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Oh how cute. I think I've seen those before but didn't fit with what I was making. And I have to stop at HL on Monday to return some craft supplies and can pick up some roses. I think I'll use white ones, since we didn't know baby's gender and I don't want to offend my angel baby. :lol

Hey Meg

How about these-- then you could put a little pink silk rose on the toe of each one -


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A lady we used to know where we used to live told us how after she painted the upstairs hall in their house a deep rich red her grown daughter looked at it and said "I can't decide - Chinese restaraunt or a bordello" :lol



I think that's the same red that I painted our bathroom :lol I love it though. Red walls and ceiling with white fixtures. :yes

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Okies here's my blanket thus far:





Not the best photo but I'm trying to be a good girl and resizing my images :D


Cara, it looks so soft, and from the picture it looks like it is professionally woven, you are a very neat crocheter. I like the colors.


Shaylen, You are right, neutrals do have an elegance about them that says, "Wow, look at me!". Your afghan looks like something I would love to cuddle up in. I am no good at ripples, for some reason I have problems keeping the peaks and valleys lined up, and spend more time ripping out than I do putting together, :yes


Donna, What an impressive tree skirt, I wish I still used them but had to stop because my cat insisted it was his and would bunch it all up to sleep on, :lol.


Kim, I have had a poncho on my WIM list almost forever, but never found one I liked. Yours looks so heavenly.


Mel, That is a great looking shawl, is the color white or cream? Like I said before about elegance....


Megan, so glad you feel well enough to spend time with us...Often it is easier to get past unpleasant things by spending time with good company,

Your bolero looks charming, :sigh, unfortunately my body needs more of the caftan shape.... :lol


I don't think I missed anyone elses pics, unless they posted while I was typing this essay...


I've made it to row 25 of my ghan, feeling a little disappointed because I still haven't gotten any of my yarn purchases in the mail yet, and was hoping to add some new colors to this ghan. Oh well, I can still enjoy everyone elses projects in the meantime. Good Job, Cro sisters, :clap

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I just made this pattern...ive made allot of ripples so it was easy to just do it the way i wanted,Below is the basic write up of what im doing:


ch 150.

Row-1 DC in 2nd ch from hook and next ch,skip 1 ch, DC in next 6 ch, 3 DC in next ch, DC in next 6 ch, (skip next 2 ch, DC in next 6 ch, 3 DC in next ch, DC in next 6 ch)Across, turn.

(From here you work all stitches in the back lap)

Row 2-Ch 2,DC in first 2 stitches,skip 1 st, DC in next 6 DC, (3 DC in next DC, DC in next 6 DC, skip next 2 sc, DC in next 6 DC)Across,Skip 1 DC,DC in last 2; turn.

Repeat Row 2 till it the length


Thanks Everyone!!!

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Hi, everyone. I went out this afternoon and just got back a little bit ago. Everyone's pictures are great. I feel privileged to know such super crafty ladies. I broke down and started a round ripple for me. So far it is all in baby yellow. I'm not following my usual pattern with it, just letting it go where my whim takes me. Not much to see yet, but hopefully will have something for next week. I have at least 4 different shades of yellow/gold on hand so we shall see how it goes.

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Judy, I'd LOVE to, and you know I liked talking to Phil that day you weren't home.

He liked talking to you, too - usually he avoids my friends:lol :lol :lol

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Mel, I LOVE that cotton shawl, is a pattern available? I have POUNDS of cotton just sitting here staring at me wanting to become something.


I didn't use a pattern, I just doodled till I hit on something I liked. This is what I did:

Chain 4, 2DC in first chain

Row1: Chain3 (counts as 1st DC now and throughout pattern), 2DC in same stitch, skip 1DC, 3DC in last stitch (top of chain 3).

Row2: Chain 3, 2DC in same stitch, 3DC in between 3DC group, 3DC in last stitch.

Repeat row 2 until length wanted, putting 3 DC in between the groups of 3DC in the previous row.

I hope that makes sense. I'm still on pain meds, so if it doesn't make any sense, pm me and I'll try to explain better. It is super easy and works up real fast.



Mel, That is a great looking shawl, is the color white or cream? Like I said before about elegance....


It is a cream color with specks of pink, blue and purple. I'd love to make a white one, but if I wear something white, it is dirty within 5 minutes of putting it on. I'm a magnet to dirt when wearing white :lol:lol

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Judy- I will vote for the House of Ill Repute.


Seeing what a classy looking lady you are, I highly doubt your house looks like that , but it DOES seem to add a little spice to the imagination to think you have a room that looks like that, and that Krystal wants to come stay in it .


You know the old saying..."You can't judge a book by it's cover"?:lashes :lashes :devil

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Karen, that looks so soft and cuddly. Bet it will be super warm too. Love it.

I have lots of leftover caron ss and full skeins I got for $1.00 when I found it on clearance. I've been wondering what to do with it. Maybe I'll make one of those, using white throughout and changing colors whenever to give it a tweed look :scrachin

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Carol I love your zigzag ghan. Its very pretty.


Julie your granny garden ghan is beautiful, I really like the linen color it sets off the flowers.


Mel your shawl is beautiful and I like how you use the brooch to keep it together.


Kim great poncho, I havent heard of that yarn before. Well done.


Brenda well done on the messenger bag so far, love the colors.


Donna I just love your tree skirt. If I thought we would be putting up the tree I would make

one of those.


