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Waiting for hubby - cracked myself up!

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I cracked myself up this morning.


This morning, I was going about straightening the house, then sat down to pay the bills. Finished that and let the dog out. Still had about 20 minutes before I had to leave to go shopping and to lunch with my mom, so I sat down in the living room and started crocheting.


It had been a few minutes and my mind was wandering and I was looking at the clock every so often so I wouldn't get lost in my crocheting and be late. While thinking I thought "I will just crochet a little more while I wait for my hubby".


Ummm, only problem with that is I don't have a hubby! :eek


None in the future, not looking for one, don't really want one at this point, so then I thought "that's okay, I will just wait for him, will have plenty of time for crocheting"! :rofl


Have I gone insane? Or, am I just a true crochet junkie? :hook

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:lol That's funny. I've called my kids names that aren't theirs before and thought 'Where'd that come from?' I think we just get so wrapped up in crocheting we forget ourselves! :hook



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:lol :lol That was cute. Ha. Sometimes, I want to give mine away. But very rarely,

MY hubby is so sweet and kind loving and a good provider. I think I will keep him:yes

We have been married 31 years this June. Where does the time go?:(

I hope you find a good man soon.

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:lol That's funny. I've called my kids names that aren't theirs before and thought 'Where'd that come from?'


Someone once told me that when you call you child by another name more than once then that's the name the child is supposed to have. If that's true then I guess my DD and dog need to switch names.:lol

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Wanda Kay - LOL - that is probably it!


Linda - I have been thinking of looking for a new job. Maybe I could have people bring me a skein of their yarn and I could pet it and see what future I can tell.


Cheryl - Well, that would explain why the house never gets clean. The "married" half of my personality must be really busy, therefore, leaving the cleaning to me. Bad move, as I am too busy crocheting my way into lala land.

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Someone once told me that when you call you child by another name more than once then that's the name the child is supposed to have. If that's true then I guess my DD and dog need to switch names.:lol




Yep, my DH for several years kept callin our son Lightning - the dog's name!

I used to get mad at my dad and tell him I didn'tmind when he called me by my sisters names; but stop calling me by my brother's names!!!

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Someone once told me that when you call you child by another name more than once then that's the name the child is supposed to have. If that's true then I guess my DD and dog need to switch names.:lol


Interesting!! :rofl. on a side note one year before Iwas pregnant with DD, I signed a card with 4 names...me, DH, DS, and DD!! :blush hmmmm. haven't had that problem since :P

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I forgot DH's name once! and at the same time I forgot we had a phone. Periodically we go without a phone, becuase we can't afford to pay it off. Anyways, one night, the cell phone rang, and i was sleeping on the couch while DH was playing video games. The phone rang, and I was like......"we dont' have a phone" and DH looks back at me like "Answer the phone, you weirdo!" so I answer it. It's my MIL. She's asking who's all there, at our house. I was like "Uhh, me, and ..........umm........what's his name............" so she was naming our friends and stuff. And then I remembered! "OH yeah, Joe." I never heard the end of it. I remind her once in awhile, just to bug her.

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