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When do you find the time??

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I'm a sahm mom with a 5 yo and an 11 month old and can rarely find time to crochet except for at night when everyone is finally asleep...but then, I'm too tired so only crochet for a little bit!! When do you busy moms...and others...find time to crochet!!

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NAP TIME!!! I have Illyanna, she'll be Two in June. But she takes a great nap in the middle of the day. So I get the middle of the day and then she is DOWN for the night at 8pm. Sometimes if I wake up earlier than Illyanna I do a bit of it in the morning.


We are also going on a little road trip, so when hubby is driving i crochet...



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I'm not a mama, but I do have a busy schedule during the week. However, if I'm catching a bit of TV, I'll usually be working on something at the same time. Or if I have a free 15-30 minutes here or there, I'll also use that time to work on a project.

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I tell my family that when my baby is down for a nap that it is my "break time" and I do nothing but crochet! Unless the house is on fire, don't bother me!!

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I try to get in a couple of hours a night after the childrens bedtime. I also crochet in the car if the trip takes longer than 30 minutes and I am not driving :lol;) I occasionally can get a bit done when "Playschool" is on, as both my children will just sit and vegetate in front of it, but this is usually when I get those 'hard to do with the kids underfoot' house chores done as well. I really struggle to find a balance between the needs of the children, the house, my own needs and the little crochet business that I run. I would love to be able to crochet all day and night, but sadly those days are behind me.

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I crochet early in the morning when I get our youngest up for school (he meets the bus at 6am, so we're up at 5), then if I have time, before I go to work. I always have a project with me, so I can crochet during my lunch break, or in the doctor's office...... When I get home, after fixing supper, and cleaning up the kitchen, I've usually got time to get a few rows in.... I'm pretty lucky, in that my guys help in the housework department, so it's not all on me.

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I took up crochet when my younger two were toddlers because I wanted something to occupy my hands while watching them play in the afternoon; they were two, thee and half and Ah Leah (villager now!) was eight and a half. We'd sit in the den together. Of course I only did one pattern:D from a Mary Maxim kit, a side-to-side ripple - but I made FIVE of those blankets:yes

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I often wonder when people find the time too! I work full time and have a 9 year old daughter. It seems the best chance I have to crochet is when I'm watching tv at night and even that doesn't work sometimes. I'm happy when I can go two or three days in a row and get crochet time in. I also will get in a couple of rows if I have a few minutes here and there.

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I find snippets of time all over the place. I work very part time as the Assistant Super to my building so two days a week I get quite a bit of crocheting done. My youngest is now 5 so taking her to school or the park is usually a good time for me to get some crocheting done as well. When she was a baby, I didn't have as much time for crocheting but I think watching all her firsts made up for the lack of free time I had back then. Now she wants to learn crocheting so I do get some extra time teaching her something I really enjoy doing.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Some times I am able to do a little bit wile my 2yr old is climbing all over me. I have a seven yr old that goes to school. But he really doesn't bother me wile I am crocheting. Actually he is my best critic. LOL :lol Mostly at nap time, or after they go to bed.

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Whenever I can, mostly evenings and weekends and lunch breaks sometimes. I usually have a project or a book in the car too, for something to do if I get caught waiting or something. It gets easier when your kids get older and more independent, mine's 9 now and we'll both work on projects in the evenings while we watch TV or hang out on the balcony.

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my son is 15 months and i just crochet while he is playing in the morning . about 10:30 he goes down for a nap and i come here and see how you guys are doing, then clean, shower, and if he's still asleep i turn on the music and blissfully, peacefully crochet. after dinner, when husband is home, its MY time! i can crochet for about 3 hours straight when he is home. that's why i LOVE the weekends!!!

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I have a 2.5 yo DD and I stay at home with her most days. I sneak in a bit during naptime and while she is playing in her sandbox, but the bulk of my crochet time is after she goes to bed. DH does her bath and bedtime, so my free time starts a bit before she is actually asleep :hook

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Frankly, I don't have time. I have two websites and a full time job and a family. But before I started work full time, I was crocheting, and even now my one website is about crochet.


So if I'm not actually crocheting, I'm still involved in "all things crochet". And drooling over everyone else's FO's. :lol

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When my were younger I would crochet( or cross stitch) during quiet time or playtime... I made sure we had it every day... napping babies and preschoolers with a stack of books, puzzles, etch- a sketch or magna doodles etc in their bedrooms with a book on tape in the cassette players... I had a good hour and ahalf or more of me time....I needed it to survive!!!!!

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I crochet only in the evenings, when I get time. I own my own company, so my days are often 12 hours plus...so I don't get to do my craft as often as I would like. Weekends I can spend more time, and do.


When I'm not crocheting, I quite often find myself thinking about my project, or planning the next one, and wishing I was able to get started. Is that classed as an obsession.


We're looking to start a family as well, so heaven only knows when I'll get time if I get pregnant.

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At present I have the time. My DD is 11 and in school all week. My health is awful so I thank God I have my yarn to keep me busy. if I had to sit around and watch tv all day I think I'd lose my mind. At least now I'm making beautiful things.


When Amber was a baby it would take me a month to finish an afghan. I'd mostly crochet during naptime or snuggled in under the afghan in the winters.

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I'm a SAHM, and my daughter is in school from 8 to 2, and I still only crochet in the evenings for the most part. I don't watch much TV, so my crafts take the place of TV.


I also work on small projects when I take my daughter to therapy - things like squares, dishcloths, etc.


Remember - it's a hobby, not a race.

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Usually during the evening when I'm watching tv. Sometimes during the day if I'm watching soaps.

Usually at my daughter's ballet. She's in class and I'm sitting in the waiting room. This year it was 30 minutes. Next year it'll be 60.

Sometimes on long drives; my husband drives and I ride.

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I'm a single mom of 2 boys myself and I work outside the home 40 hours plus commuting time. I long to be able to come home after work and just sit and do some crocheting, but I can't. I have to fix supper, eat supper, clean up supper....maybe do some laundry, get the kids clothes and things ready for the next day and then maybe around 9-9:30 I might have the time to sit and stitch a little. But I'm like you....I am too tired by then.


I always take something to crochet with me on my breaks at work. IF the weather is icky outside I stay in and crochet otherwise I try to go out and walk. I try to get some serious crochet time in on the weekends....especially those weekends when the boys go with their father! I am envious of those who have more time to crochet. Maybe my time is coming...when the kids are grown.


I'm with ya!

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