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I take up a whole loveseat.........

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when I crochet. No it's true. I was sitting in the middle of the love seat when my oldest dd wanted to come sit with me while I was working on one of my WIP. After she sat down, she looked at me and asked me if I could scoot over.:lol She's 6 and is really skinny and asked me if I could scoot over:rofl . I looked and I had my yarn pulled out of the skein and the skein to my right, my SnB Happy Hooker book to my right opened with my pattern, my notebook that I always have with me to keep track of what row im on and any notes I need to write down while im working on the project, and my project in my hands. and im a leftie (which was the side she was sitting on) and I need my "elbow room".


It just cracks me up that when I :hook I take up a whole loveseat.

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My poor hubby has been getting jealous lately because I plonk myself down on a 3 seater couch and he can't sit with me. I get annoyed because he puts his head right where I put my elbows! Urghhh. I love him and all, but I can't just sit there, I need to crochet!

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Too Funny! :lol


Seriously, if the furniture (makers) stores wanted to make a million dollars they should design a "love seat" or "recliner" built specifically for crocheters, knitters, etc. That way we could have a place for our book(s) & notepads, hooks & needles, yarn holder(s), massage mechanism, built in light and magnifying system, and naturally the beverage and remote control(s) holder.


Did I leave anything out?



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Yes you did AndiM, you forgot a mini fridge, hot plate and coffee maker. Although I'm sure we could skip those if we trade in our hubbies for some handsome accented butlers.


I take up 2/3rds of my 3 seater couch, the whole couch if I'm preparing to start a new project. I have all my patterns on one cushion, my hooks spread out on another and various balls of yarn on the third to help me decide which to use. Even I get shifted to the floor as I decide my newest project. Although if DH complains about it, I tell him that if I had a special room for all my yarn, starting a new project wouldn't be such a hassle.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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hmmmmm...I wonder if all of us come from the same gene pool??? I tend to take up half of my king size bed....night table with hooks, scissors, drink, remote. yarn basket in front of me on the foot of the bed, wip directly in front of me with room to spread it out periodically and admire it. And to the right, the pattern , or usually a variety of patterns that I leaf through when I am taking a little break! If i decide to crochet in the living room, it takes me and my 5 year old son a few minutes to carry all the necessities in there and then about 10 minutes to organize. Well, everything has to be ready and accessible right?:rofl

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I have to admit that I take up the whole Queen size bed except for a small space for the :dog who is not allowed to sit on anything that i am working on. The :cat and :cat sit wherever they want usually on my pattern and my:sod is on the headboard behind me poor DH has to stay in the computer chair even if he is not actually using the computer. The plan this afternoon is for us to watch the Superbowl ( i am not a football widow, I actually love it as long as I can :hook while we watch and I will take up both seats of the recliner par tof our sectional and also the only end table in the room. oh well the project takes up most of the room not me:blush

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That's funny! I can just see your little daughter trying to find a spot:lol !


My husband's mom was a BIG crafter and she would cover an ENTIRE COUCH with her stuff (quilt/knit/crochet) and the seven kids knew better than to mess with mom's project:D

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I'm so lucky, my husband isn't into televised sports. But he is vain; the biggest cause for losing him on the weekends is for strenuous bike rides because he dreads gaining weight. At least it keeps him in great shape. :manyheart Sorry, I digress; I take up two cushions, the floorspace around my feet, and the entirety of a rather large coffee table with my crochet paraphernalia. My spouse complains that he can't find a place to sit next to me, and grumbles when he trips over loose yarn.


If you're on the couch all the time crocheting, does that make you a couch potato?:think

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Funny! I do the same thing. However i sit on the right of our loveseat and fill up the left side with all my essentials. My families great about it. My teens will actually pick up the yarn and put it in their lap to sit next to me. They really love to watch me crochet - sometimes it makes for great quite moments.

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Let's see...I sit on the left most cushion, usually with one leg tucked beneath me, I lean towards the armrest on my left, keep my yarn in my lap and the pattern (and my zippy bag containing my buttons, beads, tape measure, hook holder, scissors & safety pins) next to me on my right. The floor just to the left of the couch is where I keep the 2-3 WIP bags I have going at all times so that I can just grab the one I want to work on and have at it...so, by myself I usually take up 2 of the 3 cushions...and the third cushion is where our furbaby Rascal is always curled up looking cute 7 regal (how do cats do that anyway??)...so between the cat and me, there's no room...during the day, my older DD is at school and my younger DD will just play with her toys and randomly decide that she has to be in my lap...but I can see when she's heading my way, so I just grab the yarn out of my lap and drop it to my right, next to my pattern, and we're all good!! She's grown up with Momma snuggling & crocheting at the same time, so she's fine with it when I just keep working...and my DH doesn't even attempt to sit on the couch anymore...if he's not on the PC gaming, he just automatically sits on the floor...even when I offer to move my stuff so he can sit next to me, he just laughs and sits on the floor....



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I'm the same way, except I take up a WHOLE couch instead of just a loveseat. I sit on the couch and listen to the tv while i'm making something and my yarn, patterns, fiberfill, and just about anything else i'm using ends up all over the place. My brother and sister always complain that i'm taking up too much room on the couch and it's not until then that i realize just how much room i've taken up! :P

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I take up a lot of room as well. If I'm in the bed I take up more than half of it. I sit to the far right side of what we call our couch, and my hubby will be to my left, sometimes with his head in my lap, but I'm a rightie so I don't mind. If it's something I need a pattern for I just put the pattern on his shoulder or stomach , :lol

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Yeah, that's me...I take up the entire loveseat when I am crocheting!


My kids want to sit and snuggle with me and I freak when the try to move my patten book or papers! LOL

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I crochet and knit in front of the TV and have managed to keep it sort of compact, but I do toss pattern books on the floor beside the chair. And of course, of all the places in the room, where do you think my German Shepherd wants to lay? Yep, ON THE PATTERNS! :yes

I used to sit on the couch and knit afghans. If I needed to get up, I would just toss it on the cushion. Well, we had company, they sat beside my project, picked it up, and caused 5 dropped stitches! Cables at that! :ohdear Now I try to keep my work in a safer spot when I'm not around.

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I take up the whole sofa. My cats disagree from time to time and get ejected. I like to sit with my legs straight out in front of me, my back against the arm (pillow of course behind me) and the lamp over my shoulder.


The cats sneak up and curl up beside me from time to time and get irritated if I shift around to much. That is when I inform them that I did not buy the sofa for them so if they don't like it, leave. Plus I have stuff all over the coffee table. My DH has given up and lives in the basement!

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LOL, this is too funny--as soon as I read your subject line, I knew exactly what this was about, because I do the same thing, too!


Back when I was big into scrapbooking, I took up the entire dining room table to work on a project. Dh complained constantly about not having anywhere to eat, how long it took to clear the table for mealtime, etc. etc. Now that I'm a crochet addict, there's no where to sit in the living room without moving some kind of yarn or crochet paraphernalia. When I'm working, I've got my yarn on my left, pattern on my right. I'm terrible about jumping up to check on kids/whatever, and leaving my stuff out so I can just sit back down and pick up the work again. Often I get distracted and the stuff sits there until dh gets home. Now all I hear is 'why don't you start scrapbooking again?' ROFLOL!! :D Gotta love 'em :)

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