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Crochet not welcome

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I have for years utilized the local open-all-night restaurants for doing homework in college and finishing afghans (weaving in ends when there's a lot of them). I bring my stuff, buy a large soda, and when I finish my stuff, reward myself with a large breakfast. I'm not constantly bothering the staff, I'm not making a mess for anybody to clean up, I'm not shooting spitballs from a straw at other customers, I'm not talking and laughing so loud that the dinner-break police have to eat outside to hear themselves talk, I'm not exploding fireworks at the drive-in, I'm not getting into knife fights in the men's room, I'm not setting the dumpsters on fire, I'm not listening to a radio at full volume in the car, I'm not homeless and trying to stay out of the cold, and I'm not threatening the clerk and robbing the store. I'm just occupying one table for several hours overnight when they aren't especially busy, and buying breakfast sometime after dawn before I go home. The staff don't mind me, they can do their work uninterrupted (one of them has to stay up front wheather there are customers or not), and there's a witness to whatever trouble happens. If a really good storm comes through, and the lights go out, they lock up and we chat in the dark until the power is back on :-)
Even had one area supervisor checking on the stores stop once and have me show her the stitch pattern I was using, and comment on how young I was (she sees mostly retirees in RVs who craft at the tables, usually while their husbands are reading the paper).

I was working on baby shower gifts last night (finishing the afghan and making bottle cozies). I'd been there about five hours, almost done and starting to plan what menu items I wanted for breakfast (the smell of eggs and bacon was driving me nuts LOL), when the incoming shift manager kicks me out for 'doing arts and crafts, not eating'. There are still plenty of unoccupied tables, so it's not like they needed the one I was using. I am a paying customer (I bought the drink when I arrived, it's almost empty, and normally I'd buy breakfast too), but not likely to ever buy anything there again now. I had him write down his name, his supervisor's name and phone number, and I left. I bought breakfast at a competitor restaurant.


There are now only two open-all-night restaurants in this town. I guess I'll go to the other one next time...
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I say we pack up our biggest, bulkiest projects, take a road trip to that diner and sit there for 5 hours crocheting and gossiping during that manager's shift. Then when he arrives to kick us out, we "mistaken" him for the waitress and demand our food. Not that I'm usually this vindictive :devil


He was a jerk and the store lost a valuable customer. I'm sure after you complain, he won't make that mistake again.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Some people just amaze me, and not in a good way. Drives me crazy when people get bossy like that just because they enjoy it, and that's what it sounds like to me. :angry I hope his supervisor sees reason and can explain it to him!

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I agree, that was very rude and I am not sure it is even legal/kosher. But I have to ask one question, why do you do it there instead of at home? Just curious, not downing you in any way......

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For homework (college algebra and chemistry) I went because I could not get the peace and quiet at home - someone was always interrupting me to go do something (fetch milk, chat, etc). Same problems I had when I was working graveyards, somebody always waking me up durring the day.


For crafting, I go because I don't enjoy weaving in the ends and I can always find something else to do at home - ball yarn, sort magazines, clean house, etc). By going somewhere else, I force myself to finish those projects and reward myself with food :-) Another reason to go, when I have large projects, is because my kitties want to play with the yarn, jump up into the middle of it, or just pester me for attention. If I'm on a deadline (like baby shower gifts), I can't play with the kitties or let them distroy my work ...


In the spring and fall, when the weather is nice, I can work outside on the patio. Summer and winter, I can't. Especially after it has rained, because the mosquitos are SO bad ...

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Sounds like he has let the managerial role go to his head. I would get a bunch of friends who crochet all go to the cafe you all buy a drink and then wait how long he takes to kick you out. then have a reporter from the local paper on standby.

I got my crocheting out once in a pub I was still drinking and talking to the people I was with. and they had the nerve to say I was being anti social. I said it was more antisocial to smoke or read a book. I carried on crocheting. joking aside make a complaint saying how empty the place was. gosh it isn`t like you took your own food or started cutting your toenails.

ugh some pple annoy me xxhugsxx

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What a horrible attitude for that employee to take! If it were me, I would be glad for someone sitting there making the place look occupied during the overnight.


Places that are open overnight are too often targets for robberies, and if I were an employee there, I would be grateful just for someone's presence in the place during the hours when the place is most likely to be robbed. I know when I used to sometimes work the 11-7 shift here at the hotel I was much more comfortable when there were people hanging around up in the lobby with me during those hours than when it was just me by myself. And as you said, it's not like you never buy anything, you would end up eating breakfast and you weren't taking up the only free table in the place, making it impossible for someone else who wanted to eat to be there. I would find out who the supervisor of the person is and tell them what happened and see what they have to say about it.



