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What colors would you make for twins?

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A co-worker in our center has found out she is having twins. So I wanted to make a gift for them. What would you think about making a white one with a yellow trim and a yellow one with a white trim?


Or is there any other combos' for babies when you don't want to wait to see what they are?


I do like the Sweet Stripes, so I may do something in yellow and white and green and white.


I don't know. Any hints on a color choice would be appreciated.



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A co-worker in our center has found out she is having twins. So I wanted to make a gift for them. What would you think about making a white one with a yellow trim and a yellow one with a white trim?


Or is there any other combos' for babies when you don't want to wait to see what they are?


I do like the Sweet Stripes, so I may do something in yellow and white and green and white.


I don't know. Any hints on a color choice would be appreciated.




I like your idea...or you could keep it simple and make them both the same color, but use a different color ribbon around the edge of the blanket. For example, one white with a yellow ribbon and one white with a green ribbon. I know it is a pain when you don't know the gender...

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I had b/g twins and we knew what they were REALLY early on (12w)... So I made blankets - one green, one purple. I made hats when they were born, one green, one orange. I started to feel a little guilty, though, when I kept making green stuff for the boy baby and then his dads named him Oscar!


Anyway, I have yarn to make them new blankets for their next birthday and I got Brown Sheep's Cotton Fleece. One will be Grey Dawn with New Age Teal trim and the other will be Candy Apple with Antique Lace trim. Not "baby" colors, but that's kind of "in" right now and the kiddos live in NYC, so...


I also have a green and a purple blanket in the works for my friends' twins (b/g). And I made blue and green blankets (a varigated blue/green/white yarn with one trimmed with blue and one trimmed with green) for their older b/b twins. I made hats for their boys in different shades of yellow before.


I did one pink and one purple for my other friends' g/g twins.


Does any of that help?

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I love the green and yellow and white combination ideas. A very close friend of mine's daughter just had a little boy and she requested those colors instead of the typical "blue for a boy". I wound up making 5 of them :blush because they were so pretty.

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I made twins blankets and they were totally different colors. One was darker girl colors and the other was in pastels. This way as each child grew up they knew which one was theirs because they were so different in color. But I am also a person who doesn't like to see twins dressed the same either. :blush Also when I make baby blankets they are big at least fit the whole crib. The twins are 5 now and still their blankets will fit them like an oversiized lap blanket. And they still drag them around.

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I like your original idea of working with yellow and white and the whole "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" motif. it is one of my fave creative ideas anyway.

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I like the yellow and white. Or green and white. Or green and yellow and white. I like the idea of doing one the 'reverse' of the other. Then if they're identical you'll still be able to tell them apart. If they're fraternal and one of each (that'd be cool in my oppinion... I almost hope for that myself when I fiannaly do get pregnant... *fingers crossed*) then it doesn't matter.

Ok, I realize I'm rambling and not making much sense.... I'm in a time-zone mis-match right now and tired. I'm going to bed now....

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I don't have twins, but my girls are only 16 months apart. You don't HAVE to match things for twins...in fact, when they get older, "different" items will hold the most value to them as they show their individuality. They're going to get a TON of matching stuff....

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i like your choice yellow/white, white/yellow

but mint/white, white/mint

but then yellow/mint/white, mint/white/yellow

or can try one mint or one yellow or all white w/pastel varig




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Ooh... I like the idea of white with yellow trim. And white with maybe a green trim. I just like the idea of the blanket being white and the trim being in color. Personally I think it looks better that way than with color with a white trim.

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If they're fraternal and one of each (that'd be cool in my oppinion... I almost hope for that myself when I fiannaly do get pregnant... *fingers crossed*)



You don't wish that on yourself! Trust me! Carrying twins is HARD and raising them is A LOT HARDER.

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I would make them the same color/colors. Maybe work the edging in a different stitch pattern...or the body of the afghan in different patterns.

I like bright blue and bright green...vivid colors for babies.


But that is just me.

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I always use rainbow colors for "babies in waiting", then it doesn't matter the gender. Medium pastels/white or bright/black. Make each in a different pattern: stripes, ripples, squares, etc. as long as they're the same size. Crib size is the best (3 ft X 4 ft).

Ellie 13

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i work for a woman who has twin boys and the way she buys and remembers which one is which she says green for dean (one of the boys names) and his stuff is always green so she can remember which one belongs to who since they are very picky about their own stuff

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So many ideas. JoAnn's has yarn on sale, so I may just head out there today and see what I come up with. Thanks for all the hints.


I do remember having a set of twin girls (identical) in my two year old classroom and the mom would always dress one in purple and the other in blue so we knew who was who. It helped. The clothes would be matching, just different colors. But once in a while someone would be wearing yellow or orange and that would be confusing for a little while until we could tell who was wearing the normal "Purple or blue".:lol



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dang ... with the way ya'll all think, just where were ya'll when I had my twins .... hmmmmmm ... lololol

Something ya mite think about also .. by the way love the colors combinations and the ideas here .. also make a small swatch for each of them to carry around instead of them wanting to drag the "whole" blanket around with them. Just a small 16" like the big one.

I ended up having to do that cause mine would NOT let go of thiers .. lolol

when they got older, I was able to convince them that the blankies needed a bath just like they did .. but they would almost plant themselves in front of the washer and dryer until the blankies were done ... lololol

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I have G/G twins & I they are fraternal. I do dress them exactly alike, occasionally someone buys them coordinating outfits, blue & green, pink & purple. So your idea of the yellow/green/white is a good choice, but I would wait to find out the sex & do blue/pink or blue/blue or pink/pink, only because that's me!!!

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I agree with Ellie13 that rainbow or varigated colors are nice. I made blankets for twins once in a crayon-bright rainbow yarn of green,blue,red, and yellow. One had green edging and one had yellow. They both turned out to be boys, but those colors could have been okay for girls as well. I don't like pastels myself, usually use bright colors for babies; colors like sky blue, grass green, gold,red.

Last year a niece had a baby and asked not to know what the sex was before delivery. I made her baby a striped blanket of all the bright colors of the rainbow with white in between each colored stripe.

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for me there's no right or wrong choice. it's a matter of individual taste.


I would go for pastel varigated colors because pastels enhances the cuteness and delicateness of babies.

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