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Does Anyone Else Hate Joining/Finishing?


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I'm not terribly fond of joining or sewing in ends but honestly, I don't really mind it if I can do it on my own time and not have a deadline. That way I don't stress out about it as much! I still have the tetris blanket that calls to be joined and to make a ton of black squares for it. Actually, I hate making small 3 round black squares for this project FAR more than I hate sewing it together. Sewing in all the ends is kind of annoying but much more entertaining to me than to make the same thing.... over and over and over....

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I don't mind joining squares--in fact I find it relaxing--but that's not how I've always felt. The Snowflake afghan did it. Sometime during joining those hexagons, I came to grips with sewing while crocheting.


Now I've even volunteered to sew our local groups charity squares together.


Now if I can just come to grips with blocking squares!

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OMG YES!!! I loathe joining. I 'm not even thrilled with weaving in ends but hey that's a necessary step so I do it. I avoid any projects with granny's and motifs with a vengeance.


Course I've been making yo yo's out of all my left over yarn maybe I'll just pass them on to someone who can use them w/o losing their sanity

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I must be in the minority here. I don't mind color changes, hiding ends, fringe, or joining. I find all that fun. :lol


They have medication for that now...



:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


Just kidding.. I've never heard another crocheter say that is all. :no

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They're already piling up and they're mocking me from across the room. They know I don't want to do anything with them, I want THEM to get together and clean themselves up. :yes

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Wow, what a response! I should have done this as a poll, as some suggested. For the record, I hate fringe too, was going to put some on a scarf I just made but lost patience with that very quickly. Maybe one day I'll work up the nerve to do something besides a one-piece ghan, but not anytime soon!

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You know, I have never minded joining OR putting fringe on things. I'm always a little baffled when people say they hate sewing granny squares together. I've never minded that - in fact, I love making things with granny squares. They're the perfect take-along project and they're nice to work on in the warmer months. Plus, I love seeing the design or 'picture' emerge as I sew each row of squares together. I sew mine together as I go - like as soon as I get enough done to do a row, I sew them together. I don't wait until ALL of the squares are done. I guess that way it doesn't seem like such a daunting task. Also, you can see your progress as you go. I especially love making picture-ghans. Here are a couple I made a few years ago. My Grand-daughter, my 4 dogs, and a Star Sweater. :yes


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I too hate joining,weaving,fringing and blocking but sometimes they are a necessary evil because the joining,weaving,fringing and blocking fairies have all been on strike for years now with no end in sight!

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I enjoy the sewing together. I just safety pin my squares together and whip stitch them together. I really loathe weaving the ends in. I've had an afghan completed except for the weaving for several months now. I just despise the weaving! UGH! I really think a granny square afghan is beautiful but those ends are something else.

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