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DH vs. crocheting

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I don't think dh notices when I am switching projects especially if it's squares. however when i go from a blanket to a square then he notices. he doesn't get the ROAK's that I like to do. I just like making others feel happy.

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I guess my husband isn't any different then some others :( . He HATES when I have more then one wip. He doesn't get it!!! :no He will look at my "crocheting" chair and ask how much money I have in things that are not finished :angry . When I try to explain that working on one thing can get tedious or boring, so I work on more then one, he doesn't get it and sometimes will get angry. I explain it to him like this....


I'm a stay at home mom, I don't get to look forward to much, my time is spent with my son. I don't get to go out with the girls...work (you know what I mean)...down time etc...I live and breathe our son, cleaning, cooking and wifely duties!! If the only thing I'm spending money on is yarn, thread or mini mosaics, he should be happy!!! I don't cheat on him, I don't drink, :blush I do smoke (no lectures please) and I don't do drugs!!! If my crocheting bothers him, I can take up one of the above hobbies!!!:devil That usually shuts him...for a while anyways...

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I don't cheat on him, I don't drink, :blush I do smoke (no lectures please) and I don't do drugs!!!..


I used to smoke and I found that when hooking or knitting or painting or anything requiring hand-work I smoked so much less. So, you keep right on crocheting ... it's healthy! LOL:clap

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I used to smoke and I found that when hooking or knitting or painting or anything requiring hand-work I smoked so much less. So, you keep right on crocheting ... it's healthy! LOL:clap


I do smoke less when hooking!! Hey...maybe I could use that as a reason for so many wip's!!! LOL I will say that I'm am down to 5 smokes a day versus the pack a day when I was working...

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My husband never bothers me about my WIPs. Actually I think it bothers me alot more when they pile up than it does him.


I think part of it is he is a gamer and spends a bunch of money on books, d&d mini's, ect. So if he starts harping on my hobby he's worried that I'll do the same to him. :yes

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This conversation has come up before here on the 'ville. I really think it's a husbands way of saying pay attention to me. Men, in general, in our culture are not comfortable saying I need some lovin' and attention.


Maybe one night a week when you watch TV just snuggle with him and not crochet maybe. Make sure you are offering him some attention and thanks for how he does contributes to you, the kids, the house whatever. Also make sure he is getting the time he needs to follow his passions.


Maybe the next time dh says something non-supportive about crocheting,# of wips, etc. Share with him how important is to you and how much joy it brings. If he contradicts or says he doesn't understand. Say something like this "Would you be willing to just trust that it is *important to me*" I don't think we have to convince them but ask then to accept itas it is. Also ask him if there is something he wants to do or learn that he might have fun with and how you can help him do that.

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I do smoke less when hooking!! Hey...maybe I could use that as a reason for so many wip's!!! LOL I will say that I'm am down to 5 smokes a day versus the pack a day when I was working...


that is WONDERFUL ... several times I got that close only to succomb when I was tense or in traffic or otherwise not able to divert my attention. the only thing that worked for me was the day I saw an ad for free patches being given by the Amer Lung Assoc. I jumped at that and was among the last to get my call made on time. Whew!


If you try to quit I'd love the honor of being your rah-rah :yay

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My DH doesn't mind at all and even encourages me to buy more yarn.....I think his thinking is that if I'm occupied with crocheting, I won't be getting after him!:devil


Seriously though, he's just happy when I'm happy! :c9




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My husband doesn't mind at all, he enjoys learning about crochet etc..., but I told him when before we got married that crochet was part of my life. So don't ask me to quit. He loves to go yarn shopping with me and even makes suggestions. He never complains or anything, but once I got 5 projects started almost the same time and he's like why so many all at once. I said cause when 1 project gets to big to take out of the house , it stays home and then I can take a smaller project. Since hes been with me he has gotten so educated all about yarns,, hooks-needles,, patterns,, stitch markers,, and naming different stitches. He has gotten good at naming what stitch I am using,, designs,,or pattern etc........

He never thought or dream how much one can spend on crochet or craft related stuff. Hes been in Hobby lobby, Michaels and other yarn type stores since we been together and is amazed how much yarn can cost. It still blows his mind to this day. He said " its just yarn",, or "its just thread".

now if I could just get him to crochet. I know he be good at it, cause some of his ideas are good.

