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Oh My...they are beautiful! I think they should go to someone who will appreciate them and I think your sister is just jealous! Does she crochet at all?

thank you for the compliments! No, I dont even think she can tie her shoes right.......:lol

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If you want to donate, there is a member on the boards who is collecting baby afghans for a NICU unit - just a thought.


They are beautiful blankets - you did a great job.


My husband once worked with a woman who asked me to make baby afghans a number of times for her to give as gifts to her friends and family at baby showers. The woman used to tell the recipients she made them herself! LOL! Unfortunately, that backfired when she got requests from others at the shower to make her a blanket identical to the one she was presenting. Alas, she had to admit she didn't make them. I got the giggles when my husband told me that story. The poor woman passed away - I loved making blankets for her, as she really appreciated all the work that went into them.

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JoAnn, the blanket is GORGEOUS!! I love the baby yarn with the shiny filament in it, it's so pretty, and the pastel variegated is perfect because it doesn't matter if it's for a boy or a girl. I'm sure you will find the perfect recipient for these beautiful gifts! Anyone would be very lucky, indeed, to receive them. :)



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Your work is absolutely beautiful and I think I was right the first time ~ your sister is jealous. You are talented and she isn't. It's that simple.


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I agree....and I've come to learn that just because I love to crochet items, not many people enjoy receiving them....totally out of the blue...kwim? I mean if my sister asked me to make her a specific afghan or scarf...I'd do it...and of course, she would love it. But for me to just make something out of the blue for someone else because I love it.....nope. I don't do it. I did that once...for my daughter's dance school Christmas party...for the raffle table. I crocheted two scarfs.....and they were the very LAST two items to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so embarrased!!! I crochet for me and me only. Sounds bad...I know....but hey...at least I know I'm going to LOVE what I made!!


I'm sorry this happened to you. I have donated items crocheted and they have sold well or not so well. it depends on the crowd. at the black tie event items needed to be made of the "in style" yarn and "in style" fashion. but at the school auction every blanket went well!

One I made a graphghan (though they weren't calling them that 6 or more years ago) of the school logo and they raffled it off and made a ton of money I even ended up giving them the graph to make more though my kids graduated and I don't know if they did!

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