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Pink flowers shawl for DD


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Here's a shawl I made for DD. She is 5 and insisted she wanted a shawl even though I suggested a poncho. And she picked out the yarn herself and said it had to have flowers on it so I came up with this! It's Simply Soft in Rubine Red, which is really bright pink. I keep threatening to steal it and she says I have to make my own shawl. So I pointed out that I made this one, but she won't give it up!:lol

She took this last pic, pretty good for a 5 yr old!
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So cute! My 5 year old would love something like that. Is it your own pattern?

Kind of, but I followed the technique here http://hassdesign.com/DeltaCrochetTechniques/ but I used edc and ch 2 spaces for the mesh. I did the flowers a bit different and only used 2edc clusters for each petal. You can get triangle graph paper here http://www.incompetech.com/graphpaper/ and graph out your own design.

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