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Take 2 on Market Bag (Felted)


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I think it looks sort of tropical, I haven't decided if it is getting gifted or finding a home here, I do know what i would do next time, I did forget to take pics before felting, It was huge. Well the only thing I know for sure is this isn't the last there will be another attempt I have an idea in my head this is close just not completely what I had in mind.




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I like it!! :hook What pattern did you use, hope it's a freebie. :D

Of Course it is :D


It is just Lion Brand market tote here




I just used a couple size bigger hook I used a J and didn't crochet too tight. I just changed the color on the last 4 rows of no increase then.When I started the handle I found the mid point and changed color on two stitches in the center then increased it by 1 stitch either side of that till the whole handle was one color then I single crocheted around the opening on either side of the handle with the contrasting color.

The bottom also has a row of contrasting stich where the increases stop.

Thats it. Next time I will make the handle area larger to use as a shoulder strap maybe..

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I JUST LOVE THAT BAG! This may have just gotten be to try my first felting project. But first, I have to finish all those other projects hanging around the house.......

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It is just Lion Brand market tote here




That came out great. Would you believe I am working on that very bag now, using a size L hook. I plan to felt it. Right now it looks like a giant mis-shapen mess. I hope mine comes out looking like yours (way different colors, of course) when it's had it's bath.



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In love with that bag! Awesome job!! I have never felted before either and this seems like a good time to start!! Did you shorten the strap from the LB pattern? Or does it really shrink all that much??? The strap seems so long in the pic on the website

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In love with that bag! Awesome job!! I have never felted before either and this seems like a good time to start!! Did you shorten the strap from the LB pattern? Or does it really shrink all that much??? The strap seems so long in the pic on the website


Well I counted again and yep it did shrink that much I thought maybe I skipped some rows but no I have 10 rows for each strap side after the decreases were finished 9 stiches wide and 20 rows 10 each side that is

Rows 46 through 56: Work even on 9 sts total, fasten and end off.

Yep if does shrink a lot If you want a shoulder bag I would at least double the amount of even rows on the strap. It wouldn't hurt the strap to go a little narrower ( more decreases) for a shoulder strap on either.

I might try a shoulder strap one soon.

Thinking of similar colors more yellow orange a blue and maybe a sand or white color thrown in the mix sort of the beach the ocean and the sun.:D

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The things I've learned about felting, is that sometimes the finished thing turns out a lot different than it looked pre-felting... so don't be discouraged if you are working on something that looks lumpish. Also, keep in mind that the fabric gets thicker as it shrinks so that will change the texture, flexibility and shape of the final object.


How much it shrinks can also be a variable! Two bags made with the same pattern and same yarn but put through different washing machines or wash cycles may turn out a bit different. IMHO that's part of the fun of a felted bag.

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I like your bag! And that orange really sets off the gray!


It really looks different than the unfelted version on the LB site. I did not like it unfelted - too big and unstructured for me. But the felted version is way cool!!

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I love you bag! I didn't like the one on the website either, but felted it's beautiful!! I'm glad you showed us that, I think I'll try one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Goodie.. I made the bag and felted it... twice..(Thanks for the pattern and inspiration) I agree that the strap could be a bit more narrow but my question lies in the felting. Can I get it smaller by felting again? It also does not have the nice shape yours does, its more market bag like... I really love it but want to make it smaller, am I felting wrong? I did hot cold cycle with a pair of jeans.


Thanks for any advice!! I will post pic tonight!

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Your bag looks much better than the example from the pattern. I wouldn't be surprised at all if several people try making one to felt now.


Love it. :hook

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Ok Goodie.. I made the bag and felted it... twice..(Thanks for the pattern and inspiration) I agree that the strap could be a bit more narrow but my question lies in the felting. Can I get it smaller by felting again? It also does not have the nice shape yours does, its more market bag like... I really love it but want to make it smaller, am I felting wrong? I did hot cold cycle with a pair of jeans.


Thanks for any advice!! I will post pic tonight!


Can you see any definite stitches anymore or are they all too dense to see? If you can make out any stitches I know you can get it felted down some more, for sure.


The shape of that bag is great! A longer strao would indeed be perfect for it!

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Can I get it smaller by felting again? It also does not have the nice shape yours does, its more market bag like... I really love it but want to make it smaller, am I felting wrong? I did hot cold cycle with a pair of jeans.



Can't wait to see your pictures!!!!!

Yep you can keep felting it til it suits your needs I added a small strap/clasp across between the two handles, and had to stretch that more as it was slightly smaller after felting than I wanted.

As for shaping when you hold it by the handle (after felting when it is drying) notice how the handle wants to fold inward because it is too wide to fit in the palm of your hand with your hand closed........use that as a guide going towards the body of the bag I used clothes pins to make a small pleat on either side of the strap on both ends of the strap then let it dry with that "pleat" on either side of the body. Play with it you can gently stretch and smoosh felted stuff as it is drying to get the shape you want, I also stuffed the inside of the bag when it was drying with smashed up plastic bags from walmart etc. til the bottom of the bag was full and sort of round. ( I hung it from a chair back by its' handle to dry) The strap I had to do some gentle stretching around the strap opening each side to get it to be equal on both sides and shaped the way I wanted it ....remember gentle stretching and tugging will shape it as it dries.

Also you can always make it smaller by felting again but if you felt it too far oooops you might have a dolls purse. When YOU like it it is done!!!

I can also sometimes felt a second time only a portion of the whole thing........like everything except the strap , by using my sink loads of hot water and a large wooden spoon for aggitation, and attempting to keep that part out of the way.

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