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what a feeling of accomplishment!

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I just had to share my progress with you! I've been crocheting for the last 4 or so hours now, but I've got all of the yarn but one strand cut off of the graph ghan. A few more rows of soft white and then I'll need to make a bunch of balls of gray and tackle the names that will be above the hearts and "25th". Now it's time for bed, it's pushing 2am!


My plans to continue are to make the afghan long enough to cover up with and it will be the solid background color of soft white. At the other end I am going to flip a heart and graph in one heart, that way, if you can picture the ghan folded in half and hung over a chair, the heart will be upright as will the text... of course if anyone has a better idea of how to proceed I'd be more than happy to hear your ideas!!!





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:cheer Awesome!!! Your gragh ghan is looking great. :yay


I've yet to try my hand at one. Is a project I am planning

for this winter:hook


Can't wait to see your finished project. Thanks for sharing what you have




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thanks all! Birdlady, it wasn't row 4... it was 4 rows!!! :faint oh that ticked me off! I was working too fast tho and not paying close enough attention.


How are the graphs coming along for the CAL? More people should show their progress, it's very inspirational to me! :D

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the names are done! What a treat last night to cut ALL THOSE STRANDS of yarn off!!! :jumpyay

Now I just have about ten rows of soft white to do so that I have the same number of rows above and below the graphing, then I edge it and start building the length and width to make it big enough to cuddle under!





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