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BF's friends comment

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A little while ago, we were over one of my BF's friends houses playing cards. I had brought my WIP with me and was working like a mad woman to get it done. (It was a sweater for my BF's mom's birthday.)

Anyways, one of his friends asked me, "Do you like doing that?"

I replied, "Yeah,... I wouldn't do it if I didn't like to do it."

He retorted, "Why do you like it?"

I answered, "Because I get to take this ball of yarn and turn it into a sweater (or what ever I am working on at the time). How cool is that?"

He said, "Oh, I just thought it was something that girls do."


I do have to explain that we are in our mid-20s and his friend is a tatoo artist and I am assuming is not exposed to many crocheters.

It is still quite funny, I think!

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When I first started teaching myself, I was in my mid-20's, and a friend stopped by to visit my husband... I got the usual raised eyebrow and "granny craft" comments. I've been there. LOL!

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i would prolly ask him the cliqued questions about tattoos, how can you do that, dont you worry about what will happen when you get older.........see if he gets it or not

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I actually brought my crochet to the tattoo place for my husband's last tattoo. I figured it was a good use of my 2 hours while I sat there with him. The tattoo artist thought it was pretty strange, but kept asking me questions and wanting so see my progress.

Funny story, thanks for sharing.

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Also, it's like when guys used to take home ec - one guy surrounded by a bevy of girls.


If I were a guy, I'd rather meet the girls in a yarn aisle than at a bar, any day.


And vice versa, for sure!

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All I can think of is a friend of ours, who's now 70 years old. He got a tatoo of Mickey Mouse when he was in the Navy years and years ago. The only way you can still tell it's Mickey is the round ears :lol . Otherwise, the rest has been obliterated by all the wrinkles.

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When I was in my 20s, I was a kinda-cool woman (gee, doesn't that sound vain!!) who hung out with artists, musicians, punkers, etc. We were always going out to clubs, concerts, dancing, etc. .. so when I began doing cross-stitch, and someone would ask why I did it, I'd say, "Well, I'm saving up my energy now so I have the energy to go slam-dancing later!" At one point I made a beautiful baby blanket in black for a friend of mine. She loved it, although all the older ladies at the baby shower were shocked that a baby-item was made in black!


I hated the idea everyone had that only old-fogies did craft. Now that I actually am an old-fogie (in my early 40s!!) my crafty-streak fits my image, but back then it bugged me a bit, and I hid it from most people.

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i'm 22 and my husband is a 29yo mortgage broker. all his friends are older than me, but he is actually the one grabbing my crocheted bags, scarfts, dresses, etc to show off. i run away, or blush. i dont want to seem like a dork. but the older crowd is the one that i have found to be most accepting towards crochet.

if i take my project with me somewhere to work on it, i get the weirdest looks. but its fun, and its probably one of the only hobbies that you can take wherever you want.

my sister in law is an amazing tattoo artist and she actually wanted me to sell some of my work in her store, which i thought was pretty cool.

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Yeah people are automatically instantly curious when you crochet/knit in public. They seem to swarm around you, like you just moved in from some Amish community or something.


tiga, lol at meeting women in the yarn aisle! I mean think about it, if you meet women in the yarn aisle, at least you know they're not drunk (hopefully), and guaranteed they're smart and creative! :cheer

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I'm 46+ and refuse to be called "old-fogie". I made my first granny square when I was 9 or 10. It was lopsided, but I never gave up. I never cared what anyone thought (crocheted in the school lunch room). In the late 60's, early 70's they called me a "hippy" (din't know what it meant then). Now I even make my own designs. If I ever get too old to crochet, SHOOT ME!!!

Ellie 13

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I just turned 48 and am FAR from an "old Fogey..." However, I've been working with my hands since things could be put into my hands...


My MIL said something to me when I was home in the states last November...she's 80+...and I was working on a purse...she basically implied that if I wasn't making money doing what I do, then I'm basically "wasting my time..." really caught me off guard...but whatever...this is me, this is what I do...the rest of the world doesn't necessarily have to like it...but fortunately I have my fanbase...of sorts...

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I guess you really need to feel sorry for those "less fortunate";) than our children. We expose our children to art (whether they know it or not) and they accept and appreciate crochet and other crafts for the beauty they hold.:hook

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I am pretty much an old hippie (with out the drug experiences ;)) and I have crocheted since 1970. I always take projects with me. Once I was working on an afghan while current BF and his buddy were watching the Super Bowl (football makes my eyes glaze over)


Buddy says to me, "Why do you chicks always do that? Sit around and work with yarn?" I said, "By the end of this evening you'll just be drunk, I will have several feet done on my blanket" I think I was the cooler one between us!

He just said, "OH". That was 25 years ago, I still have the afghan, he's gone now. He was a person who was in Vietnam, came home with a metal plate in his head and basically went on to drink himself to death. He was a good person, just mentally very ill.


Sorry that got a bit maudlin!!!



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