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chinese auction frustration!

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So my hubby's work xmas party was yesterday. Everyone was to bring a $10 item for the chinese auction. If you brought something in, that employee got 10 tickets to use for the auction.


So I made a really pretty scarf with that thick crocheted fringe in our football team's colors. The steelers are HUGE here. Anything with the steelers logo or colors sells VERY well. I know this scarf is valued at more than $10 but I didn't "charge" for my time. Anyway....


Only 3 people put a ticket in my scarf's auction bag! I was so depressed! This was a really nice scarf. Very well made (if I do say so myself).


People were putting tickets in bags for boring ornaments, a bad chinese made wreath, etc.


I guess people don't appreciate homemade things anymore.

A little girl won my scarf and she was tickled pink that she won it. So that at least made me feel better about it. But I'm still bothered by it the next day.


bah humbug!

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There's no accounting for taste sometimes.


I make artist teddybears and was doing a craft show a few years ago. I sold only one bear. But I watched someone walk out with a skeleton made from milk containers.


There's no accounting for taste.

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milk containers?! that is priceless. giggling and snorting here at the mental picture. don't be so down. you made that little girl very happy. especially at christmas. that might be one of her cristmas presents for someone in her family. i love handmade/homemade stuff. it shows that you do care. store bought junk is worthless.


merry Christmas from Max and Daizy


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we had a dirty santa game at our zone party yesterday. everyone made fun of my potholders, they didn't know who made them I am guessing. they were the chickens which normally everyone loves. but this time of year people are greedy and only want the big stuff. :sigh

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we had a dirty santa game at our zone party yesterday. everyone made fun of my potholders, they didn't know who made them I am guessing. they were the chickens which normally everyone loves. but this time of year people are greedy and only want the big stuff. :sigh


that really stinks! i'd be so upset if people were making fun of my stuff i made.

did you tell people that you made them? i bet they felt dumb after that!

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I can empathize with you. Where I used to work we would have a gift exchange where you draw numbers, then #1 opens a gift. #2 can either open a gift or steal the first gift, etc. Every year there would be one gift that everyone went nuts over. A couple times I made gifts and no one seemed to like them at all. One year I bought handmade things and no one liked them either. They would go nuts over a flashlight or plastic Santa made in China. Always gave me a bad case of the Bah Humbugs. :smiling


I would always tell myself not to let it get to me, but it always did. Anyway, it is good that someone who did like the scarf got it. Say, i just thought, is it possible that people knew the little girl wanted it, so they didn't bid against her?


Anyway, Merry Christmas, everybody!

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Yep, the people who REALLY wanted it bid for it.

(Or maybe, they knew she really loved it and wanted her to get it.)


I was a little disappointed at an art show where I sold some pieces in a silent auction "Not many bids" I said... but then I saw the grins on the people who got my amigurumi! It made my weekend.

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we take gag gifts to our sunday school class party and i refuse to waste money so i always make a set of the same 10 ornaments to give away. I have to hide the bag so no one will know which one is mine because they always fight over them. The first year they thought my grandmother must of made them but when they found out i did that was it.

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Leaette, I know how you feel. Two years ago, I made a shawl for my church holiday auction, and not one person bid on it. As I recall, there wasn't even a minimum bid required; you could bid anything! I ended up taking it back home with me, but it found a good home with a girlfriend who was ecstatic when I gave it to her. One more reason why I don't give anything to anyone unless they ask for it or I know for a fact they love homemade things.

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we had a dirty santa game at our zone party yesterday. everyone made fun of my potholders, they didn't know who made them I am guessing. they were the chickens which normally everyone loves. but this time of year people are greedy and only want the big stuff. :sigh


Wish I was there!! I just bought the book to make those chicken potholders and I will be making them too! Whoever I give them to better appreciate them......I have given up making things for exchanges. I think sometimes people are just wanting to get something they can regift. So, I just buy something, usually a food related thing, that everyone will like. My husband is going to his office chinese exchange tomorrow and I didn't make a thing. I feel better that way, because he never brings anything back that I would want.

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I went to a holiday gift exchange two weeks ago where everyone picked a number. One could either choose a gift or steal one that had already been opened. The gift I opened was a beautiful pink and white knit scarf. I was thrilled that no one stole it. It was a long wait because I was number six and we had nineteen people at the party. The whole time I was trying to keep the scarf somewhat concealed so no one could notice it. Afterward, I thanked the lady who made it. That evening I showed the scarf to my daughter and the first thing she said was that she wanted it. I told her we would have to share it. I'll post a picture.:)

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That's why there are some people in my extended family for whom I will not make anything. They simply don't "get it"...I guess, if they're happier with a relatively mindless giftcard (no offense, I love it when I get one for Hobby Lobby after all, esp. if no one finds the book I want :)) anyway, if they prefer a gift card, then that's what I'll do. Saves me time on something they won't appreciate anyway. :P

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I think I won't make anything else for gift exchanges. Unless you have to pick a name out of a hat and you know that person likes handmade items.


I'll just go to Walmart and buy some cheap "made in china" decoration and then I'll be done with it. It's a heck of a lot shorter in time than making something.

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i have never done a gift exchange or a xmas party at work, but i make a lot of things and my daughter never really says much. last year i took a chance and made a beautiful simple bag with a long strap on it, made a latch out of a big chinese jewelry type coin.then felted it. sent it and waited.she absolutely loved it!!! i was so tickled that it past my daughters approval!(which isnt easy to do.)

and isnt it funny in exchanges like the ones you speak of that the crafter in the bunch doesnt usually end up with the crafted prize, acck! i would love for someone to make me something. dani

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I don't think it's that they don't appreciate homemade things. I think it's more like they don't see the value in time and materials of something homemade. Purchased items have an obvious value - the cost of the item. You can't see that with homemade items because there's nothing to compare it to.


