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Interesting crochet skills checklist

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I have stumbled across this nifty little checklist about knitting and crocheting skills. I thought it would be useful for anyone wishing to improve their crocheting.:hook


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I have used this one, myself, and it really makes you think about what you know, what you need to know, and what you need to brush up on. I'm also using it for my students I'm teaching at church. I'm going to give each of them a copy on Saturday (the last class) to encourage them to continue to challenge themselves. I think it's a wonderful tool to help gauge where you are as a crocheter/knitter. I recommend you fill it out perhaps once a year, especially if you keep a crochet journal (me? keep a journal? right! :lol I wish I could!). Even if you don't, it is also nice to keep it in a file so you know how far you've progressed over the amount of time you've given yourself (i.e., year), and it helps you to set goals for yourself. One of my goals this year is mastering hairpin lace...I just can't seem to keep the patience with it...:think Broomstick is next on my list, and I hear it's fairly easy (I have all the stuff to do it, just never got around to doing it). Definitely print it out, folks!

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Hi Debbie, looks like a real useful link. On one of my Yahoo knitting lists, we have all been discussing the Knitting Masters course (three levels, you send swatches and answer essay questions, etc.) offered by the Knitting Guild of America (http://www.tkga.com). Sounds like your link will be good to have in hand to prepare for that. Wish the Crochet Guild of America (http://www.crochet.org) had something intensive like that program. They have a course, but I don't think it is that extensive. It is a newer Guild that still needs to catch up in maturity to TKGA, which has been around far longer.

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this looks neat! will have a closer look when i can but thanks for sharing

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Thank you for finding and sharing. it could be interesting to see where you fit on the list.


A quick glance looks good to go :wlol


gotta love the "net" and especially those who surf thereof :hug

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The only thing I saw the crochet hook used for is for weaving in ends, everything else was knitting.


So I realised I looked at this without the benefit of coffee and went and looked at the other pages LOL.

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Thanks, Debbie, for finding and sharing this with the rest of us. It's very cool and awesome! Can't wait to go through it and find out how much I don't know! :lol It'll be great to help us learn things maybe we didn't even know existed!



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gosh i really didnt think i knew so much or so little... seems things in the advanced list i know but some basic stuff i dont know anything about! crazy huh?? its interesting now i am gonna have to work on my yarn knowlage skills... this is eye opening.. thanks!

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