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comfortghan a fellow member is making in honor of her husband


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My square will be going out this afternoon or tomorrow for sure. It's drying after I just blocked it.

I am so sorry for your loss. You have my prayers and deepest sympathy.

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Are any more squares needed? I have a 12-inch red/white/blue square done in worsted weight yarn that I just need to block and weave in the ends. Please let me know ... someone.

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she is thankful for any that are sent.....sure send it to her! she pmed me and said the squares have started to come in and are beautiful. she cant believe we would allpull together to help her make this ghan. pm me if you need the addy.

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she is thankful for any that are sent.....sure send it to her! she pmed me and said the squares have started to come in and are beautiful. she cant believe we would allpull together to help her make this ghan. pm me if you need the addy.


Thanks. I've emailed her for the mailing address.

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My Loving Husband, My Fireman, My Hero


I would be glad if anyone would like to participate in

my Hero's Memory Afghan.:hug


I am asking for 12 inch squares.

I am using red, white, and blue.

The pattern can be your choice.

The squares can be a solid color.

Or red, white and blue variegated colors.


<SNIP>address removed for safety reasons<>

this the mailing address? :think it is where I mailed mine to today:eek

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Me too, that is the addy I sent to.....hope it is ok... I sent three, one r/w/b and a solid red and a solid blue....since someone else was sending white ones. Hope they find the right afghan...LOL

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My heart is touched each time I receive an email.

I appreciate all of the dedication each of you have shown, by making a square for my Hero's Memory Afghan.


Thanks to all who have sent squares. This act of kindness is touching me so deeply.:hug


I have listed my address below, for those who have requested it.


I will post a photo of the afghan on C'ville when I complete it.


I hope to start by middle of the week.


Once again, thank you for your prayers and long distance hugs!:hug :hug :hug


Granny Sunshine



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Granny Sunshine, my square is on its way to you. I mailed it out yesterday!

Hugs to you! :hug:hug:manyheart:hug:hug

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Do you still need squares? PM the addy to me and I'll whip up one...

Heartfelts hugs,

from the wife of a retired law enforcement officer...


PS...is royal blue okay?

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Kay, I hope you got my square and that it didn't go to someone else's address. I always worry about things like that. You have my prayers to help you through this difficult time. :hug Words just cannot express how deeply we feel when there is such a tragic loss. God bless you!

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Thanks for all of the squares!


My husband's parents are having their 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, at our church. We are trying to make this a happy event, even tho' Dennis will not be with us. I am trying to keep busy by giving his mother and father a treasured memory for this day.


We sure are missing him in all that we do. His laughter and smiles are what I miss the most. He had a way of bringing out all of the happiness from your heart.


My Hero's Memory Afghan will be started after this weekend. I will start to work stitching together the squares next week. I appreciate all of the love and dedication each of you put into your square. The talent, workmanship, and time that went into each of the squares, has helped the healing process of my heart. Thank each of you so much!:c9


I am looking forward to weaving my love into the afghan.

Dennis supported all that I did with my crochet.

I respected his aspects and treasured his input to my projects.


I rest assured that he would be so honored that someone would appreciate his service and devotion, by taking part in this Hero's Memory Afghan!:cheer:clap:cheer:clap


I will post a photo soon.


Thanks again,:manyheart :manyheart


Granny Sunshine

Kay Cheshire

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Kay, my husband supports my projects, too, and has also been invaluable in giving me ideas.

When he saw the square I made for you he asked about it and I told him about Dennis...he felt so awful.

Dennis was a good man, Kay, and someone like that is always alive in the memories of those he touched...:hug


I'm looking forward to seeing your completed ghan...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Granny Sunshine, I sent you a square yesterday. Can't wait to see your finished project. What a wonderful way to honor your husband! My thoughts are with you and your family ...

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