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Join Us for the "ME" CAL!


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Hi, Wendy - I'm just checking in again - waiting for a couple of phone calls to be returned, so I may be absent soon...


Have a great day!:hug

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Judy howdy doody. Thanks I will and you have a great night wont you.:hug

I'll be sitting on my butt and vegging out! I had such a busy day! At least I finished 2 small projects because of waiting at the doctor's office!:yay

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:hug Evening everyone, I have been working slowly on my me project and it is coming along fine. At first I did not like the colors that I was using for I tend to like bright colors and these colors are on the pea green and mustard color of Vanna yarn, but when I saw the colors together in the sunlight I began to like them. Have a great evening hopefully crocheting. :hook
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You're like me, Cheeria - bright colors lots of the time, though then there are times when the softer, muted ones really grab me!


Back to my:hook

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BUT, get ready: I will be forgetting as this goes along... "senior moments"!

:lol, we have a field up aways from here which is usually filled with bunnies every morning and evening. My daughter and I call it the bunny field, and have decided that is where all those senior moment thoughts hang out.

I think some senior moments are really great. I use them whenever I have something to do that I really don't want to do. :rofl

"Did you get ________done today?"


"Off in the bunny field?"

"Yep!!" :lol

Works all the time....

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Uh oh, talk about senior moments, I originally came on to post about the ME Cal, saw all the posts and forgot what I really wanted to say...:lol

Up to 14 rows on my ghan, haven't worked on it today. Fall cleaning :yuck interfered. And I had some squares to whip up for folks displaced by Ca fires (family and friends there). Plus one ghan to finish off for Pine Ridge and another one started. (Now that is a really needy project) But will try and get a few more rows in tonight before I fall asleep.

Congrats to the ladies expecting...

Relax DreamsOfYarn, don't let the stress ruin your ME time, you certainly deserve to spoil yourself.

And all you other working Gals, (at home or on the job) I personally think you are all amazing. I did it for many years, and somehow we all survive and it gives us an edge to our creativity because we know the value of time and effort, when we have to try so hard to get it done.

I'm not good at all the names yet, and still a sort of newbie here, but I read each and every post every night, makes me feel young again, belonging to a special group like this.

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Hi Everybody,


Didn't get a chance to log on before going to work this morning. I changed my "ME" project from the Scripture ghan to the X marks the square ghan in one of Vanna's books. I'm using navy, light blue, medium blue and aubergine of HL's "I Love this Yarn." I'm still working the scripture ghan but taking my time. It's starting to get cold and I need a blankie. I also have to make one for my niece and my sister.


Judy--Thank for my well wish. Today was okay. However, it was long. I went in at 7 and didn't get off until 8 because my weekly delivery was late. I was up until 3 am this morning starting my new "ME" ghan. I'm so sleepy now but I'll try to make at least 4 squares. Don't have to go in until afternoon tomorrow. I am closing.


Hope everyone's day has been fruitful!


Oh... I met a wonderful lady at HL. I'm going to join her charity crochet group. They furnish the yarn. They have mostly knitters and needed someone to crochet. They meet every 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Saturday from 10a until 1p. I'm excited about this.


Well I'm off to hook a little before retiring.

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Evening all...


Was without internet yesterday and last night. The guy came and fixed it the morning after I left for work. I haven't started my project yet, still have a few things to finish up first.


I'm glad to hear that some of us are making progress on their ME projects! Way to go!! :woo


Have a lovely night!


and, if anyone has a questions about the waves tote, I've made 3 already, and would be willing to help.

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i feel sorry for not having the chance these days to work on me projects :(


but this is my only chance for selling my crochet stuff i`ll be tooooooo busy crocheting for costomers

i`ll earn money to buy yarn for me :hook

and the big part of the money i`ll use it to help Hubby completing our home stuff and funiture :love

i really love home and i don`t want him to carry the responsbilitty alone:)

wish me luck

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Ines well done you have made a great start on the granny garden.


Wendy ...only 55 days until Christmas:eek I have not counted. I am going to the UK on December the 26th so this year everyone is going to have a crochet gift from me whether they like it or not. The Granny Garden is coming along and I am quite happy with the background colour. I am really trying not to be too particular with the colour placement of the flowers.


I am hoping to do a Granny Square afghan that uses up more scraps if I get this done sooner than later.


Your Amish Basket is going to be spectacular. How much more have you to do ?

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Oh yes please :). I wont be able to start in on the CAL until after the holidays however. But that gives me time to get my yarn :).

Di, looking forward to seeing what you decide to make for YOU!

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Carol, I LUV the "bunny field" excuse!:lol :lol

And about remembering everyone/everthing: I take notes as I read - some have other methods.

What is Pine Ridge that you're crocheting for??

...and this place makes me feel foung, too (be 59 in Dec:eek )...that is, until someone asks the age of DS! (going on 33):P


Tammy - have a pic of the Halloweeny scarf??:hook


Valerie, your hook will be smokin'!! And great news about a crochet group you can "reach out and touch"!

Don't stress about your progress or lack of it - we have fun here...and making one square is a step closer to finishing a project!:hug


Amy, TY for the offer of help...It's still a WIM for me, but I think others have started some. Great to see you connected again!:yay


Athba, good for you for wanting to help hubby out by selling your crochet items.:clap


Ines...I LUV you Aussies:manyheart

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Ines wow thats exciting for you to go to the UK, How long are you going for. Cant wait to see your granny ghan, its going to look amazing. I have done all the white squares for the last round or white, just have to sew the rows on then its onto the red row then the border. Each row right round is about 120 little squares.


Judy howdy doody, hows your project going.


Athba good luck with selling your crochet items, thats great that you want to help DH out.

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Hi, Wendy!

I'm down to the last 5 (6 inch) squares and then will see how the center panel fits with the border. Last I checked, it looks like I'll have some tweaking to do:P I'm hoping it's not too much... What I discovered (too late) is that the RH "Soft yarn" has a different thickness to it, depending on the color you're using.

Guess which part of the ghan has the thinest yarn? Yup, the center panel.

You'll hear me all the way down under if this gives me a hard time.


First to finish the squares. Then to join the side squares and make the "box" the center panel will go into...


REMIND ME to try and just follow a pattern next time...please??

Though, knowing me, I wouldn't listen, anyway:(

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Wendy, it is my own creation...using the alphabet chart from citiusa site to personalize it.

And I'll try to restrain myself till you wake up:lol :lol :lol

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