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Husbands just don't get it!!!

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This is what I found when I got home lastnight from shopping:eek It was the beginnings of a dog bed, and there are 4 different colors :( The good news...I was able to wrap them into balls without any knots :yay


I have asked hubby time and again..."Please don't let Mathai into my crochet!!"...he gets it now :yes

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This is what I found when I got home lastnight from shopping:eek It was the beginnings of a dog bed, and there are 4 different colors :( The good news...I was able to wrap them into balls without any knots :yay


I have asked hubby time and again..."Please don't let Mathai into my crochet!!"...he gets it now :yes


I am so sorry you had that mess to deal with. :hug


If he understands it now and you got out of the mess without major 'more messes', it could be cheap at the price.

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that picture is so sad. I know how you feel though. My daughter had a cat that would get into her yarn stash almost every night until we started storing it differently..can't blame the cat...she was just amusing herself...but it kept everyone busy winding balls each day until we figured out a better storage system:blush

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:hug for your problem. I am glad you could put them in a ball.

I agree husbands just don't care eighter. I don't have any pets.

But , I do have a husband.:lol

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Sure, I have a problem with hubby not seeming to care, but in his defense, there is yarn everywhere... You're bound to step on some, or kick it from time to time... lol Perhaps even use a ball as a pillow...


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We don't have an animal but I think my husband would rescue a project from one without me having to tell him. But just like women, not all men think alike, so I realize some men would ignore a problem like this. Heather, can you put a pretty, covered basket with a latch of some kind into your space to hold your current projects? I think it's a lot like shoes or socks — your crochet carries your scent and your animal loves you. Hence he wants to burrow into the yarn and play with it.

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Yeah...I have learned my lesson too...lol...I have been keeping things under "lock and key"...lol...I'll certainly post a pic!!!...Ohhh the doggy sweater that I made?? I don't know how many saw the thread...I do have a pic, I'll try to scan it...it looks like it was taken with an old polariod...lol...but it sure looks cute!!!

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looks like the mess i had when hubby vaccuummed....the yarn got caught up in the vaccuum and pulled it out of the skein....at least it wasnt attached to a project.....he's more careful now......

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my brother and mother know not to touch my projects....unless i say they can...i have lost so many stitches....i can't even begin to tell you....so i do a little knot thing when i am done and i try to wrap the project around the yarn...so i never see the mess you have there.....glad to know that you got it all wrapped in a ball and you can keep on going...

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as you were rolling were you muttering make hubby do this? i did that once he let me dd who was only2 at the time play with what he thought was a blanket just for her, when in fact was a christening dress(thread) i cried as it was a very intrequite pattern and i had a deadline, i ended up just chucking the thread and starting over needless to say i played it for a month got me lots of yarn :devil:devil:devil sorry you had to go thru that but glad you were able to save your yarn:yes:yes:yes

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