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My very first amigurumi -- Turtle! NEW post #9 and #10!


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I have a group of friends with a running joke about a turtle, so when I came across KristieMN's adorable turtle pattern, I just had to make some! This is my very first attempt at any amigurumi, and he is just cute as a button (not quite as adorable as Kristie's, though), and I can't wait to make a bunch for my friends!





I didn't have any fiberfill, and couldn't get to JoAnn's tonight, so he's stuffed with leftover yarn. :blush

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Thanks, everyone! Wow, I've had a LOT of people asking me to make them little turtles! I've got to finish making the ones for my friends first, though! Here's the second one I made, in Steelers colors for my friend who's a big fan.



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I know, I know, no one's replied, but I'm just so proud that I got three of these done for my friends, that I just had to show you all!



From L to R: Mine, the prototype; Cody's, in Steelers colors; Jason's, in Phi Mu Alpha (music fraternity) colors; Scott's, in regular old turtle colors.


Yay! :clap

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Aaww! your little turtle herd is adorable! and I love the colors you have chose! Aren't these lil guys addictive to make? They are fabulous! great job!

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