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Let's talk about appreciation for crochet gifts we've given

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I would love to hear about the thanks and appreciation that you have received for crochet gifts you have given. Since this is the gift-giving time of year, and a lot of us are feeling stress, it seems like a good topic.


Here's my story: I made an afghan for my cousin-in-law's birthday. He lives several states away so had to send it to him. We called him today. He said he really likes it, commented on how lightweight and warm it is, said he is looking forward to wrapping up in it, said it was just the right size, and even asked me how long it took to make it:c9 When we got off the phone, my husband said, "well, I think you had a success".

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how nice of him to Thank You. not very many people do that nowadays.

if you think about hardly anyone does that anymore. you always have to ask if they rec'd it or do they like it.



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One of my nephews, who never asks for anything, btw, asked me to make him a pair of slippers for a holiday visit to WV. I made them and sent them off. The day he got them, he called me to thank me. He said they were exactly what he wanted, they fit perfectly, and he was wearing them as we spoke. THAT made me feel good!

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My daughter-in-law took the afghan I made her for her birthday to the hospital with her when she went into labor with my grandson. Two years later she and my grandson still like to cuddle up in it. She just told me the other day again how much she loves it! It just thrilled me to have someone like something that I had made them.

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I think my MIL liked the blanket I gave her for her birthday. She did say she thought it was pretty and liked the colors. Admittedly, it was a hard time. I gave it to her when we went out to OK because FIL had just passed. I also had a blanket for FIL (both their birthdays are in October). She appreciated that one too. I haven't really given any other things as gifts to people I know, I've donated lots of stuff to Project Linus....

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I will be giving an afghan to my mom and a round ripple to my MIL for Christmas. The afghan I made my mom looks like a quilt. It is made from 2inch grannies and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever made. I probably have over 100 hours into it! I am giving it to her with all my love, but I hope she appreciates it! The round ripple I am giving my MIL is the second most beautiful thing I have ever made! My husband now wants one for our bed...and that is saying a lot. He always just says, yeah that's nice...not this time. I will have to let you all know!

*I took pics yesterday, and now have to figure out how to post.( I have never posted pics)



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I have had a couple of requests for things, and they were much appreciated. I made a remote control holder for my in-laws, and they still love it! It hangs on their headboard. I made a hat for my cousin's little girl last year. And now she is asking for one for the baby and her little girl this year. :D I am awaiting some smiles on Christmas when I give the afghans I made and the other gifts I have made for people. It really makes you feel good when people appreciate the things you give to them. Oh yea, every time I have taken things to the local children's hospital I get a lot of ewws and ahhs. That's a good feeling too.

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I got the ultimate reaction and I will never not make crocheted gifts again...We are as largeg family so we buy gifts for the children that is anywhere from 10 to 16 depending on which family is yours. Then we pick names for one adult. Last chrisdtmas I made personalized pillows for the kids when they opened them the volume in the room increased by 200% they were running around squealing and one of the younger ones looked right at his older sister and said "my piddow sissy" she had gotten hers for her birthday that year and she lorded it over him. More recently I asked on of the older kiddos..well she is 7..what her favorite color was for her birthday gift and she said "are you making me something?" I told her that it was too close to make anything and her face fel and said I really want you to make me something.. So that is the appreciation i get.

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My first gift I ever made (actually, my first ever 'real' project) was a toddler sized blanket for my neices' 1st birthday. I dropped and added so many stitches the edges were wavy, which I hid with a cute border, but I knew the mistakes were there......anyways, she is 4 years old now and that is HER blankie! She takes it everywhere with her. Even out to the barn. LOL When she is sick, she wants blankie, sad.....blankie. That makes me feel really good that I made her what comforts her the most.

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I made separate throws for my pre-teen niece and nephew; hers a veriegated pink and purple, and his camo with a black border. Well, they were thrilled to have their own throws and my sister couldn't say enough about how much they were appreciated and how talented I am and on and on.


A dear old friend was in tears when I presented her with a huge afghan (she's 6 ft. tall). I had made it last summer when she was having a terrible time with her family and I couldn't be with her at the time, so had to give it to her last month and told her when and why I made it


Dishcloths have been gratefully received. A cousin and a friend only use the ones I've made. Of course, the small afghans and lapghans donated are always appreciated - especially in the nursery and the nursing home (beginning and ending :cry).

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One of my colleagues moved to the D.C. area from California. Ever since the cold weather began, she has been cold. So I made her a hat. She was so happy and appreciative when I gave it to her. She couldn't stop telling me how much she appreciated it. It made me feel so good that I helped someone feel warmer in the cold weather.

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I sent a scarf and 2 pairs of slippers to an elderly relative as a "thank you" for taking me out to lunch when I visited family in Illinois. She has thanked me everytime I've talked to her since!

