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What color is you craft room

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If I COULD have a craft room (not possible in THIS house), I'd paint it a soft blue.


Blue happens to be my favorite color, and from everything I've read, certain shades of blue are supposed to be calming. Since I crochet to relax, I think a calming color would go nicely with that.


Not to mention soft blues are light enough that the room seems brighter. But I think the same could be said for almost any color, as long as it's a soft shade (pink, purple, yellow, green, etc.).

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since all of the children(3)have married and left home .:clap ..i have gradually taken over their bedrooms...

so i have a cream colored quilting room

a pale blue sewing room

there is no specific crochet room....more of a crochet house...

of course i share the house with four cats and a very understanding husband.... :hug

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I took over a bedroom that had been used by our teenage girl and preteen boy (at different times), and I've not had the time or money or energy to redo it, so my color is called, "Early American Trashed."


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All but 2 rooms in my 9 room house are yellow. The outside of the house is yellow, too. What can I say, the bank insisted the remodel was done before we could move in and we got a deal on yellow...so my craft room (and hubby's, too) is yellow :lol

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Woo hoo! My room is getting new paint today, and I'm finally getting my room re-organization done. So, mine will have cream-colored walls with a very dark plum border/curtains/decor.

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me too, if i had to move all of the stuff out again to paint i might fall over. and if hubby had to he would scream shhhhh i have hiding spots in there:devil:devil:devil

Mine is just plain jane white, and with everything I have in it, don't think I'll be painting.
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mine is a pale yellow named inspiration (how appropriate!!!!) I chose the color because it was nuetral and yet not boring beige. I change the curtains as my mood changes as well as cushions etc. Invest in good shelving; my first set was really cheap and fell apart Weght of the yarn etc. I also painted a huge area with magnetic paint put up a large picture frame that was already in the house and use it for an idea board. Make it a room all your own, hopefully you'll be spending a great deal of time in there!!!!!!!!

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We just switched my craft room from a small bedroom to a larger one, so we repainted it to go with all the accessories I have. The paint color is called "pastel sage" but it is actually more of a spring green. Very pretty. I a have a valance that is bright pink, almost fushia, with butterflies in colors of the bright pink, light pink, sage green, yellow and blue. All the baskets, furniture, etc. have been painted white and the various colors in the valance. It's a very nice room to feel creative.

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Blue is my favorite color, too, so that's what I painted my bedroom and my daughter's. My craft room is a nice sunny yellow. Unfortunately, I have to keep the door closed so the cats won't eat the plastic bags holding my yarn stash and other projects.

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Wait a minute - we are supposed to have a "room" for this stuff? Oh boy am I behind.......


Just kidding. I guess my basement family room (don't use it) would be my craft room and it is a pale green. I have rubbermaid cabinets all along one wall and they are supposed to (key word) contain all of my craft stuff.


Right now, the entire room looks like a garage sale as I have stuff all over the place - slowly working on getting it straightened up.


Good luck on your craft room!

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How fortunate for you to have a room just for crafts.


Since you asked for advice I'm going to give you my professional opinion. I am a Commercial Interior Designer (I do large offices and businesses and I do a few residences on the side). The one thing I am always counceling my clients on is how and when to color walls.


For a work room where color and light is an important part of the work (all crafts rely on correct color and lots of light) I always paint it bright white (no color added) and here are the reasons why. White is a motivator color, it's clean and fresh. It reflects the most light back into the room (all colors absorb light) so you have to use less lighting. It will not reflect color back into the room making your colors seem off or not true. When you put a color on the walls the light reflecting off it will give the room light a hue of that color.


Colors to beware of:

Yellow: (hard yellow) creates excitement in the brain and after a long period of time it causes aggitation, never paint a baby's room yellow it will cause them to cry.

Blue: While great for bedrooms, blue releases 11 tranqulizers in the brain causing you to become very calm to a state of falling asleep. After about 40 min of fighting the urge to fall asleep you will become antsy and feel need to leave the room.


Good Luck, I'm sure what ever you choose it will be beautiful :)

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I am planning on converting the spare bedroom(which is now my dressing room) into a crochet/knit room. I want to paint it pink-I narrowed it down to two colors-either Bunny's Nose or Princess. I am leaning towards Princess but I love the name Bunny's Nose.

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