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Green leaves


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Ohhh, how beautiful! You could do that doily for just about any season or holiday depending on what color you use! It looks very versatile in that respect. It's really elegant looking, Krakovianka. You did a marvelous job!



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Thanks for all the kind comments! I'm glad you like it.


I didn't say so, but, like so many of my patterns, this ones comes from a crochet magazine I purchased here in Poland. It might even be an older one--not too long ago I found a bunch of older ones for sale at a sort of "flea market." I probably need to get over there again...

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Thanks for all the kind comments! I'm glad you like it.


I didn't say so, but, like so many of my patterns, this ones comes from a crochet magazine I purchased here in Poland. It might even be an older one--not too long ago I found a bunch of older ones for sale at a sort of "flea market." I probably need to get over there again...



Whats the name of this Poland crochet book? does it have diagrams? or are the directions just written. Still would love to try and get the book for the pattern.

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Whats the name of this Poland crochet book? does it have diagrams? or are the directions just written. Still would love to try and get the book for the pattern.


Nearly all the patterns in my magazines are diagrammed--some of the mags I buy are also published in other languages, so the patterns are diagrammed for everyone.


I finished this doily a few weeks ago, and I can't remember which magazine it was. :think I'll have to hunt it up again, later. Sorry I can't be more helpful at the moment, but I'm pretty sure I picked it up at the flea market and it was an older edition.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That is beautiful! I think it would look great year round....but ESPECIALLY at Xmas time with perhaps a red candle in the middle or a small dish of ribbon candy.......Thanks for sharing!

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Very, very pretty. I love the leaf motif. Doing all those points individually was worth the end result! Nice job!!!

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That is lovely! I've only ever done one thread project and that was years ago, but this is tempting me to try my hand at it again. Speaking of which, I should see if I can find the pics I took of that thread project from when I was visiting my mom in Florida last year and post it ....

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