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I only had one more row to complete......that darn cat!

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I am or was making my mom a doily for her Birthday and was going to complete it this morning, all that was left was the last row.


Well, one of my cats decided to hack up on it sometime last night. :yuck ARRRRGGGHHH, sadly, I had to throw it away. :cry I am so bummed.


I hope it wasn't an insult and this was their way of letting me know they didn't like it. :D:lol It's a good thing there is two of them, I have no idea who the culprit is.


Thanks for listening to me vent.


Any disaster like this ever happened to your crochet projects?

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When I'm not vigilant my kitty heathens carry out similar acts of terrorism on my crochet work as well. The inside cats eat a formulation of catfood designed for sensitive stomachs...It works great. One of the lot throws up nearly every day.:angry


:cat As an unapologetic cat lover I'd like to think that my brood of felines actually love me, but here's a link with a different perspective on dogs and cats.


A Day in the Life of a Dog and a Cat

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I have yarn everywhere and neither of my cats touch it. My daughter moved home with her cat and this one leaves my yarn alone, too. However, whenever she can get hold of it, she grabs my daughter's yarn and spreads it all over, as if she were decorating. I don't know how she has figured out that she should leave grandma's yarn alone. The only crochet she bothers is my coasters, which she will carry around and leave in various places. Maybe she is a knitting snob and only wants mom's knitting and not grandma's crochet?

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:catthinking about getting a kitten for my daughters...may have to think about it a little more. Can you teach a cat to obey?:2nono


Sorry, it's more like they teach you to obey. Our 16 1/2yo cat meows loudly when she wants to go out (we just cannot keep her inside), then knocks to be let back in.

Our younger cat, 4yo, when she needs to get down to the litterbox in the middle of the night will jump up on our bed, walk up and stand close to my head and just stare at me till I get up and open the basement door.

Yup, she's got me trained. During the early training stages, if I did not do what was required, I woke to find an awful smell, and a little 'gift' in the bathroom sink.


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My kitten plays with my yarn as I am crocheting, but never messes with it when it's sitting there. Not even overnight! I used to put away my work at night. When I left out by accident a few times, and she didn't touch it, I was amazed! She sleeps on my FOs a lot though. ;)


The other cat, about 3 yrs old, doesn't ever mess with it. Maybe she taught the kitten to leave it alone?!

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YIKES! You are right, That darn cat! :cat I just thought of something :idea maybe you could dye your peice a different color and you wouldn't see the stain???

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I too have had the joy of my cat yacking on one of my afghans. Fortunately the afghan was washable and the stain came out. My female cat leaves the yarn alone, though she will occasionally try to pounce it as it comes off the ball when I am using it.


The male, on the other hand, loves to drag my FO's around the house if I am not home enough, usually an afghan. He has torn holes in two of them, but they were fixable, thankfully. Now he has his own afghan (so does the female) so he drags that around instead. Because it is not so heavy, he doesn't tear a hole in it. The other thing that the male likes to do is to get a ball of wool and carry it around. He doesn't hurt it, just makes it a scavenger hunt for me to find all my yarn. But, regardless, I love both of my cats, and their company is worth their moments of mischief.

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My Boots tends to just ignore me, at least until it's time for her to eat or have her litter changed. When it comes to crocheting though, she tends to curl up on the nearest WIP if it's made of yarn. The only other problem I have with her is if I leave a thread crochet project on the coffee table to do something, she feels it's her duty to jump up on the table and push it onto the floor. She doesn't play with it or anything, just doesn't want it on the table :think


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Our cat Gary (short for Garfield) used to only steal my balls of fun fur. For some reason she thought they were toys for her to use as she wanted. You would always find a trail that let to the ball and it was usually under the table or going out the garage door to the basement. Sadly she was killed about a year ago, but whenever one of the kids or someone gets tangled up in the yarn and drags it acrossed the room, we always say "hey Gary, stop playing with the yarn"

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It's the dye in the food that makes it stain. If you feed a food without dye, you won't have a problem cleaning up yack. Meow mix is maybe the worst. Fancy feast dry is fairly bad (but the only thing my one cat will eat. I need to go to hte specialty store and see if I can find a different natural food). My diabetic/asthmatic cat doesn't eat dry and doesn't throw up hardly ever. SHe seems to like to watch my hands as I crochet. The other one does try to capture the yarn as it moves as I crochet. THey don't bother it when it is just lying around. Don't let them eat yarn! Could cause a major life threatening problem.






and Sugar






Demonstrating alternate bed usage (these kitti pi's were knitted by internet friends)

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I've never had my cats attach my project but they have chewed on my crochet hooks. Even my metal ones. Then they have all these teeth marks on them and it scraps my hand when I use them, so I had to trash it. Cats are funny!

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My 4-year-old female cat likes to try to get the yarn while I am crocheting - a couple of times she has chewed through it before I caught her. But when the yarn is just lying around she doesn't bother it. Her specialty is pens - she likes to steal them and hide them. She never chews them up or anything she just likes to hide them.

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Well, my kitties are not a problem, BUT my little boy pug has stole more than a skein or 2 of yarn and ran through the house giving it the death shake. I have a big box of yarn waiting to be untangled one snowy afternoon. I had a fuzzy fur scarf almost complete when he decided it was his toy...no untangeling that yarn, and it was all stretched out!

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both cats we had never bothered the yarn

if you were sitting by your drink on the side table,it was safe,but the male cat felt it his duty to tip it over if you got up and left,full glasses were the worst,everything near it got soaked.

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I have truly enjoyed reading all of these posts!! Cats sure are special creatures! One of mine will chew the yarn until she chews it all the way through (I also have a problem with her eating pony tail holders too!). The other one will pick up a ball of yarn in her mouth (if its small enough) and carry it away, even if I am currently using it. Also, if she wants you to pay attention to her and you're not, she will knock anything - pens, hooks, yarn, tv remotes, lighters - off the couch, table and then look at you, like, see you should have been paying attention to me!

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Funny, my cat doesn't touch my yarn at all! But one of my greyhounds likes stuffed toys and will carry a skein of yarn all over the house! I make very attempt to hide the skein that is actually attached to a project, but sometime the skein goes project and all!

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