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Whip the WIPs in 2009 !!! - Row A Day CAL


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Brenda, I hope your DH feels better soon!


Krystal, I'm finished with row 31. I'm going to shoot for 4 a day until it's done. When is that you ask? Um .. err ... when I think it's big enough ... lol

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I finished row 37 and I am running out of black yarn for the round ripple. I just got more yarn for the shawl! I did my row on the shawl. I did a scarf today too in thick yarn. It goes real quick when you use a thick yarn and a big hook! It was called a cravat which is as far as I could tell a short scarf. Very easy pattern. Brenda, I am sorry your husband is in the hospital, that is a nasty infection from the antibiotics so I hope they can get him well soon.

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I didn't get any crocheting at all done today. My dh is in the hospital with c. dif. A not so nice colon infection. So between work, my son and going with dh to dr visit and hospital I have been busy all day. I will try and make some more time tomarrow and sat. to crochet as I am going through withdrawls right now. :lol I need the stress relief. Krystal~I will let you know if I need my m# put back or something.


What a horrible infection! I hope it gets resolved very quickly.

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Tracy Cuddle S188 -where are you?

Tracy Blanket R171

Wendy - Both S44 - PUT DOWN THAT ATW!!!

Heather - CRW M51

Brenda - CRW M39

Sherri - S188

Laura - R35

Jeannie - Square

Jeannie - Children S135 - You there?

Roxy - Baby R110

Roxy - Square

Karen - Sweater R86 Hello?

Shelby - Scrap R18 Is anyone else out there?

Sore - Afghan R92

Sore - Scarf R207

Meegan - June Squares

Honey - Shawl R36

Honey - Afghan R39

Catsncr - Basket R73 (bumped)

ffsweety - Sweater R33

Kristen - diagonal 19

Christi - Afghan Hex 244

Sunflower - Shawl R15 -Are you there, too?

Britt - Baby R32

Cindy - Granny - R35

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Donna.. Thanks for the search name

Honey Dew.. I have some black yarn, come here i'll give it to you! If the shawl is big enough for Ken it will fit Kathleen.

Cindy.. I LOVE the blue star

Krystal.. Never see your name on the roll call, how are you doing? I offer my loving encouragment to you!

ldyer1..LOL that was good!

Ffsweety..Sorry to hear about your friend!

Brenda..hope your DH is going to be ok

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I have decided to incur the wrath of the bat and not take the latchhook with me on my mini break this weekend. I do this with a heavy heart. I fear that the mode of travel and being in a strange place will result in loss that cannot be undone. Therefore, I will be forced to pay for this decision greatly in weeks to come as I attempt to continue towards my goal.


Forgive me all...

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Hello all. Thanks for all the well wishes, I will pass them on to dh. He is on the mend. They are talking of a possible release of tomarrow! :cheer He will still be on meds but will be home to rest and able to help occupy our son. Ds seems to know when dad isn't here and acts up. :devil Bathrooms have been bleached, bedding washed and hands scrubbed so we are ready for him to come home.

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o and no progress to report for yesterday or so far today. And I have decided starting a new project must be atleast partly connected to stress. I have two that I really want to start instead of working on the crw. :lol

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Sorry Krystal. I've been lurking. Busy with life at the moment so I am behind on the scrap. Will catch up over the weekend...just keep posting where I should be and I'll get there the next day or so.

Brenda - my sympathy, can't imagine how your poor DH feels.

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I am probably not going to crochet tonight, I will have to play catch up. I wish I could come and get the yarn from you Christi. Alas, I could afford the yarn more than I could afford the trip as you know. I have to wait untill I get to the store again. SSo the afghan is on hold. I can put in one spoke maybe. I will talk to you all tommarro.

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I got M51 done now I need to be on hold for a few days since I'm going out of town and can't take it with me. Technically I'm ahead anyway so losing a few days won't hurt me :lol

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I am probably not going to crochet tonight, I will have to play catch up. I wish I could come and get the yarn from you Christi. Alas, I could afford the yarn more than I could afford the trip as you know. I have to wait untill I get to the store again. SSo the afghan is on hold. I can put in one spoke maybe. I will talk to you all tommarro.


Honey - what color are you needing? If it's something I have here, I can send it to you.



Tracy Cuddle S192 ****

Tracy Blanket R175 ****

Wendy - Both S45 *****

Heather - CRW M52

Brenda - CRW M40 *****

Sherri - caught up

Laura - R36 **

Jeannie - Square *******

Jeannie - Children S138 - *******

Roxy - Baby R111 *******

Roxy - Square *****

Karen - Sweater R88 **

Shelby - Scrap R19 *******

Sore - Afghan R93 ***

Sore - Scarf R217 **

Meegan - June Squares

Honey - Shawl R37*

Honey - Afghan R40 **

Catsncr - Basket R78 (bumped)

ffsweety - Sweater R36 *****

Kristen - diagonal 20 *****

Christi - Afghan Hex 248 **

Sunflower - Shawl R16 *****

Britt - Baby R34 *

Cindy - Granny - R39*


I have put a * next to your name for each day that I have you as "behind". Five *s means that I don't have you marked as doing the rows for those days. If you've done them and not posted, just let me know.


If you're NOT going to catch up, let me know and I'll adjust your rows.

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