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Disappointed with Crochet! mag

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I actually subscribed to Crochet! last year, but let it lapse because I went for several months without seeing anything that I even liked in it.

Of course, the next issue after my subscription ran out was chock full of stuff that I would like to make. So I bought it at the store.

I personally am going to stick with buying crochet mags at the store for now. I would subscribe to Crochet Today, but I keep hearing about problems that others here have had with their subscriptions and it just turned me off.

I guess mags are always going to be hit or miss. It all depends on what you like and what you're in the mood for.

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I feel the same. Crochet and Crochet Today are very disappointing. I subscribed to Crochet Today once but didn't receive a single issue, which is just as well; their patterns went from nice to lousy in a very short time. Love Interweave Crochet, and Crochet Monthly is good for threadies.

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i will usually browse the mag at the store.. i subscribed to Crochet and was pretty disapointed too. better to look at it in store then decide if you wanna buy it.

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I had the same problem with Crochet Magazine so I just didn't renew. Unfortunatly there are no crochet magazines at any book store I have been to in my town or Albuquerque, there is however every kind of knitting mag you could want.

I have wondered if these crochet magazines rely on the same designers for every issue, they may just need some fresh talent.:hook

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I had the same problem with Crochet Magazine so I just didn't renew. Unfortunatly there are no crochet magazines at any book store I have been to in my town or Albuquerque, there is however every kind of knitting mag you could want.

I have wondered if these crochet magazines rely on the same designers for every issue, they may just need some fresh talent.:hook


There must be at least a Barnes & Noble in Albuquerque? About once a month I go to my local B&N, grab a bunch of magazines and go through them. I almost always buy at least one.



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My problem is that the things will never fit me. I am a 2x comfortably and most of the times the patterns barely go to a large. I emailed the editor back in November and she told me that they would start having full figured designs with the new year but I must say I have not been excited with the few that have shown up. NiYa :(

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Never cared for the magazine --will be glad when subscription is over--Seems cold and distant and the sweaters never would fit me either --Anyone know where I could get plus sizes to make ??



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You know what? A lot of times, the ADS in a crochet magazine are better than the actual patterns in the magazine :lol . Remember the hoopla when that crocheted sweater was displayed in the Caron Simply Soft ad and just EVERYONE wanted to make it? I've also seen a stunning afghan in a Red Heart ad that I'm dying to make.

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I usually try checking the Magazines out from our Local library. That way I don't have to spend a lot of money on the magazines.

If I find something I would like to make I just use the Copy machine and copy that pattern.

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I love, love ,love Crochet! mag. This issue is fantastic. Plan to make the vest and the long hoodie dress. I like it because it seems to feature more garments than afghans and leans away from the traditonal crochet sterotype. I plan on renewing my subscription.

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I subscribe to several magazines and for the most part even with my least favs of the subscriptions, they are still worth the money for me...even if I've gone a few issues without making one thing. What I've notice happening was that at the time that they came in, sure, nothing would necessarily scream, "Make me..." but several months later when I would look through them again, something would pop up that the first go round I didn't like, but now, yeah...if nothing else I would get inspiration for another project...so the magazines are just for me to spark my interest...


Most of the time though, there's at least one item I find I want to make.

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Sometimes I think I don't like a copy (I've been getting it for nearly a year now), only to go back later and find I have changed my mind, or are looking for something in particular. I love having them in my little library! I've found more in this mag to my liking than the others.

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I had the same problem with Crochet Magazine so I just didn't renew. Unfortunatly there are no crochet magazines at any book store I have been to in my town or Albuquerque, there is however every kind of knitting mag you could want.

I have wondered if these crochet magazines rely on the same designers for every issue, they may just need some fresh talent.:hook


In Albuquerque, try Page 1 at Juan Tabo and Montgomery. They have the best magazine selection in town and I've seen plenty of crochet mags there in the past.



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I just got my issue of Crochet! and sadly I don't see 1 pattern that screams "MAKE ME"

Are you talking about the July issue?

I thought it was full of great things for once.

Normally I don't subscribe to any though because some issues of magazines don't have anything I want either.

I thought I'd sub to Crochet Today because I have liked every issue so far. Having read the subbing issues everyone is having though has made me change my mind. I'll just keep buying it in the store.

I did sub to the new merged Annie's magazine though. See below for why.


Maybe you mean the Sept issue though, which of course I haven't seen yet since I don't sub. ;)


There must be at least a Barnes & Noble in Albuquerque?

Doesn't mean they have crochet magazines. Mine are carrying less and less.

