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Would you believe I haven't worked on my Circle to Square blanket at all this week!? I thought for sure I would work on it at least one day but our weather was unseasonably warm so I switched to a thread shawl project instead. Hoping to get back to the blanket this weekend!



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I started a DRUM AFGHAN CAL !!!! :woo

Good for you! I haven't started a CAL yet. There's also a Stained Glass Window Afghan Cal???? for this pattern idea some used different stitches, but since it's a similar title to the other CAL, maybe having it called something different would be good:yes. And I like Drum Afghan title better for this blanket:lol


Babettes. I did some more squares. I put them on my blog because I'm not sure if I'm keeping them 4 rounds or making them bigger and they're not sewn to anything yet. I know I need 49 of the 4 rounds, so maybe they'll stay 4 rounds.


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i'm gonna have to back out of this cal for a while I just am not gonna get enough time to sit and work on these squares =o( hopefully in a few weeks or a month or so I will be able to come back but at the moment we have a ton going on and just not enough time for it all

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Wendy...your babette looks great...I still haven't gotten to the yarn store yet, so i haven't started my groovy bag :( I did get a couple dishrags done and 8 squares (outta 81) done on my granny afghan. Hoping to get to the yarn store today!!

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I'm rethinking doing the Babette. I think Phil will go cross-eyed if I make it and leave it out (which I would)...my purples will instead be used on a blended RR sometime soon. For this CAL I will make myself a "groovy bag" using the wool I have. That will be faster, too:P

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I'm rethinking doing the Babette. I think Phil will go cross-eyed if I make it and leave it out (which I would)...my purples will instead be used on a blended RR sometime soon. For this CAL I will make myself a "groovy bag" using the wool I have. That will be faster, too:P

Judy you can make your Babette any colors, even one sold color (link to the one on the flicker that saw that done all ready). So if you wanted muted browns you can do that, or even 2 or 3 shades.

Of course you don't have to do one... But those are some ideas if you decide to come back.

I just hate to see the Babette group shrinking... but it probably will pick up too. I understand about all the colors, I'm conserned about it, but plugging along and I know about having WIPs and UFOs...


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Judy the babette is nice but yes it is a lot of squares. Your purples would look great using the ocean waves ripple pattern, just an idea. What groovy bag are you going to make. Cara's daisy duffel would be nice to do.


Mel keep in touch with us in here wont you.:hug


Crissie thanks, what groovy bag pattern are you going to make.

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Wendy - I'm not sure yet :think

dragyn lover had one posted a while ago that I like

( http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=52221 )

and then I found this one

( http://www.angelfire.com/wv/happyghan/gloria1.html )


I think I'm goin with the first one...just gotta get to the yarn store!!!

Hopefully tomorrow...

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I love daisys...is there a pattern for it?


Also, I was just browsin around and saw Krystal16's Daisy Square-A-Thon...its such a great cause, and I'd like to join, and the daisy squares would be cool on the purse!!

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Crissie, the bags look great - I like the second one...i;m leaning toward doing a granny square bag - and felting it.


Debbi - I am floored! I never thought of doing the Babette in one color. It's something to think about...or just 2 shades, instead of more.

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Wendy - I'm not sure yet :think

dragyn lover had one posted a while ago that I like

( http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=52221 )

and then I found this one

( http://www.angelfire.com/wv/happyghan/gloria1.html )


I think I'm goin with the first one...just gotta get to the yarn store!!!

Hopefully tomorrow...

Oh I like the first one too! Maybe with my exra yarn from the Babette. I'll have all the bright colors, I'm sure.


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Hi guys I would love to join you all as soon as I have completed some more of my WIP's.


I started the retro circles throw a few months ago, but it didn't turn out right, made a mistake somewhere so I frogged it. Gonna try again as I have all the yarn, will only do it at home, took it to work b4. That's where I must have made the mistake, not good croching when tired and working nights.


Everyone's work is really good and I especially love the Babette blanket, have seen loads of these on Raverly and I think they are really cool. Would love to make one eventually, but don't know where or if I can get the pattern. I might end up improvising, will see I think I know what pattern the square is, found one very simular in 200 crochet blocks book.

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Yay!! :clap:clap:clap I'm so excited!! I went to WalMart and they just got a new shipment of yarn in! :jumpyay:woo

I got all my colors for my groovy bag and some more peaches n cream for my dishrags.

Lots to do now :cheer


I think I'm gonna go with the first one...Its more my style, but I might make the flap bigger...

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