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You Guys are the best friends a girl could ever have... how did you pull this off???

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....I thought I was about the nosiest creature on the planet but you folks sure SHOCKED me! I opened the box while I dh and I were having breakfast at Bojangles... and I burst into tears!!! folks thought I was crazy and several folks from a couple of tables came over to admire.... This is truely an act of love and I want you to know it is such a blessing in my life to think each one of you took the time to make the squares and think of my boy in harms way and his mama whose heart aches for him....


...This has become one of those heirloom treasures that will be passed on to Josh's children one day showing how while we might hate the war, we are all about our soldiers....

..Thank you my friends... each and everyone of you.....from the bottom of my heart.....



Now... spill the beans... how did you get this one past me????????:think:think:think:think:think

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Lea, what a gorgeous and generous gift you have received. I've been on vacation (still am actually) and had no clue this was in the works for you. What a treasure you now have to bring at least a little comfort to you while he is away in harm's way.


You, your son and your entire family remain in my thoughts and prayers. We are here for you. :hug

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I, too, had a comfortghan pass right over my head so to speak. The ladies here are wonderfully sneaky!:lol I guess sometimes when your mind is consumed with other things it can be pretty easy to miss something, even something as monumental as the 'ghan! It's beautiful, Lea! It's perfect for cuddling up in when you feel like you need a hug.:hug

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It's beautiful, and I didn't know a thing either. I would have loved to contribute though. I'm not here every day, so that could be how I missed it. It's nice that it has raised your spirits and let you know that everyone is thinking of you and your son! :hug :hug :hug

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We had lots of squares from Lisa and Brandon's blankies, and I couldn't think of a nicer lady to have a blanket made by us!!!

Thanks to Amy for helping me with Lea's address, and thanks to all of you who helped to make her surprise happen!!!!

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