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Join Us for the "ME" CAL!


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Thank you Tabby and Cindy.

I used the gemstone in a side to side ripple ghan for my mom. I forgot how pretty it is.

I've done 4 more rows on it, but had to put it down for a while. The dark colors started hurting my eyes. So I'm working on another one right now :lol

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iwish you`ll get good news from the doc. tomorrow




wish you the best with all your ghans




nice progress for your day:)

good for you keeping your self motivated :cheer

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Judy ~ My ME project will be the Candy Apple Shrug.


I also use Word for keeping my patterns on the computer. I like it because I can pick up a pattern plus the pictures with it. Then I have the choice of printing it out or just storing it.

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Thanks, everybody -


And what is it with 9AM appointments? As soon as they tell you the doctor wants to go over your blood work...next words: how about 9 AM on Wed? Oh, well...then Phil's is 1:30 in Hackensack...almost an hour away. as I may have mentioned...more :hooktime. I think I may be making some squares...big ones;)

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Shelly, Judy and Phill, hope all three of you hear nothing but good from the doc today.

I second this wish! May the reports all be good.

I don't know when I'll get time for another me project. I have to get cracking on the Christmas things now. :wreath Will hope to get back to stuff for me in the new year.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Judy - Hope all goes well at the doctors :hug The 9 am appointment is usually the first appointment of the day. I always pick the last one before lunch because I know they have to get back for the after lunch appts. :lol


Cindy - Your cardy is looking great! Love that color :yes

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Yay :clap- my report from the doc was very good. One down, one to go...


He likes how long it took me to lose 23 pounds (June to Oct)...and I told him it was WW...which I know is part of the reason my blood work was so good - that and pharmaceuticals:P

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Hi Ladies,


Judy - Congrats on your doc's report and the weight loss. I haven't been able to get back to ww since I joined because of the long hours of working. I hope to get back next week when I start vac.


Finished all my squares for my "ME" ghan. Will start putting it together tonight.


Have a good day ladies. Have to get ready for work.

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Cindy - That is gorgeous! Great job!

Judi - Congrats on the good report at the doctor's office. And congrats on the weight loss, too.

Valerie - Have good day at work.

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Did not have agood time at Dr.. she almost put me in hospital.. I've been on the same dose of lasix for forever.. well I did a couple of booboos this week... Monday I had a small slice of ham... boy did it taste good and it has been so long since I had one.. I also ran out of lasix and didn't have one yesterday or this morning.. and I'm due to start my monthly this weekend... needless to say I had gained 20 pounds and it was ALL water... my blood pressure was 160/108.. they did blood work ..gave me an IV dose of Lasix ... 4 x my regular dose... did an EKG and another test ... luckily the blood work was good and with the lasix I started getting rid of the fluid and the blood pressure started going down .. the Dr increased some of the meds and put me on another new one... the funny thing is I have been feeling better lately... we'll see what happens this week then I go back

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Hi gang

havent had much time to check in today. Cam is here today with the stomach flu, so it has taken up all my time .


Judy glad the Dr visit went so well-- good for you ! Keepup the good work on the dieting ,etc .


Shelly- sorry yours was not good. Listen to the Dr and do all the rules and hopefully the next visit will be a much better one. We'll all be pulling for you in here .



Cindy- the cardigan is looking very pretty .

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Wow...I am so far behind...ive been down sick again and just didn't feel up to doing anything...i am so sick of being sick and catching everything that comes along,I think im going to start taking vitamin C everyday and see if that helps(does anyone take that here).Hope everyone thats sick gets better soon and that those that aren't don't get it.


Have a great day ladies,i will try to get a photo up of my "WAVE" afghan by by Friday.

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I have found that three supplements work together well for me: EPA/DHA (an antioxidant as well), Vitamin C, and then a probiotic that has lactobacillus and another beneficial bacteria (can't remember - acidophilus?). Vitamin C actually is the one that seems to help me the least.




I have an aversion to stomachs working in the contrary direction. You're a brave woman for harboring a child (not your own) with that virus. I have a difficult time with my OWN children when they have it. Nearly have to glue my feet to the floor to prevent me from running in terror. That's the ONLY time I require DH to skip work... I can tend broken vehicles, flooding basements, power outages, rodent infestations, ANYTHING. But he gets to hold the bucket. (Please, don't think I'm joking...)

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hey ladies. I've gotten over half of my crocheters messenger bag done. Its been put on hold for now as I am putting together a comfortghan. I hope to be back at it soon as I don't think it will take me much time to finish it up.

Krystal~I wish I could get my dh to hold the bucket and my son usually wants me there....I HATE that part of parenting!

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Judy~Glad your Dr. visit went well with no bad news. Great job on your dieting/wt. :cheer



Shelly~Sorry about your not so great Dr. visit. I'm glad they got you what you needed & you were able to go home. Hopefully with the new meds. & no ham diet your next visit will be better. :manyheart



Julie~I sure hope Cam feels better soon. Lots of Grandma hugs should help. :hug

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