Be comforted in knowing that the girl who won the scarf really wanted it and is very happy.

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  • 1 month later...

I made silverware chimes and donated them for an auction in our town, and only got $5, the silverware was worth more than that. The funny thing is I've had people ask me to drill holes in their silverware for them to make the same thing:lol



So my hubby's work xmas party was yesterday. Everyone was to bring a $10 item for the chinese auction. If you brought something in, that employee got 10 tickets to use for the auction.


So I made a really pretty scarf with that thick crocheted fringe in our football team's colors. The steelers are HUGE here. Anything with the steelers logo or colors sells VERY well. I know this scarf is valued at more than $10 but I didn't "charge" for my time. Anyway....


Only 3 people put a ticket in my scarf's auction bag! I was so depressed! This was a really nice scarf. Very well made (if I do say so myself).


People were putting tickets in bags for boring ornaments, a bad chinese made wreath, etc.


I guess people don't appreciate homemade things anymore.

A little girl won my scarf and she was tickled pink that she won it. So that at least made me feel better about it. But I'm still bothered by it the next day.


bah humbug!

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  • 1 year later...

I recently donated two baby afghans to a charity auction. They sold for just $20 each.


I also made an ABC afghan for the Ukraine Mission Trip craft fundraiser. Several people ooh'd and aah'd over it, but no one bought it (or even made an offer on it). After several weeks, I snatched it back and gave it away.


I have now told my husband that I will NEVER make anything to try to sell again because I'd really rather just give it away to someone who appreciates it rather than selling it to someone who doesn't value my work. (Yes, I really NEVER is a very long time, but I'm so upset by it ...)

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perhaps i have a different way of looking at it. I have a philosophy that what is meant to be will be (pretty standard, unexceptional frame of mind). perhaps the universe, God, God spirit, what ever you call it, wanted the little girl to have it and kept others from bidding on it.


it may have been that she's been having a rough time in her life, and needed it for comfort. or she was planning to give it to a friend/ family member who was having a rough time and needed it to feel hope, and love, and that someone cares.


just a diff perspective on it all (shrugs)


Sandy of the twisted minded

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I know this is an old thread, but I had to add my 2 cents. I recently had to co-workers who where having babies, and had some scrap baby yarn laying around, blue and white, and both where having boys. I made a big granny square and one with small squares stitched together. One mommy-to-be's eyes got big and tears came to her eyes and she held it to her cheek and smiles at me, gave me a big hug. It was the first thing homemade that anyone had given her for the baby. The second mommy-to-be took it out and give me a funny look and said "What is it?" I had to laugh, and told her it was a baby blanket. She was holding it between her finger and thumb, like it was dirty. She mubbled a thank you and that was that. I guess it takes all kinds and I am happy at least that one of them liked it, even sent me a picture of her newborn laying on the blanket I made for her. that right tere made both worth it :D Anyway just thought I would share.

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I know this is an old thread, but I had to add my 2 cents. I recently had to co-workers who where having babies, and had some scrap baby yarn laying around, blue and white, and both where having boys. I made a big granny square and one with small squares stitched together. One mommy-to-be's eyes got big and tears came to her eyes and she held it to her cheek and smiles at me, gave me a big hug. It was the first thing homemade that anyone had given her for the baby. The second mommy-to-be took it out and give me a funny look and said "What is it?" I had to laugh, and told her it was a baby blanket. She was holding it between her finger and thumb, like it was dirty. She mubbled a thank you and that was that. I guess it takes all kinds and I am happy at least that one of them liked it, even sent me a picture of her newborn laying on the blanket I made for her. that right tere made both worth it :D Anyway just thought I would share.


I made a crochet baby blankie for my cousin, and as I was finishing up and told her about it, she remarked "oh, well, at least the baby can spit up on it. I have some really cute ones from (name brand) for going out."


Blanket got given to a random preggy lady at the mall a few days later. Don't know if she liked it or not, but Cousin didn;t get it, and that's the important thing. (<<<Is a spiteful little thing)


I made a similar one for Other Cousin, and Other Cousin's Baby (henceforth known as "Scooter Butt") loves it. To death. I have repaired it some many times that I'm kinda thinking I don't remember which colors are original, and which are results of "But you HAVE to fix it NOW! Scooter Butt won't take a nap unless its fixed!"


Original, Ungrateful Cousin is pregnant again and guess what she TOLD me I could make?


Good thing she said this to my mom and not to my face....

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your cousin sounds spoilt. doesn't appreciate it when its YOUR idea to make it for her, but how dare you give it away to a stranger; thusly, she NOW wants 1.


though, it may also be her way of apologizing. perhaps she realizes she hurt your feelings before and, doesn't have the guts to admit it. thinking this would soothe feelings.


(and i very much agree w/ the giving it to someone else that you did :) it wasn't spiteful, it was be proud of what you can do, and wanting it appreciated. )


keep standing up for yourself :)


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your cousin sounds spoilt. doesn't appreciate it when its YOUR idea to make it for her, but how dare you give it away to a stranger; thusly, she NOW wants 1.


though, it may also be her way of apologizing. perhaps she realizes she hurt your feelings before and, doesn't have the guts to admit it. thinking this would soothe feelings.


(and i very much agree w/ the giving it to someone else that you did :) it wasn't spiteful, it was be proud of what you can do, and wanting it appreciated. )


keep standing up for yourself :)





Its not even that i gave it to a stranger... its that Other Cousin and Scooter Butt love theirs so much.


She's greedy and lazy. She wants something to make her kids as quiet and sweet as Scooter Butt. (It never occours to her to, you know, snuggle or pay attention to her babies that way Other Cousin does Scooter Butt...)

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