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If it's a chain store - forget the supervisor - go directly to the 1-800 Customer Service # or Corporate Office.


They just HATE being bothered by stupid petty BS. Heads will roll over throwing out a REPEAT paying customer and they'll probably offer you perks or free coupons.

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well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning, make a call of complaint and leave it at that. i would still go to the other diner and if possible make mention that you are coming there to give them your hard earned money after being kicked out of the other place, so they will understand your situation at the begining and not do the same to you

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I have never crocheted anything bigger than a granny square in at a diner/pub, I'd be p***** if they threw me out. One March I left a crochet shamrok pin for the waitress, the next week others wanted them too.

Ellie 13

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Wow that brings back memories for me, I used to crochet @work for 18yrs. I'm a cashier at a family owned store. Well this boss man hated that everyone would pay me compliments on my work, so he decided that I could no longer crochet there. Supposedly someone complained and when I confronted him and wanted to speak to the person who complained he didn't want to give me the information.

So I believe that it was a phoney complaint. My boss is a very self-centered person. But there is no one higher up to complain to.



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After reading your post yesterday, your experience with the restaurant really bothered me.


I guess I am seeing it as an example of so many things that happen to all of us that is totally unnecessary and downright cruel. You can't help but wonder when people have a choice to be civil/kind or cruel/vindictive, they choose the latter path. Perhaps it is a sign of the times although I certainly hope not.


It is getting to the point where I am reluctant to participate in most public forums or gathering places because there is always some jerk out to make life miserable for others. They are always trying to enforce some obscure rule or law that makes no sense or is obscure at best. Mostly, it is a control issue or some fear that drives them.


Like many of the previous posters, I would think they would be glad to have you in the restaurant during the late night and early morning hours. Maybe this guy had an "bee in his bonnet" and decided to take it out on you. Who knows..... Either way, such actions can be costly to any establishment that is trying to make a profit. Good Will is very important.


I think I would ask the main manager what his policy is and go with whatever he says. I would do the same with the other restaurant. This should be their call not some asst. manager. Let us know how this turns out. I am very interested in your resolution to this matter.


As an aside, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. You have a great sense of humor and good common sense.


Good Luck to you in all your endeavors.

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that is outrageous! It sounds like the staff there know you and appreciate that you are a regular customer. I know I would rather have some company on those night shifts too...it would be nice to have regular customers that you know. Definitely a power trip of some kind...make sure you file that complaint!

I'm with Aunt Kellie, we could do a crechet sit-in. We could order a plate of fries to share and crochet all night long!

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Luckily, the corporate offices are in Corpus Christi. so I won't have to prowl the internet or pester a manager for the information. This guy probably thinks that I'll forget about it by monday - I won't. I'll probably spend tonight drafting my letter, unless I spend it weaving in ends at the other location :-)

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Your story makes me furious. I used to do a lot of traveling with my job. One day after a late lunch in a chain restaurant, we saw a group of seniors playing cards at another table. If the restaurant is not busy and the customers have purchased food and beverages, what's the issue? I used to study with a friend at restaurants before exams. There was space, we could buy lunch or breakfast, and I didn't have to clean up my apartment.


Call the corporate headquarters and complain about this jerk. He needs to learn what customer service is all about.


I like the idea of getting a group of local crocheters together with the local newspaper. LOL

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I'm so annoyed for you. As you say you werent doing anyone any harm. Give some people a bit of authority and it goes to their heads. He is a real jobsworth. You should definately write and complain about his lack of customer service skills.

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These stories remind me of the time my husband and I took a visiting minister to lunch at a small local restaurant. After our meal we sat for quite a long time chatting. There were plenty of open tables and we intended on leaving a nice tip.

After a while a male employer randomly stopped by our table (he didn't do this to anybody else) and told us a couple jokes. They were cute and we had a good chuckle. Then he leans over to the minister and whispers to him. Then he said, "I thought maybe I shouldn't say that one in front of the ladies." The minister said, "Well, I don't think I needed to hear that one either." Of course, my husband and I were mortified but the minister thought it was pretty funny that the guy would choose him to tell it to. :D

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Just to play devil's advocate here, has the restaurant had any other problems with people who really are using their facility just to loiter? If they have been having problems with OTHER people they want to keep out of their facility, they may have been told they have to crack down on EVERYONE in order to avoid issues with charges of discrimination of some type.


Then again, the guy could just have been abusing his authority.


Please let us know what you find out once you talk to his manager.

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