Kathy wow lots of grandma names there but I do love the name Queenie.


Cara you have made a great start well done.


Megan very nice shrug and I like the purple color and so would my daughter.


Shay love the ripple your making what pattern is it and are you using caron simply soft.


Wow I think I am caught up. Everyone is doing amazing work. As soon as I border my hexagons I will put up a photo. You cant rush these things you know.:lol

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Shay love the ripple your making what pattern is it and are you using caron simply soft.


It is Simply Soft in off-white(it almost looks buttery to me) and the pattern is from my head...im sure there is one out there like it but i just did it the way i thought looked best without a pattern.


I wrote it out for those that want it


ch 150 or however big you want.

Row-1 DC in 2nd ch from hook and next ch,skip 1 ch, DC in next 6 ch, 3 DC in next ch, DC in next 6 ch, (skip next 2 ch, DC in next 6 ch, 3 DC in next ch, DC in next 6 ch)Across, turn.

(From here you work all stitches in the back lap)

Row 2-Ch 2,DC in first 2 stitches,skip 1 st, DC in next 6 DC, (3 DC in next DC, DC in next 6 DC, skip next 2 sc, DC in next 6 DC)Across,Skip 1 DC,DC in last 2; turn.

Repeat Row 2 till it the length


Oh and im using a size F hook!!

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Karen, that is SO pretty, I love the colors.

My parents painted their bedroom walls deep blue and have red carpeting, mom used to wonder if she should salute my dad when she went in.

I picked up a skein of taupe Bernat Satin Sport to do my practice socks in. A nice light color so I can see the stitches easily to learn the pattern, then I'll make the next ones in sock yarn.

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it`s cold in my room

winter is openning it`s door to us and the weather is getting colder

that means i`m gonna do some scarves , shawls, and hats for me

i`ll work on my shawl but i think i`ll change the pattern for this yarn and after finishing it i`ll go back to the pattern with other yarn

i`ll make this because of two reasons:

1)the stiches aren`t showing clearlly with this yarn so the beautiful look of the pattern will be lost

2)the yarn is warm and i don`t think tringle shawls are warm so it will be such a loose of yarn and pattern to make it in this yarn

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Shaylen...DH is alaways ribbing me about the broght colors I love...our guest room looks either like a house of ill repute or a classy B&B - depending on your POV! It has red walls, white lace curtains, a dark floor and a queen-size brass bed! It took us one day after DS moved out to rip out the carpet and strip everything out of the room and less than 2 weeks to get it all fixed up! Just like the commercial.:lol

Anybody wanna come visit??



Your guest room sounds awesome! Actually in a way it sounds kind of like my old bedroom: red walls, wood floors, white crown molding, leopard print bedding and a black net floating canopy. My room mate dubbed it "satan's bordello" :lol

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Your guest room sounds awesome! Actually in a way it sounds kind of like my old bedroom: red walls, wood floors, white crown molding, leopard print bedding and a black net floating canopy. My room mate dubbed it "satan's bordello" :lol

LOVE the name of your room!!!:devil

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Hi everyone, I have been making hexagons for my graphic granny ghan and thought that when I made this for my mum last year that I did the join as you go method but according to the book you whipstitch the hexagons together. Now Im pretty sure I crocheted them together so I have to work out how I did this. I cant seem to find anywhere on the net on how to do this.


Ok I have kind of worked it out. When I do the sc around I have a ch in between so when I go to join a hexagon I join it with a slipstitch and dont do the ch. If that makes sense. Anyway I will show a pic if it all works out.

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To you ladies talking about darker colors for rooms. Years ago, my girl had a friend who lived out of town and I went to drop her off one day at her house. I went in their living room and it was painted in a colonial blue color. I have no clue if that's what the color was called, but it's what it reminded me of, kinda a cross between navy blue and royal blue. It was SO pretty . We have always had all light colored rooms everywhere we lived. Guess I'm not brave enough to try painting one of them in a real dark or bright color . The only time I did that ( unintentionally) was once when I wanted a light yellow kitchen. It turned out to be egg-yolk yellow. NOT PRETTY . You wouldnt want to go in there when you had a headache .:no


Cara- thanks I like those wheat-type colors. I think WoolEase has a color like that that is pretty too .


Linda- good for you, starting your very own rr. You deserve one, you are constantly working on things for others . By the way, are you the one who makes all the big granny baby blankets for charity ? I know someone on here was, and I was wondering if the pattern was online. sorry if I asked before- I forgot .


Shay-thanks for the pattern !


Judy- I bet Phil would run for his life if I came to visit -- I'd talk both his legs off within 10 minute's time . :lol


Karen - I like the colors you are using - very pretty ! Almost reminds me of some of the colors you see in the ocean .. I have always wanted to make an afghan with the colors of ocean water- but have never figured out what colors you'd need ,since it changes color so often . Maybe we'll have to MOVE close to the ocean so I can study it more .


Meg- good luck with the baby shoes- I hope they will work out for you .


Wendy- that sounds about right as far as joining the hex's, hope it works. I am sewing mine together ,but the join as you go would be much quicker.

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Julie, you're right about Phil running for cover if you came to visit - he's the proverbial strong, silent type - and I, on the other hand, never met someone I couldn't immediatley start talking to! With the guys...you have to stand between them and the TV, waving your arms like a football referee, before they notice you - never mind HEAR you!:lol

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