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Mornin ya'll,

I'm done with the back and workin on me sweater fronts. The count jes don't work quite right. tryin to figee out a wah for the sides to match the back where the diamonds join. any idees?

I've made her a bit shorter than the pattern, thought a short sweater with a bit o' a side slit on the bottoms and hope to make button holes would gussy it up a bit.

I'm plum tuckered out today. Spent the first two days of me vacation cleaning house. Scrubbed out son's room now that he's off to Unyversity. Gee Whiz, I thought he was doin good at keepin his room clean. Stuff was a growin under his bed, dresser, and computer table. And don ask me aboutin that thar closet!!! EEEKKK! Where's me six gun!!!!


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Mornin' pardners. Tha sun's a risin' an' it looks ta be a real purty day out thar. Got's a right nice day ta be doin' whatever it is you's a doin' taday.

Cat, that there is shore lookin' purty.:yes

Crazy Horse, them blues is gonna make you a right nice blanket fer shur.:)

Squanto, Ah like yer colors jus' tha way you got 'em. Wouldn't change a thang iffen it were me. :no Think it'll look right smart as is.:yes

Ah ain't worked on mah saddle bag since ah lit out fer the high country. Only had time ta grab one project on tha way out tha door an' that war a little quilt 'ghan Ah's a makin' fer mah grandson fer Christmas. He shur done likes them iron hosses. Can't fer tha life o' me figger out why, but he does. Anyways this here quilt 'ghan done's got a pitcher of one o' them thar things on it. It's almost done, so's Ah kin send it to him by pony express an' make sure it gets thar in time fo' tha big day. Gots ta get it on its way early, 'cause it's gotta go way up north near them thar Great Lakes they talk 'bout. Ioway Territory. Thas a long trip an' Ah hear tell they gets themselves sum mighty cold winters in them thar plains with narry a tree in sight ta stop that thar wind that blows.

See yah round the campfire one o' these days.:devil

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Crazy Horse - Those blues shore like fine!


Squanto - Those colors are mighty perdy. Downright strikin'. I think the turqua looks particular nice against the dark brown.


Cat - I ain't never been no good at wearables m'self so I can't offer no help there, but it shore sounds like you're making good progress.


Didn't do a single row on m' blanket yesterday. I was hurtin' mighty bad from sunup to sundown. I'm shore glad that day is over. Gonna try to make up some rows today.

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I finally got me blanket out and got's ta work on it a little bit yesterday... I got three rows done. Ain't much, and I'm not even back to where I was, but.... Leastways I'm doin' it the right way! :cowgirl



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Mornin' y'all!


Well, I got me 13 more rows done on that there pilla fer my man. I need ta finish that up and git on mah quiltin' project. But then mah hubby, Big Daddy fer those of you that don't know him, wants us to redo the parlor in the bunkhouse using this here pattern as pillows, throws and a rug! Why I think that's a right nice idear but I got them holidays and our niece is gonna drop her first young un' in about 20 weeks. The cowgirl's got a lot of her plate :lol


Well, off to rassle with that pilla. Hopefully it'll git finished up today. Was supossed to run to the Pony Express office today but danged if it ain't too hot out thar already. Maybe tomorry would be alright :yes

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I done had ta frog me 18 rows on mah saddle blanket... That jus chaps mah hide! I got 4 and a half back on but now there ain't no more mistakes and I'll be much happier with it.

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I done had ta frog me 18 rows on mah saddle blanket... That jus chaps mah hide! I got 4 and a half back on but now there ain't no more mistakes and I'll be much happier with it.


Dadgummit if that ain't frustratin'! :grump Well, Ah'm glad ya got it all figgered out!

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Howdy pardners.


Just a quick howdy to let ya know I didn't git caught in the quick sand on my way through the desert. Ima headin off to sleep now. Keep your fingers crossed that them there scorpions don't git into my sleep sack.


Have a good night ya'll. :manyheart

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Well I too had to frog some! I had to frog 6 rows but luckily it was just a little over half way back so I didn't frog the whole line just each row to the point of the mistake and reworked it. That is a nice thing about this pattern. :yes So I ended up doing 20 rows on it today but could have maybe done 30 if I hadn't had to go back :(

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Well I too had to frog some! I had to frog 6 rows but luckily it was just a little over half way back so I didn't frog the whole line just each row to the point of the mistake and reworked it. That is a nice thing about this pattern. :yes So I ended up doing 20 rows on it today but could have maybe done 30 if I hadn't had to go back :(



By golly!!! Wish'n I had thought of that. You sher are a clever one! Had me counts messed up somewhere on the front of the sweater and jest decided to decrease in one spot and increase in anotha ratha than rip out so many rows. On to sleeves now.

Cat :eek

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I'm still round. I ain't picked up that saddle blanket in a bit. Gotta keep workin on them toys fer them youngins. They'll be mighty pleased when they get thar box from that pony express feller. I'll be back with the blanket come some time next week :yes

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'Mornin' gals


Well I finished up that there piller fer mah man last night in the wee hours. Tried to get a photo of it but it just wouldn't work out. I ain't real happy with it tho :no Big Daddy wanted it stuffed a certain way and it looks awful lumpy ta me :( I cain't stand to have sumthin' not look good. But it's done and I can make the rest of the pieces how I want :hook

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Ok. Here's mah pitcher. I ain't proud of it atall :no It's bumpy and lumpy. Oh well I get to use piller forms for the others. Mebbe I kin throw a ghan over this one :lol



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I haven't done any crocheting today. I think that's a crime......maybe I should hide from the sheriff. :lurk



We bought the kiddos skateboards for there birthday & for some reason they think they should be outside all the time. They have me so stressed i'm surprised I have a hair on my head. KIDS!!!!!


I'm off to try to relax. See ya'll tomorrow. :manyheart

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Cara, uhhh I mean Sitting Bull... I think it looks great! The colors are wonderful and the stitches look fantastic! The bumpy stuffing is not a reflection on your ability, just hubby's preferences...LOL!

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