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Lost It.......big Time!!!

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I'm so glad you posted that. I was obsessed with cross stitching for years, then knitting & now crochet. I have more yarn than most stores now. I have begun a round ripple, snowflake afghan, thread doily & misc. other projects. I "found" this board & that is what got me hooked. That's my story! Cathy/PA

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Hi All,

my attention deficit disorder is pretty much like you say - right now, I am writing a serious-looking stuff for grad school, keeping a ball of thread with a semi-finished doily and a hook near my hand... keep taking it up only to put it down guiltily in a few minutes... BUT I JUST HAVE TO KEEP MY HANDS BUSY with sg funnier than typing, otherwise my brain would just blow up!! :ohdear:yell


so here's to crochet, safe haven for my deranged mind...! :c9

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:goodorbad I was THRILLED to find this board, and I am glad you have started this thread...


It is so nice to realize, it isn't just me. There is a whole world out there just like me. So, there isn't anything wrong with me after all!!!:blink


I have about....I would guess....close to 200 crochet pattern books, and that is a low estimate, I am really afraid to count them. And yet, I still find myself looking at the Original pattern threads, and the Looking for a Pattern threads.....and I finally got a printer last weekend and the ink is already running low!!! It is a wonder the printer is still working, it was printing for hours the first day I hooked it up!!


This has helped give me my Hobby Lobby fix. and it doesn't cost me $20+ each time I visit it (I hope it doesn't anyway...)


I spend my days off now looking at this board for a couple of hours, then crocheting for a couple of hours, then feeding me and my husband for about 30 minutes, then back to it again!!!


I got it BAAAAAAAD to!!

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Honey, you've got companionship, trust me...2-1/2 years ago I went off the deep end and still haven't come up for air... Except that I have to at least cook dinner for DH and maul the cat occasionally. I gave myself a challenge of crocheting 100 items in a year, the first year when it was becoming obvious that I wasn't putting down my hook anytime soon. DH would see the hook and just know I was in Never, Neverland (the original one, not Michael's place...)


I've crocheted since I was 10, but I would go in cycles with it...but now, it's a whole 'nother universe I'm in altogether.


And yeah I've checked out patterns in french, russian, spanish and japanese and obviously German...if only for ideas...


You are so not alone...I'll be 48 in May.

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Catheryn - I have seen your work so your compulsion is paying off as your work is gorgeous


I know what you mean. I am just getting into pattern books and when I see something that I want to make, I go and buy all the yarn, etc etc.


The only problem is that I am still a beginner and I can do most stitches but the project has to be square or rectangle. I am trying to figure out socks and mittens and am struggling but I will hang in there.


I love yarn and have more than I need, but I just can't help it and DH doesn't have a problem with it. As long as he doesn't have to go shopping with me for it!!!


Hang in there - there is nothing wrong with you - you are just a Crocheter!!! :hug

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Like everyone has said, you are not alone! :hug No reason to feel bad about yourself at all.


:idea Just had a thought. I love to crochet while listening to recorded books or the radio. Wouldn't it be grand if we had voice-activated computers with speech capability? So we could tell the computer to scroll around Crochetville and when we found an interesting thread, we could crochet while the computer read all the posts to us! Er, or is that just the dumbest:badidea?

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Totally normal...not to worry. That reminds me....I have to put the laundry into the dryer! No kidding! Dinner was almost not made tonight, either, but I got through it and here we are again, on the 'ville! Gotta love it! :D


My husband just asked me, "Is there something in the microwave?" LOL It's his lunch for tomorrow that I forgot about. I guess I'd better go take care of things. :)

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I had to giggle reading the replies here ;)


I too cycle through hobbies. I have crocheted forever, but picked up knitting about 6 months ago and have been on a HUGE knitting trip here for the last few months.... and this weekend I went and took a tatting class.. sooo something else to obsess about *rolling eyes*


Saying that I tend to do more needlework when it's cold outside.. as soon as the weather starts to warm up I'll be outside 90% of my free time working horses and doing horse shows... where I also take my crocheting to work on after my classes are done and the ponies are all bedded down for the night LOL


FWIW as wel I don't know how well it would work but you might try http://www.babelfish.com for translation. I think that's the link anyway :) Just not sure how exacting it would be on something like a pattern :)

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:laughroll :laughroll :laughroll


This thread cracks me up!


