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Do You Prefer....?

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I've been watching 'Knitty Gritty' and 'Uncommon Threads'. Both shows mention crocheters/knitters getting together in groups to crochet/knit. So, I've been wondering....do you prefer to 'group' crochet or crochet alone?


I think I prefer alone, since crocheting is my down/destressing time. However, if I'm working on a large group project, then group is no problem. What's your preference?




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I do use crocheting as my 'down time' from worries or work or whatever. But I do think it would be fun to get with a group. There is a shawl ministry at our church and I"m going to look into that.


One of my best friends taught me to crochet and I loved to crochet with her. Now she's halfway across the country.



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I do use crocheting as my 'down time' from worries or work or whatever. But I do think it would be fun to get with a group. There is a shawl ministry at our church and I"m going to look into that.


One of my best friends taught me to crochet and I loved to crochet with her. Now she's halfway across the country.




Shawl ministry is great fun. I do it at my church and it is wonderful to bring the projects, look over one another's work, have some laughs and the last Wed. of the month is a potluck and show & tell night.

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I have never done a group type thing, but I think, depending on what you were making would be a lot of fun. When I was looking over the CAL thread, and I looked at the quilt afghans, I think doing something like that in a group would be a lot of fun, then donate the afghans to a worthwhile charity. We have a place here called Cope House, which is for aboused women and their children that are always looking for anything that would help the residents (for lack of a better word) feel more comfortable.



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I don't have a preference. I crochet at least an hour at night for destressing, and then on Friday mornings, I have my group at church where we meet to knit/crochet and chat.


I enjoy both. Also being the youngest in my group, I learn so much about life that the other women have experienced before me, that I really enjoy the chatting time.



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I crochet alone, although I do crochet in public places.


Once, on a trip with one of my daughters, who knits, we sat in the hotel room and chatted while she knitted and I crocheted. It was very enjoyable.


I don't belong to any groups who crochet locally - please_dont_steal_our_header_purple.gif provides me with all the company I need :manyheart

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Alone, no one I knows crochets except the kids I taught this summer. I am thinking about going to our local Senior center and check out their stitching groups. Most of the groups around here are knitting. I take my projects with me all the time, I can't stand to wait with nothing to do.

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I've never been in a group of crocheters so I don't know how I'd like the group setting; I know I like it for writing, so I might like it for other things. Only one other person I know crochets and she's over 80 miles away from where I live so it's hard to get together.

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If I am doing some serious crochet, I prefer to do it alone.....only because, if I'm with a group, I tend to talk a lot and accomplish nothing. Isn't the gift of gab wonderful? :lol

If I am crocheting a project along with someone else..and we're working on the same thing, I like that too, because it's like companionship.

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I LOVE to crochet:hook in groups!:) I belong to a group of ladies ( we used to have a few men) called the NeedleBees. :bee We meet every Monday night with a small break during the Summer. We have a pot luck dinner :fork :spoon :knife every second Monday of the month, we eat, socialize :blah :blah and well, we might crochet:hook on pot luck night!:P We not only crochet:hook but, do a little of all kinds of crafts, like knitting :knit, jewelry making, stamping, and quilting. If there is a particular craft that you would like to learn more about you can almost bet there is someone in our group that knows the craft and would be willing to teach you.

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I don't have any fellow crocheters here to have a group. Like others here, I crochet to destress and sometimes need to pay attention to a pattern or I will lose count. It would probably be fun to have a crochet bee though, and I would consider being in one if I found one.

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I've never crocheted in a group but would love to try- I think it would be great to make the time fly whilst doing repetitive patterns...but I can see being easily distracted when I'm doing something that requires a lot of concentration.

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I have crocheted in a group. I think as long as you weren't doing anything with serious counting involved, it would be fun.


That's true. When all of a sudden everyone gets quiet, we know everyone is counting something! Stitches on needles, stitches in a row, rows, there are some times when everyone is counting something!:lol


But last week, I was doing a pattern of three dcs, ch 1, 1 dc, and I noticed three rows down that I did FOUR dcs, so I ripped all the way down to the problem. Too much chatting and not enough counting!:lol



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I crochet two nights a week with a group and the rest by myself. Seeing finished projects and patterns has really motivated me and the groups help has increased my skill level. I've done this for about two years now and have met great knitters and crocheters.

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Both. Most of the time I'm by myself, watching tv while I crochet, or at work, between customers.

But I've started a charity crochet group in my church, and I LOVE our Thursday night fellowships! We have group projects, and individual ones. We pray, chat, laugh, and in general, just have a wonderful time.


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When daughter lived at home we often crocheted together, but we respected each other's need for silence when reading or counting. It was good when one of us got stuck to be able to ask the other what they needed and get an instant reply. I've never tried in a big bunch of folks, kind of scares me as I don't do much repetitive crochet, only when a necessity.

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I prefer to crochet alone. If I am in a group it tends to go rrrreeeeaaaaallllllllyyyyy slow! As I end up talking more than crocheting. I lose my place a lot and need to recount, or frog pretty often. I still love to get out with them and talk crochet! We can teach each other something new, or just talk about our projects and show off what we've been working on. It's nice to talk to someone about it, and them understand.

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