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I made a big afghan for my older brother a couple of years ago, after he admired the baby afghans I'd made for our nieces. We picked out the colors together.


When it was finished, I actually mailed it to my mom so she could see it too. She opened it up, admired it, folded it up on top of the couch, and called my brother to tell him it was there (he lives in the area).


He came over when no one was home and looked all over the house trying to find the afghan my mom said was "folded up in the living room". He saw it right away, of course, but thought "well, it can't be THAT one, it's too perfect, they must have bought that one somewhere"!


I've made eight baby blankets for nieces and nephew and gotten two thank you notes (and one thank you in person since I was there when the mom opened it). But I always figure that that's the absolute busiest time of life for the parents...


...and I had one of the best acknowledgments of all when I visited my sister once and saw all three of her girls' baby blankets in the playroom, obviously well-used and still in use!


(One of those thank you notes was that ever popular one to make crocheters grown--well-meant, but misplaced: "The blanket is so nice! You could sell those!")

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I made a scarf for my sister one summer ages ago because I was bored, and she still thanks me for it whenever she sees me. I also just gave a scarf I had made last night to one of my best friends today and she liked it so much she put it on right then. (the fact that it's snowing outside and we're in Texas def. helped) I made it in her school colors because I know she will get more use out of it that way at football games and such cheering on the Baylor bears.

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I made my brother a scarf last year for Christmas, as he requested, and sent it to Germany as he was there at the time, serving as a missionary. Well, now he's back and going to college, and I didn't know if I'd ever see the scarf again--maybe he was tired of it, maybe it got too worn, or maybe it wasn't "cool" enough for his college friends.


Just saw him last night, and he was wearing the scarf! It looked beautiful and brand-new, and though he's not gushing with thanks, I know he likes it. (What's funny is that he bought a hat several years ago and it turns out this scarf matches it almost exactly for color--dark red, grey, and black.) This same brother asked for an afghan for Christmas and I will report his reaction when he gets it--if I finish it, that is. I started it less than 48 hours ago and still have a few feet to go. :D


I made a scarf for my sister and she wears it everywhere. I also can't wait to hear my mom's reaction when she opens the gorgeous Crochet Garden scarf and matching mittens I made her...sure hope the package gets to Wisconsin in time!

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it's nice to hear that there are some people who appreciate the love that you guys have put into your projects. it's a shame that people aren't as nice as they should be. it only takes a second to say thank you.

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I gave my friend a gift of scarf and some Christmas things yesterday.

She was so happy! she jumped up and gave me a big hug. She put the scarf on right away. Then she told everyone who made it for her. So I know she liked it.


Last night a gave another friend some crocheted things also and she loved also. I also got a big hug.


The rest of my crocheted gifts have not been opened yet, but I'm sure they will like them also.


The best part is just getting a hug and hearing you made this for me!!!!!


I was also recieved a scarf in the mail today from a friend I met here.

I love it and I'm wearing right now. I wish I could give her a hug so she knows how much I like it

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I made three of the Martha Stewart Coming Home ponchos for three little girls (sisters) that are friends of my family. They wear them everywhere! To school, after school activities, around the house, etc. Their mom told me the ponchos were a huge hit and the girls couldn't wait until it was cold enough to wear them. I love seeing them enjoy what I made.

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My grandson won't go to bed without his Elmo blanket (graph ghan). My sister-in-law loved her scarf so much that she learned to crochet just so she could make more! My Father-in-law loved his college teams football graph ghan so much that he called, sent a card of thanks, and 2 emails!! I couldn't believe how much he loves it!


I am very pleased with those reactions! I couldn't asks for better.


To be honest, my mother- and father-in-law's reaction is probably a response of what happened when my mother-in-law showed the blanket to her friend who crochets. I doubt either of them had any clue of the amount of work that went into the blanket until she saw it and had a cow:eek!



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Considering some of the "bad" homes my stitched gifts have gone to... my husband youngest brother and his family like everything I give them. the girls wear the ponchos, play with the toys. and one of the brothers wanted to know where is cross stitched angel was from his wedding (I needlepointed him a rug, nieces and nephews get angels) This youngest brother loves the afghan I gave him, his wife said he practally slept with it in the winter. Makes it all worth while doesn't it?

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About 10 years ago, I made X-mas trees that you could hang on your wall (like at your office or your kitchen) and gave them to all the family members. Anyway unknown to me, one of the X-members of the family (to me they are still family) emailed me frantically saying I can't find the tree you made me and if you have time can you make another. I was really so touched that it was so important to her that I quickly made another one and when I was gluing each and every sequin I remembered why I don't make more (hehehehee) and I sent it last week. So sometimes even if they don't immediately say how wonderful it is, they may do it later :) She thanked me over and over again and she said my niece and nephew said "it just isn't X-mas unless we put up the Aunt Eva tree" HA.

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