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Spring FBB


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I've made another one. They are quite addictive! This time yellow Red Heart yarn with red polka-dot lining. Also made a bigger latch than just putting on some magnet thingies. I learned from my last on that once you fattened it up you couldn't close it. I'm hoping spring will come here soon. :flowerEnjoy!





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Thank you everyone! I really enjoy making these and the possibilities seem endless of color combos, accessories, and sizes. I appreciate all your kind comments it keeps me going on crazy days! :manyheart:hook:hug

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Awww I love it ... I am currently finishing one (my first) and I have no idea how to do the lining, I mean what shape or things, care to share any tips?

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Awww I love it ... I am currently finishing one (my first) and I have no idea how to do the lining, I mean what shape or things, care to share any tips?


Sure thing. First do the lining before adding the handle. I lay my fabric underneath the bag. I like to stretch my bag long ways and width ways and kind of mark it on the fabric. Then I give it a inch cutting around the bag. I then fold the edges half an inch and leave yourself some crochet room cause you are going to need it. I like my fabric to be baggy so I have stretching room when it is complete. Then just finish the last steps to attach your handles. Sorry if this is at all confusing. Here is a great tutorial. Just something I like is to give everything a good stretch so you don't end up with a tiny bag.

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