I can also totally symphathize with you. Crocheting is an addiction. (No one at the 'ville is looking for a 12 step program though.) Just accept it as normal.


Unofrtunately for my crocheting, I've been on a house cleaning kick since the last week of December. Cleaning out linen closets, every kitchen cabinet, my utility room, etc. Now this is an addiction I must truly break!!!!

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Ya'll are making me feel lots better.....:D :D :D

But notice, I am still on this computer and not cooking supper!!LOL:devil :devil


Roasts w/veggies in oven. Do you own a crockpot? Not as bad as you are but when I'm on the computer I think of other things I should be doing. I don't think you're alone in this.

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:laughroll :laughroll :laughroll


This thread cracks me up!


I can also totally symphathize with you. Crocheting is an addiction. (No one at the 'ville is looking for a 12 step program though.) Just accept it as normal.


Unofrtunately for my crocheting, I've been on a house cleaning kick since the last week of December. Cleaning out linen closets, every kitchen cabinet, my utility room, etc. Now this is an addiction I must truly break!!!!


You trying to find more areas for your yarn stash??? :lol

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Ok - you seriously have made me feel so much better. I have been feeling really, really guilty for being so obsessed with crochet as of late. I, like you, picked up my hook after a LONG hiatus - and something happened to me that never happened before.


My husband is very easy going and for the most part just looks the other way. But it is so bad that the other day he brought it up to me and wanted to know if he needed to block me from getting on Crochetville. He says every time he comes into the room I am either on here or crocheting.:ohdear :ohdear


I need to try to get my priorities in order. But it's hard with so much yarn to be hooked and so many patterns to be read!

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If you lost it, I must have found it! About a year or so ago, I went through a couple of moves and with the FINAL move looming, I decided to do a major stash bust and not move it all again. I got through it and donated the blankets to charity. I vowed to only buy yarn for the project at hand, only buy the pattern that I was ready to do, etc. I was doing just fine until I discovered the forums! Now I have a zillion patterns on my computer and CD's, more books, but also bunches of new friends. When someone shares a site with me, my husband shakes his head and wonders why I need more patterns:eek. I asked him how many sets of golf clubs he had and how many can he play with at once. :yes Nuff said.

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I may not have 200 pattern books, but when my JoAnn store moved, I bought one of their yarn display cubbies. My SIL (God bless her) helped me haul it home and drag it into my craft room. It's about 4 1/2 feet on each side and is now crammed with RH (of course) and Fun Fur and wool to be felted (someday) and Homespun and on and on. I don't have a DH any more. He's the XH, ha ha, so I am pretty free to ingulge my addiction. My mom and I enable each other, so there must be a genetic component.

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I stayed up to four in the morning the other day, alternatley crocheting and looking at patterns and other crochet pictures on the web. My favorites and bookmarks are filled with more patterns than I can count. I deleted some the other day. I've got piles of books to read and I can't get to them because i have to crochet. I did start a knitting project the other day for my daughter, and that helps. Varies the hand motions I suppose. But I go in streaks, Its all or nothing. I think we all have a tiny bit of OCD. I am addicted to the computer too, I think. I have 4 projects going and at least 3 to four ufo's and three projects lined up to do and more in mind. My kids are tired of me saying "hey come look at this" and have crocheted items all over the place. I have snuck my crocheting to work before too.

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I got this madness too.

Since I've discovered crochet i can't stop.

Me, like you, got lots of patterms, and I continue searching.....

and it seems that it will never stop!!!

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