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gift for my doctor

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i want to make a christmas gift for my doctor because hes done so much for me

he finally figured out part of whats been going on with me for years, things 2 other doctors overlooked

hes taken very good care of me between my anemia and pnemonia


hes very younge for a doctor, my guess is around 35

i havent seen any of his personal stuff so im not sure what he likes...


i was considering a name filet


any suggestions for other things or links to (free) name filet things?

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Those might help! I think a filet name is a great idea. I'm working on one as a Christmas present. I'm using a pattern from the book Tapered Name Doilies by Vivian Floy Smith.



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I understand gratitude to a doctor having been thru some stage 4 cancer, but would you consider not giving him a personal gift? I think a personal note would be more in line with a professional doctor-patient relationship.


I apologize for butting in with my 2¢.

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I think its very sweet that you are thinking of him :) I would do the same. I think a name filet is a good idea! He can hang it in his office and it could give it a more comfy feel to new patients.

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how about something practical? Stethoscope cozy? :lol



i actually made one of those one year for my kids pediatrician when they were little, she said it made the kids feel better:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


i think a nice filet hanging would be nice with his name on it dr so and so office or something like that. as far as not giving something personal i always give my doc stuff for christmas. i realize he gets paid for what he does but i have a very good relationship with him as far as he knows what my life is like and sometimes even spends a hour with me , hows that for a good doc, this year am making him a afghan:D:D but i have been with him for almost 20 years:hug:hug:hugglad your feeling a little better frogrocks

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My husband is a doctor. He doesn't recieve gifts very often, but he really appreciates the thought when he does. He also gets thank you notes and occaisonal pictures that mean a lot to him too.

Some gifts he's gotten are; a bottle of wine, a basket of barbeque items, and a small figurine. Its the thought that goes into the gift. I'm sure he will love whatever you choose to give.

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My sister just said the same thing to me this morning. She said, something like a Christmas card would do....He's just happy knowing that he's doing a good job, because I'm feeling better than I have in the past 30 years..

(;) he's my new doctor since 3 years ago)








I understand gratitude to a doctor having been thru some stage 4 cancer, but would you consider not giving him a personal gift? I think a personal note would be more in line with a professional doctor-patient relationship.


I apologize for butting in with my 2¢.

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I work with alot of physicians, and I think a name filet is a great idea! But a simple thank you card would do wonders. They may get paid for what they do, but just like the rest of us,,,no matter how much we make for what we do, the real motivation comes from true heartfelt appreciation.


I'm even more happy to hear you're getting some resolution to your issues.



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I don't really have a suggestion but your question reminded me of something that happened many years ago when I had an orthpedic doctor who had operated on my knee. I went into his personal office for a consultation and it was filled with frogs. They were everywhere, so I couldn't help but ask about his collection. He sort of laughed, and said that a long time ago a patient gave him a frog, and he didn't want to be impolite so he put it on his desk. Pretty soon, as people saw it they starting giving him frogs because they thought he would like them since he had one on his desk. He couldn't refuse the gifts, so now his office is full of frogs!! He was such a nice doctor. :)

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The name fielt would be a good Idea but the thing that came to my mind is that stick and snake medical symbol in filet. I'll look around there should be somthing that your could turn into a graph

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The name filet would be a good Idea but the thing that came to my mind is that stick and snake medical symbol in filet. I'll look around there should be somthing that your could turn into a graph

I see I didn't read far enough. I like the one bird lady linked to it was what I was thinking of

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thanks everyone


hes gone beyond what he has to do for me, the whole office has


i've been going to him for less than 2 months (grandmom and uncle have been going to him longer) and ive already been to see him at least 6 times, and i have to go again next week

i really like that hes trying to find out why rather than just treating the symptoms



whatever i decide to make for him cant be too big because i dont know how much i'll be able to work on it

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Well let me see to tell you the truth i've always given to my doctor as he is so kind and caring so hubby and I always got him something for x-mas.

I know for a fact that he is a Christian and he goes to preach at other churches etc so religious theme works great for me. I made him a small quilt the the Lords prayer on the center and he is a veteran so I use patriotic fabric for the backing and well this year i asked him about the quilt and he said he uses it every night and in the morning his wife dresses the center of the bed with it.


Then the year before that I got him a nice thnak you card and a gift.. He is so humble and just smiles and gives me a hug and kiss on check when he gets a gift.


So really you can get your doctor a nice card and anything medical related or you can try and find out from the staff what he likes to do etc and get him something like that... Or his DR. ----- filet maybe you can put it in a frame so this way he just got to hang it up...


I always make some thing for the entire staff as a matter of fact i always make either pin or ornament and a baggie of goodies for all the female staff and then i find out how many men there as well and get them something too... All I know is that when i go back after the holidays all i hear is people stoppimg me to tell me thank you etc for their gift... Its a great feeling to see people smile...

So go for it my dear I know your doctor will appreciate it...


Texasred head the frog story is so cute and yet its nice to hear how your doctor has kept all them frog gifts he has received in memory of each patient that has given it to him...

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I am a surivor of childhood cancer so I know what it is to appriciate yoiur doc. Over my fourty one years I have given them everything from a popsicle stich planter to and afghan. They are always loved and add a real toch of class to the office. Itd also really fun to be a pin up girl for a neuro sergeon. . .


I once gave him a picture of me and a teddybear of mine next to the christmas tree with a note that said "it takes special friends to BEAR special burdens:" It was a big hit and sits in his lobby.

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