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stop when you've had enough

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I started a project last night; I was very excited....all was going well, then it got to a point where I had to frog a few rows several times over. I was reading, rereading, crocheting, and frogging. I finally decided it was too late to function, time to put it down and go to bed, no matter how interested in making it I was, because even tho I wanted to continue...the pattern was becoming nonsense to me. Fortunately when I revisited it this morning, it was no longer gibberish and I've completed it to a point where I'm ready to tackle the next part :lol. I've had a pattern or two in the past that made no sense (to me) the way it was written; that is, the way I was interpreting it...before I reached that "voila" moment when it made sense....but never before did I have to just put it down, walk away, and go to bed because my desire to crochet was stronger than my ability to properly comprehend. Anyone ever in the same boat? :think

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Especially with a lot of changes in a row. Sometimes it's not even really hard, just cannot keep on a roll with the changes & keep having to do a row over again because of a simple mix up. :lol My brain goes dead sometimes with those multiple change rows until it repeats & I get used to it. If it's a difficult pattern that's new to me like cables or I'm getting tired... I have to put it down & walk away for a little while. Then like you, when I come back refreshed, it is like AHA! I've got it! Then you wonder how you didn't get it before :lol

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Why is it that when it's late, and I have to start frogging, I decide that I have to keep trying to fix the same part over and over? :think When I look at the project the next day, I find more mistakes, and have to frog back to where I was when I started getting tired. :eek Would have saved myself a whole lot of frustration (and frogging) if I'd just put down the work and gone to bed....why can't I do that??? :irk

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I have a book with doily patterns that eats my lunch on a regular basis. I work on it for awhile, put it aside & then come back to it. Somehow it always makes more sense when I do that. I've found that when I try to push through I make too many mistakes & end up frogging all that work.

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:bang This is me at times with patterns. I am doing a PK doily this week and I swear (every row has to be wrong) Til I put it down. Then go back and read it again.


I pretty much have decided I will only crochet during daylight. Maybe do dishcloths but thats it. No more doilies til the wee hours for me.



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I will crochet merrily along to the wee hours of the night, only to pick it up the next day and say what the heck did I do!:think I am the Queen of frogging.:lol And never, ever pick up a project hat you have to count and pay attention to when you have had a few cocktails:eek

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I have learned to stop and put down whatever project I'm working on at 10pm. Anything I've ever worked on after 10pm I always mess up on.


Same with me. Even if it's a pattern I've worked before. It's just like your brain goes into this mode that you cannot crochet anymore without making mistakes. I've learned my lesson after frogging, frogging and frogging. Now I just go to bed and wake up early.

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My latest frustration is that I haven't crocheted regularly in awhile (grrr....grad school) and now I go too long until I'm too tired (because I'm so happy to have time to during spring break) and then my tension goes to pot! I measure it and am off gauge then I have to frog and start over. Ha ha...just go to bed when you're tired, who would've thought?? :P

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I've stayed at something till 4 am just to get it finished,but then there were times I was to tired and made mistakes had to stop and restart the next day.

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I've done that too! Just recently I was working on a square, kinda making it up, and I couldn't get the corners to turn and the piece to "square up" :blush (it had a heart shape in the center that I had to then border to make a square)...I finally quit...10 pm must be the magic hour :yes....the next day I had it figured out much more easily, with much less frustration...About the only think I can even think about staying up to work on is a basic repetitive stitch...and most times I'd rather sleep than work "so many sc, across, turn" when I'm that tired :lol

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I've done that. Tried to work on something before giong to bed (especially if it's a gift I have to finish). But then had to put it down because I could not work on it any longer. The next day I worked faster and better then right before deciding to call it quits for the night.


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I had that happen to me with the skirt of a little clothespin angel. I spent hours trying to figure it out and I just could not GET it. I wasted a ton of thread trying to figure it out and even ended up making a couple that I knew were wrong, but they looked okay so I just considered them done. Finally one night as I was laying in bed about a week later and it just hit me, a total AH HAH! moment. Next morning I tried it again and it worked out perfectly =)

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It doesn't really even matter what time of the day or night it is for me, if I have a lot of distractions, it can be the middle of the afternoon and I can crochet a few rows, get distracted, and when I go back and look at what I did I feel like "OMG, whose hands was I using when I did this? And why didn't they tell me I was messing up so badly!?" :lol

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Are we getting so old we can't :crocheting past 10 :blush? I used to do my best work between 11 PM and 2 AM :yes (nothing on TV, no distractions). Now I'm messing up by 9:30, frogging and :yawn a lot by 10. Oh to be young again :sigh.

Ellie 13

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Sometimes it's not the late hour that determines if I have to frog a lot... once in a while I just can't seem to keep from making mistakes. But, I make more if I keep at it until the wee hours, so I usually lay it down between 9 and 10... regardless.

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Are we getting so old we can't :crocheting past 10 :blush? I used to do my best work between 11 PM and 2 AM :yes (nothing on TV, no distractions). Now I'm messing up by 9:30, frogging and :yawn a lot by 10. Oh to be young again :sigh.

Ellie 13

Me too. Kids in bed, DH working, mindless tv...perfect time to crochet, crochet, crochet. Now I'm begging for my body not to poop out before the kids! And I'm only in my 30s...:sigh


I am currently testing a pattern for a fellow 'Viller. Last night I crossed out one of the rows and corrected it 3x!! Finally I realized it was my mistake..It's been a long weekend!

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Frogging: pulling crochet stitches out and starting again. Ripit-Ripit-Ripit, like a frog :lol. At the beginning of the forum there's a list of all the abbreviations and what they mean. Check it out. I didn't know 1/2 the stuff people were talking about when I first came here, and I've been :crocheting for 30+ years. You always learn something new here.

Ellie 13

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I have done this many times, I am excited and want to crochet and keep going, but the tireder I am, The more screw ups I do. My stubborn side doesnt want to put it down and keep going, but I eventually get frustrated and give in and put it down.I end up getting mad at myself fore being so stubborn and doing more work than I had too, LOL.



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I once had a project where I made a mistake like 15 or 20 rows back and had to frog it. I think did that like 2 or 3 times on the same project. One night I ripped back all those stitches and the next morning I realized I understood the pattern wrong when I frogged it. I actually had it right the first time. Talk about frustration!

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