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Twins! A boy and a girl! Blanket colors, Please!

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Hi everyone,


A co-worker is having twins in December and her mom is throwing her a surprise shower.


I started making a TLC essentials blanket in Celery that morning, and I plan on using a celery/blue/yellow/white varigated for the trim. I thought this would be good for the baby boy.


Now here's my problem. I am not a strickly blue for boys/pink for girls type crafter. So I was thinking of a light plum for the afghan for the girl with a trim of watercolors (which has plum/pink/blue/etc) in the mix. How about that for a color choice?


And I am designing the first one on my own. Should I use the same pattern for the second or come up with something different?


I found the pattern style in "The Complete Book of Crochet Stitch Designs" #248.


I just started it yesterday and I'm about halfway through the main piece.


Opinions please. And the shower is October 13th, so I really have to put my act in high gear to get them both done.



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I prefer shades of purple for girls...most of the new mums I know have been grateful to get something other than pink! :)


And for the stitch I would either do the same thing or two stitches that are completely different from each other. If you do two stitches that are similar one blanket may look 'right' while the other looks 'wrong'. Not sure if I'm making complete sense here for you, but it does make sense in my head.:D

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I love the colors for both blankets, especially the girls. We are not pink people and were so happy to get purples and blues for dd.


Is there another stitch/pattern you like? If so give it a try or do both the same....since they are different colors they aren't likely to get mixed up:)

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I really like the sound of your choice of colours. Maybe do them in similar but different patterns just so you don"t get bored. How exciting to be having twins!

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I like your color choices too. I often use aqua or yellow as a main color, because the mother will already get a mountain of pink and / or blue.

Real Deal

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Love the color choices. If you're not going to get bored with the stitch pattern, make them the same, the colors will make them different enought. If not, choose a different stitch for the girl's but make it the same size, similar border etc, so they look like a 'set' but not identicle...

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Thanks for the approval, everyone. I think I will do the same pattern in a light plum for the girl. Maybe put a different border on it too.


Thanks so much.



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Well, Hobby Lobby didn't have any plum yarn. They were kind of low because of the sale. So I picked up some light rose. I may finish the afghan I am working on and then go back and see if any came in. They are pretty good about exchanging them.


Rose would work too, but I really wanted plum.



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I like the color choices. I am not the "pink" person either. Just to annoy me my mom and I played the color war ~ she bought pink and I bought purple for my daughter...still goes on 6 years later. :D


Anyway...GO PURPLE!! :yay And I like the matching pattern idea.

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I think you're on the right track! The colors sound wonderful! I don't think they need to be the same. If it were me, I probably would make the same basic blanket, but do a more "girly" edge for the girl than for the boy. :)

Post pics when you're done!!

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I finished the celery/island blanket over the weekend and went to HL to check to see if they have any plum yarn in.


No plum.


So I picked up three skeins of TLC Fusion and one skein of Choco-cherry for the trim. I started the blanket last night and got done about 15 rows. I just have to the 13th to get it done.


It will be a challenge.



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