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My DH has no problems with my ever growing yarn corner and out of the blue treated me to a spree at Spotlight a few days ago:clap He knows better than to ask where something is that isn't finished LOL and always loves everything I make. He's beyond wonderful :manyheart

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I just have to be careful to give him his share of my time and he's okay with it. He doesn't understand it, but then again, I don't quite understand his drawning d&d maps to no end...

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I don't have a DH anymore (left him when I caught him cheating on me - my only rule he could have broken). However, my DR (darling roommate) and BF (same person) harass me lovingly about it. Especially because I have colorcoded projects bags that end up getting left out when I get home from work and what not. I try to keep myself to 6 projects at once and then my giant bag for my scrapghan. However, gearing up for holidays and whatnot, that gets tough since I want to get work done about a dozen or so projects!

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He doesn't have a hobby except golf, which I just think is dumb. Chasing a little ball all over the country. What fun is that?






lol:rofl .....I never :no looked at Golf that way before.........lol.:rofl lol...


I don't know your age but I do know I have NO desire to play a game where I have to keep bending down to pick up a small ball outta a cup in the ground ... ouch


but then I do love sliding down a hill in freezing weather on two wood boards strapped to my feet :snow LOL

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DH doesn't understand the fascination, but is always ready to "test" the items that come off the hook:wgrin. Lots of the blankets that are supposed to be gifts never make it past him to their intended recipient!

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My DH tolerates my crocheting. Every now and again it gets to the point, I will put it down to ease his temper for a few days. Then I will crochet after he goes to sleep on those days. I have heard untold comments about my crocheting. This is a man that has no idea about my stash, He has never seen it. And God me if he ever does. Don't get me wrong, I take grief ( comments) if I do anything other than house work and pay attention to him. Thankfully he does enjoy sports, so I make sure to keep football or soccer on when I am wanting to do a big project. All in all he is pretty good. Funny thing is that his mother was a knitter, and he knitted as a kid. She told me he was very good at it as well. Makes one think that something must have happened along the way.

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My DH never has said a thing about my WIP's. I have a couple that may turn into UFO's (bought really pretty striped baby boucle, but will not crochet and is a headache to knit even with large needles:think ). Though I try to keep the ones in the living room contained to two bags (overflowing bags mind you and blankets do take up lots of room:D ). But I really don't think he will ever say anything because he has his hobbies and collections:lol .

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My DH has never and would never say boo about me having too many projects going. Granted, I rarely have more than one going at a time, but still. We both have hobbies, and neither of us would ever say "You have too many crochet projects going" or "You took too many pictures today" or anything like that.

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My... well i can't exactly say DH but it might as well be!... understands my crochet love. Especially when he gets to "beta test" all the items before I send them off to who they need to go to. The only issue he has with it is the yarn stash but more so the obsessive NEED to buy more yarn simply because I like it and I just might need it for a project one day. However, I get around that by having a specific purpose for needing the yarn and he's ok with it.


Also, he doesn't complain terribly about it unless I've been spending more time with a project than with him.


Besides, after I showed him crocheting by a graph, he's been encouraging me to make things for his friends and friends kids and to buy more yarn! Yay! Star wars patterns have won him over and I think I just might (and he's even expressed interest in learning if he can make these kinds of projects) get him to start crocheting also. Thank goodness I found those 12" star wars graph squares on CPC or that might have taken longer to happen!

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The only time my DH gets antsy about me having more than one WIP going is when one of them is something for him, and then he gets on me to finish his first. He doesn't really get on me, but he says things like "oh great, now I'm going to be old and gray before my [fill in the blank] is finished" and I end up finishing his WIP first to keep him quiet. :lol



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The Other Half gives the WIP's the once over, always with the comment: "The dogs will just love lying on that!"


I am REALLY fortunate that I have not one but 2 craft rooms!!! I have most of my WIP's here in the craft/computer room, and my stash in the other craft room where I have my cross stitching and sewing.


He doesn't really like me crocheting; would much prefer me to be interested in what HE'S doing!! I am really NOT interested in making wooden tables or welding!!!!

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I guess my DH is just one of a kind. I look at it this way....I could have a way more expensive habit than crocheting, quilting. I think he should be more grateful. :hook

Oh You are not alone!!!! My hubby gets upset all the time. His issue is that I get a little obsessive with the yarn and then he complains that I don't pay enough attention to him! So when I pull out a 2nd or a 3rd or 4th..... project he about goes through the roof.


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