I could not ever find Annie's Favorite Crochet or Hooked on Crochet (now merged into one magazine) near me. I had to go at least an hour away and hope there was one left. Usually it was one or the other, never both magazines because they only stocked about five each.

Now I subscribe to the merged one. Not because I really want to, but because I kind of have to so I don't miss the one or two issues I really want.

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I guess I'm in the minority because I love all of the Crochet! magazines that I have bought (I think 7 as of right now). I think the patterns are geared toward younger people like me because I'll flip through the magazines with my friends and they'll point to about half the patterns in each and ask me if I can make it for them! :eek:lol I don't subscribe as I can't afford to pay the lump sum and I move around a lot from my parents' house to my school apartment so changing my address every time would be a hassle. I buy them off the rack and have marked several patterns that I want to make when I get the yarn and have the time.

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I'm not a big fan of Crochet!, but I do like Crochet Today! alot. Interweave Crochet is probably the best of the three, depending on what I'm looking for. And Annie's Attic's magazines are way lower on the list of them all. I guess it all depends on what you like.


Can't please all the people all the time, even with magazines...

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Just a couple things to keep in mind about crochet magazines:


1) They all have different target audiences. Crochet! Mag's is ages 44 to 53, for example. It might not appeal to younger people. If Interweave Crochet - which has a target age that's younger - excites you, chances are Crochet! might not.


2) Designers in those mags are subject to many changes in yarn and design choices that independent designers don't incur. A designer who works mainly for magazines is constantly being asked to make adjustements that impede the original pitched concept. And if you ask any designer who works with these magazines, chances are you'll hear stories of frustration. When they have advertisements coming in from Yarn Company X, guess what yarns will be used in some of the designs? You betcha they change those designs!


3) As far as always seeing the same designers, that's a tough one. It could be they aren't getting enough quality pitches. It could be difficulty in getting quality designs in a timely manner; they might have found some designers who always deliver on time or in a pinch.


And now that you mention it, I did sign up for Crochet Today magazine and I've yet to get a copy. Not sure if I was charged though. Guess I should look into that, eh?

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I pretty much like all the crochet mags!:yes (except Quick & Easy:no )

I make things for my DDs and I just like looking at them. NO stores near me have crochet mags. No B&N for 45 mi. Borders-30 mi (usually only have Interweave). With gas so high, subscribing is cheaper!:D

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1) They all have different target audiences. Crochet! Mag's is ages 44 to 53, for example. It might not appeal to younger people.
I disagree about that target audience. I don't think things like Drew's Peakaboo dress, several mini skirts, or even the maternity dresses are aimed at that age group.

Many of the other clothes, purses, belts, etc are also aimed at the younger women.

That's not to say this age group, or any age, won't like them for themselves or reletives.

I agree, Interweave is probably aimed at the younger set (or more artsy at least) and if you like one magazine, you might not like the other.



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Even if I don't find something to make, I enjoy looking at the magazines, and appreciate anything with articles to read as well as patterns.

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I just got my issue of Crochet! and sadly I don't see 1 pattern that screams "MAKE ME" :ohdear:cry


Hmm. I just got mine today, and I found a stuffed penguin on page 90 that's waiting for a good home.:2snowman

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I agree with you, but when Carol Alexander, the editor, says her target audience is as such, I guess that's what it is. I was surprised too. I thought it would have way more range than that for the reasons you've specified. But according to Carol - really, her words were exact - that's their target audience. Surprising, eh? I would have figured about 30 (or very late 20's) - mid 50's. I can't say I could see a 50-something wearing Drew's dress!


I disagree about that target audience. I don't think things like Drew's Peakaboo dress, several mini skirts, or even the maternity dresses are aimed at that age group.

Many of the other clothes, purses, belts, etc are also aimed at the younger women.

That's not to say this age group, or any age, won't like them for themselves or reletives.

I agree, Interweave is probably aimed at the younger set (or more artsy at least) and if you like one magazine, you might not like the other.



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I have been mulling this over in my mind for a day or so...:think:think:think


What is the purpose of crochet magazines?


The obvious answer is that they exist to provide projects for us to make. :hook fair enough but I think there is an element of philanthropy or underlying support within this framework.


Without the magazines, how do we keep growing and nurturing the talent that is out there? We may be switching to a digital universe but the fact still remains that we support and enable an industry to continue and to thrive. The more support that exists for our favourite craft, the more available to us. It is an enlightened self interest of sorts.


If we can remember that there is a young new designer out there just waiting for an acceptance letter... it hasn't happened yet but it will - maybe we can see our money spent on a current issue as a mortgage payment. It doesn't seem like much this month but in the long run boy do we win big! :wlol



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