visit some friends early in December. Shadow Knit KAL project have about 30 rows. I want to finish it officially by Labor Day.


Can anyone help me with the calculations ? I can make an official post with projects, deadline dates and rows per project if needed.

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Krystal I'm going to stop on my graph ghan for now. I am thinking of frogging it and changing it. I haven't fully decided yet. So for now I'm just going to set it aside and try to figure it out by the end of the month.

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Laura - if you do R51 today, you'll finish on 9/4.


Dianne - What you need to find out is this:

1. Approximately how many rows in the entire project.

2. How many rows you have completed.

3. Name of the project.

4. Date you want it done by.


Do this for each project, and I will figure out how much/what you have to do and post for you. We can adjust it if you need to as we go.


Donna - OK, I"ll move the graphghan over to my inactive side of the spreadsheet. Do you have another project going?

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Well I have the train ghan that I could add to here. I need to have it completely finished by July 1st. It has 45 rows and 13 appliques. I have 4 rows finished and 6 appliques made. So I only have 41 rows and 7 appliques left to do. Plus I will need at least one day to sew it all together.

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Tracy - Cuddle S272

Wendy - Both S62 - caught up

Heather - CRW M71

Brenda - CRW M45 - getting caught up

Donna - need new project

Sherri - Vacationing

Laura - Slippers - R8****** - ARE YA WORKIN ON 'EM?

Laura - R51

Jeannie - Children S129 - How's it going?

Roxy - Square*****

Karen - On Sabbatical

Shelby - Scrap R19

Meegan - Prayer R26

Honey - Afghan S6.5

Cats - Basket R91

Christi - Stole r25*

Janet - Afghan R29********

Pickles - Ripple R38

Cheerios - Mater R240*******



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I am finished with my ghan!!!! I got done this morning. I am giving it to my bf's grandson for his 1st birthday today. Whew! I am glad I finished!!!! I will post pics sometime soon...

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I got M70 done. one more hard row to go then it will be easy going for a month while I do 32 small heptagons. :D (I'll probably do 2 or more a day though some days we'll see :lol )

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:oops ok...I will have row 25 done tonight...maybe even row 26. Grandkids went home with their mom and my 15 year old DD is staying with her to help out and DH works all night. Just me and my :crocheting. :ty Krystal for helping me keep it straight
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I have completed all my 2 round squares for my babette blanket, but have had to frog 4 rounds of my RR as I found a mistake, so it's gonna put me back a bit untill I catch up.

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I am sort of caught up! I don't have 6.5 done, lol, but I have six done and I will look at the yarn for the seventh. Does that count? I did it while watching House season three, disc 3. Where House fakes he has cancer. Had me going. Anyone else watch House? Now we need to get disc four, but it was gone at the video store.

Christy I had to feed Larry's snake once, are you going to feed the snake? That was creepy, kind of scary because if he started to choke I was supposed to reach in there and give him the heimlich. That's what he told me. Ew.

I am sorry Eric is in the hospital again, Christy. I assume that's who it is.

I ate a doughnut for supper, now not feeling so hot, wonder why? Stupid me.

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Uh... Can we say diabetes and doughnuts don't go together??especially for a meal! :reyes. I needed an extra snack tonight and I chose brussel sprouts. I wish I still lived close I would kick your butt :kick course I will be there in a couple weeks!

They did two biopsies on Eric. They put him under to do it because he was fighting them. Hopefully tomorrow they will know for sure what is going on.

I won't save the snake from choking on a rat YUCK. It is Colts new pet, he will always have to be the one to feed it!

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Drum Roll Please.... ND = No Deadline


1. (3) I-Cord Keychains - 234/710 (June 22nd) (1/3 keychains completed)

2. Knit Shadow Potholder - 5/30 (Sept 1st)

3. 3 Panels Throw - 348/530 (Dec 1st)

4. Car Diagonal Blanket - 248/496 (ND)

5. Seed Stitch Scarf - 48/112 (ND)

6. Checkboard Throw - 22/400 (ND)

7. Textured Blanket - 50/2511 :eek (ND) (contain 7 strips)

8. 3SUB - 40/136 (ND)

9. Multi-Layered scarf - 616/660 (ND)


I put away the xmas diagonal blanket in the frogged category, too many errors in it. I might redo it with new yarns. :yes


Krystal, I would like to focus on first three projects for Row a Day CAL. The rest will be counted as the part of Wheel CAL. I still have more WIPs on the list but I don't want to add more at this time. :blush

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