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I weave ends in as I go. I normally wait until I have 5 or 6 ends, than take a quick break and work my ends in. That way I am not constantly stopping, nor am I faced with a humongous task at the end. I do work over the ends were ever I can.

I don't work in the end though when I am designing until I am positive I have what I want and leave enough of a tail to make sure I have thread to play with if I need to redo a section.

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For those that crochet over the ends as you work on your project, are they secure? That's what I'm doing too (when I can) but as I've never washed any of my FOs, I've no idea if they're secure enough. :think


I crochet over my ends all the time. The only time I had a problem with ends coming out was when I used Homespun in an afghan of squares and didn't leave enough of a tail. I washed it once and it totally fell apart. Oops. :blush After 3 or 4 washes, you may see an end or two poke out, but I've yet to have anything come undone.

I tend to go over 6-8" of tail and leave an inch or two out. I then weave those little bits back in in an opposite direction or even on the 'right' side and that 'locks' them in place it seems.


I hate joining suqares (or almost anything that requires much hand sewing...) so I don't make them any more.

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I'm trying to discipline myself to weave as I go. I'm working on a granny square afghan right now and at first I was joining the squares as I completed them, with the ends in the squares weaved in, but the tails from the joined sections left for later. I realized as the afghan got bigger that it became cumbersome to weave the joining tails that were in the middle of this big afghan. Each row is 7 squares wide, so now, after I complete 7 squares I weave the ends in each square, join the squares to form a row, then attach that row to the afghan, and weave the tails as I go. It seems to be working out better that way.

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I crochet over my ends all the time. The only time I had a problem with ends coming out was when I used Homespun in an afghan of squares and didn't leave enough of a tail. I washed it once and it totally fell apart. Oops. :blush After 3 or 4 washes, you may see an end or two poke out, but I've yet to have anything come undone.

I tend to go over 6-8" of tail and leave an inch or two out. I then weave those little bits back in in an opposite direction or even on the 'right' side and that 'locks' them in place it seems.


I hate joining suqares (or almost anything that requires much hand sewing...) so I don't make them any more.


Ooh, I think I should start doing the weaving end in opposite direction bit too. I'm making my first wearable and I don't want it to start unravelling on me while wearing it. That would be most embarrassing. :D Thanks for the tip! :)

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I crochet over my ends all the time. The only time I had a problem with ends coming out was when I used Homespun in an afghan of squares and didn't leave enough of a tail. I washed it once and it totally fell apart. Oops. :blush After 3 or 4 washes, you may see an end or two poke out, but I've yet to have anything come undone.

I tend to go over 6-8" of tail and leave an inch or two out. I then weave those little bits back in in an opposite direction or even on the 'right' side and that 'locks' them in place it seems.


I crochet over too! I just hate to weave in ends and I don't like knots. I wash my items on a reg basis (with 2 kids you have to) and I haven't had a prob. I only leave an inch or so too. I don't do anything more than that. I can't seem to weave ends without thinking that it shows....even with same color. In my head I'm sure. :lol When I sew items (squares) together I whipstitch and I lay the end dow to sandwich it in between the 2 pcs.

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I always scoffed at the idea of weaving in as you go like so many patterns say...but if i had not done it on this monster i would be crying right now, "i hate weaving in ends, i'll never get this done, i want to start something else but i CAN'T until this is done!! WAAAAHHH!!!"

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I don't bother crocheting over the ends, as I truly don't believe that this is enough to secure an end. I prefer to weave them in right through the plies of the yarn (not between strands of yarn) because I think that is more secure than just crocheting over the ends. I also go back in the other direction, and often back in the original direction for just a bit.


As for when I do this, I have learned the hard way that while it might be tedious to do them all at the end of the project, it is still the way to go for me. Not often (but just once is once too many) I have not been happy with a finished product and my very secure way of weaving in has cost me a good amount of yarn since it can't always be pulled out as easily as if I had just crocheted over the ends (another verification for me that crocheting over the ends is not as secure as one might think it to be).


I am not scoffing at anyone who chooses to do it that way, but I have offered my opinion, as the original poster suggested I might.

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I do it both ways. Depends on the project, and how things are going. I also hate to weave in ends too.


I have brought projects to my group, just to have someone else weave in ends for me. :lol It only takes them 5 minutes or so, but I just hate it.



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I'm like Mudpie in that I like to keep the option of unraveling in case it doesn't turn out right. If it's a ripple or anything other than joined squares it's not that big a deal to wait until the end since there's not so many ends.


However, with the 63 squares afghan I did have to weave in and join as I went. I didn't want to have to keep track of which square was which, and I needed to keep seeing that blanket develop in order to inspire me to continue on. Otherwise, I know I would've lost interest and put it aside. Once I see that the first few squares or motifs are turning out right, and I know I'll have enough yarn to finish, then I weave in as I go with a squares or motif project.

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I like to pretend I weave as I go,:blush but I usually leave most of them to the end then stare at the unfinished item angrily for a week before I finally finish it! :(

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as much as possible, I try to use the russian join whenever I can. I'll also crochet over as much as I can, and weave in what's left. I also weave up and down and all over. I especially love weaving in underneath the corners on granny squares. they are usually so dense that they really trap those ends in there. I tend to crochet for a while, then will take a break and weave ends.

My last project linus blanket, after i washed it, only had 1 lonely little end poking out of it, and I must have had over two dozen of 'em in there!

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