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curious about scraps

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Hi, I've been wondering, when any of you make something using scraps, what is your definition of scraps? Mine would be leftover balls, different size ones. But I wonder if others definition is a whole skein, left from a project. I'm just curious......................Lise

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i look at it both ways sometimes i have small balls left of this and that and sometimes i bought yarn for a projcet and have 1 ball or half a ball left that to me would be a scrap also if i dont have any more of that particular color

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For me it is both. :) Sometimes I buy too many skeins of yarn for a project. So I consider them scraps. I also always have left over balls from skeins of yarn. Those I am currently using in a stripey ghan I am making. I just finished a RR afghan that is made in scraps of yarn.

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A while back I bought 9 skeins of yarn for a baby afghan. It only took six (I was working with two strands). With the left overs I made another baby afghan as a large granny square. But I ended up buying two skeins of complementary colors to add a trim!


I've started working a 12 point round ripple. As I finish all the rows a skein will do, I use the remnants to start on a 16 point round ripple. Should be interesting to see how that one works out!

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anything i can use for something else is a scrap. so usually anything over about 20". extra skeins aren't in my "scrap" frame of mind. I'm not a huge yarn user so single skeins is more my thing :) i can use scraps of novelty yarn as small as 1" in scrapbooking and card making projects. no, i don't keep all that, just that which i think i can use again.


scraps 3"+ can be literally tied together and balled as you go to later make a really funky and unusual afghan. left overs (in my mind this is those little balls of yarn) are great for edgings, dolls, highlights, stiching pieces together, the embroidery things need such as eyes and hair on hand made dolls, not to mention fringes/tassles.

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Oh my - I have been throwing at all those little 3-6" pieces. Never thought of putting them together and saving them - will start now. I tend to leave excessively long ends to weave in - have been working on shortening that , but would still have some left. Good idea.


I consider scraps anything I can't make something out of - like a scarf. I am accumulating a nice little stash of little round left over balls and plan I making a round ripple with them and just keep picking up a ball - any color, etc. and going with it. I think it might turn out cute. Maybe alternate with a solid row of cream every so often.

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For me, a scrap is any portion of a full skein that's left over, even down to a 12" piece. I don't always use them, but even the smallest piece can be used, especially on stuffed animals. I do like that idea Shell had of tying small scraps together to crochet into an afghan. :hook

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If the balls are kind of small and I think I will not be using them on another projects, I give tehm to my Churchs' Youth program for art projects. When my kids were in elementary school I used to give my scrap balls to their teacher for art projects.


Any whole or close to whole skeins go right into my stash collection.

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Less than a skein is scrap. Full skein or more is part of my stash. Scraps I turn into squares, which I fully intend to some day make into afghans . . . . yea, right.

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I have both. I have leftover yarn from a project and I have balls.

If it's almost a whole skein it goes into my stash. I have a container for balls. I make my dogs scrap afghans because they get cold. I need to make my girl dog a blanket!!

I like the idea of making squares or Grannie daughters.

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For me, scraps are either part of full skeins left over from a project, where there's not enough left to make a whole item. I have to admit though, if I have a partial ball left over from a project, I don't keep it. I toss it. I have never made anything with a part ball...(I know...I'm very wasteful, and people will be cringing right now)

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Left over unused skeins are returned - It's the only way to keep them from breeding.

Used skeins are absorbed.

Leftovers of sigificant size are used until they become useless. Most recently this has meant two other projects and the purchase of more yarn.

Leftovers of smaller size are amassed in a glass jar for decoration until I find a project for them - I haven't found a good one yet, but they've proven useful on occasion.

The smallest bits of fancy yarn I used to give to a uber-crafty co-worker but she succumbed to cancer last Wendsday so I'm sorta out of ideas on that part. Maybe I'll start chucking them out my window for the birds to use.

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I consider leftover balls part of my stash as well. Scraps are anything that are leftover from a project, or aren't big enough to make a project...It kind of depends on the size of the skein of yarn. If it's a huge one (like the joann sensations boucle) leftovers aren't scraps if you're making a scarf! Those things are huge! Anyways...that's the way I do it!

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