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Is It Just me....?

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:hook I find that I have about 5 afghans started in various stages of being finished. I don't know why I do that but that seems to be the norm for me:blush I am a hospice nurse & have lots of time to crochet while watching my patients. I need something I can do & watch my patient at the same time. This fills the bill.Also I can drop it into my chair & take care of my patients need quickly. I have so many bags full of afghans I start, I thought maybe I had too many bags but at this rate I may need more!:lol I love this place, it's so neat having so many friends who share my crocheting with. Next project is to figure out how to post pictures! Thanks for sharing. Lavenia:rose
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Nope - not just you - I just put down one baby blanket, because I wanted to do it in another yarn (after finishing 1/2 of it), I've got an afghan for my FIL in the guestroom because . . . hmmmmm I don't know why . . . I've got a motif tablecloth under the fishtank because that's where I put it when I tidied up a couple of months ago, a bunting in my ottoman because . . . . hmmmm I don't know why that's there either . . . and another blanket on the couch because that's where I was sitting this morning, . . . . . guess I need variety too!!!!

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I haven't stopped to think of how many I have going right now.

1 - purple 8point round ripple

2 - blue 8point round ripple

3 - hot pink/black 12 point round ripple

4 - purple heart/camo lapghan for Fisher House

5 - sweater that needs arms

6 - i think that's it

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Well for me it's not all afghans, but yeah... I usually have several projects going at once.


A few years ago, I would do one project at a time and not start another one until the first one was finished, but then something happened to me and I suddenly developed Crochet ADD. :lol

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crochet ADD, yeah...i think I have that. I have a closet full of wips that i was SOOO excited about when I started, then at some point I lost interest because something else caught my eye. Because of that, I end up "playing" alot at crochet, and only finishing an object now and then. I've been working the Darski Wrap since like November I think. I'm down to one sleeve and it sat in my project box next to my bed ('cause that's where I work, in bed, watching t.v.) for weeks. THe other night I finally picked it up again and have determined to finish it. And I start thinking, "man! I could have finished this weeks and weeks ago!" its discouraging sometimes. But I've always been this way with my projects, and I guess I always will. I've had projects that sat in the closet for years, and i'd take them out and finish them.....or frog them. I guess it just takes time to work up the excitement I had about them when i started them. And i usually suffer a bout of the "guilties" when I start something new, knowing have other projects to finish first. its weird:think

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:heehee I'm so glad! Now I know I'm "normal." :rofl It's just so hard to see all these things without wanting to start over on something new! Thanks for helping me feel better. :yay
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Oh no it's not just you!


*working on two afghans


*took a break from the afghans to use the traveling hook


*making a some hats, bookmarks, snowflakes, and ornaments


*today I'm just not inspired to pick up the 200 crochet block book to make more squares so instead I started some mittens.


*not to mention I have 2 projects on UFO status


I am making a dent in my stash!

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LOL!!! :laughroll:rofl :rofl :rofl:laughroll


And here I thought you were calling me...:lol


Well, maybe you were because I have that same "toomanyWIPs-itis" going on at any given time.


(Sometimes I remind myself of my 16 m.o. grandson happily playing w/ a toy until he sees a new one that's much more interesting and so it's on to the next. But he does eventually go back to the 1st one, as do I with my own projects.)

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Nope, it's me, too.


I've got the following in my baskets:


63 squares afghan (5 squares done)

A lavender and pink variegated afghan (I've done several things with the yarn, none of which I'm happy with; I'm now noodling around with the idea for a MAM of some sort)

A Dora dress (almost done, actually)

Socks (crocheted and knitted)

A snow monkey (in testing)

Cat bed

A baby blanket (has to be done by next Tuesday)

The "Graphic Granny" afghan for myself

A relaxed cardi that is going to become a swirl cardi b/c it looks terrible on me

Just started the Bell Sleeve Pullover from one of last fall's magazines

a knit mohair/angora yarn scarf (this yarn is why I'm teaching myself to knit)

and, the most important of all


THREE kid-size afghans using donated yarn/squares.

This project is now a long term project. I just can't focus on it solely for a long time without throwing something across the room, lol.


So, I work on something else for awhile, doing something quick, something knitted or something for me as a break, or something I have to do by a certain time (like the baby blanket) or for a certain need (cat bed).


I probably won't finish my afghan until my birthday next year.


I'm planning on finishing my cardi within the month, and the bell sleeve pullover by the end of March. I also have to make a sweater for my mom by May (her birthday), so no rush, but it has to be done.


After all, this is a hobby, not a job, right?


But I'm NOT starting any other big projects right now, that's for sure!

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Well for me it's not all afghans, but yeah... I usually have several projects going at once.


A few years ago, I would do one project at a time and not start another one until the first one was finished, but then something happened to me and I suddenly developed Crochet ADD. :lol



Crochet ADD. I love it. That's got to be what my problem is. For every project I finish I have at least 5 that are sitting around in some UFO stage. I can't even list them all because I think there are some I've forgotten about. :think

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I normally keep my projects to 3 at a time...so I have a ripple that's my primary project. Then I have a knitted afghan as a back up, and a hexagon motif baby afghan....


Mind you I've got the yarn and patterns ready for dozens of other projects!

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I think I have crochet ADD too. I have a few blankets in the works right now, a baby blanket, a yo-yo, a stripey, and a 9-patch. But then I also have doilies, snowflakes, and bookmarks on the plate as well. I CAN"T be tied down to 1 project, I need at least 1 for everyday of the week. Oh, and these projects listed don't include comfortghans, :lol I think maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, or maybe it's that I don't want any of my yarn to feel neglected. :rofl

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Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

I am not alone in my addictions. I have 4 doilies, 5 shawls, 2 baby blankets and a bag full of bookmarks all sitting around my chair where I crochet. And what is worse is that I cannot complete any of them because I am so busy looking for what will be the next project!!!

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lol NOPE!

I am actually doing well now, I only have on the hooks

2 sweaters

1 shrug

2 afghans

and one rug thats turning more into a UFO

so 7 is not bad for me at all.


I had to stop everything else tonight because when mom stopped over she was upset her shrug was not yet finished...but yet I have 2 sweaters and an afghan lying in my wip bag here. LOL LOL LOL LOL

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:sigh I only have 3 going and I feel lost! It's a sickness, really. I can't even decide what to begin next right now, like I need something else to put aside!!!:no
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I'm in this group too... I like to crochet at different points, like, I do something small (short) when I'm nursing my baby boy so that it doesn't hit him when I'm crochetting. Then I do something big when he's asleep, and work on other things other times of the day too. If I don't have another project planned out yet, I don't like to finish the one I'm working on, because I'm too busy figuring out what to do next! I have lots of squares for a blanket, a MAM blanket almost done, and so many small projects that I bought yarn for, that I couldn't even count... So, when I figured out how fast and easy it is to make scarves with 2 strands of yarn together for charities, well, my stash is shrinking a little. :)


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Oh & I forgot a big plastic storage box (bigger thana shoe box) full of granny squares using all the extra yarn that I've had over the year in the top of one of my closets!:eek I keep waiting to get some more to join them together. :rolleyes Oh well, it's nice to have so much company. :clap I love it!

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I haven't made a full size afghan yet, but I have PIGs all over the house! I am so bad that I have a baby blanket that needs half a side of edging done, the skein ended and I just can't bring myself to actually attatch the next skein to finish the blanket. I don't know why, just found something more interesting-another project!LOL

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