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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello again. I finished another variegated square. I don't know if I will do anymore. This one kept shrinking in width, so I ended up doing a border around it to get it to 8 inches wide.


I also did some work on dd's shrug. However, for some reason, whenever I am nearly finished a project, I have this urge to start something new. I haven't started anything yet, but I've been looking at patterns.


Oh well, back to the shrug.......

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hi all,


Cleaning is done for today!


We started pumping the water off the pool cover and will be opening it tomorrow with the help of DD's BF.


Going to sit for a while with hook and yarn and watch the Yankees!!!



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Hello again. I finished another variegated square. I don't know if I will do anymore. This one kept shrinking in width, so I ended up doing a border around it to get it to 8 inches wide.

That happens to me, too...no more for me!

I also did some work on dd's shrug. However, for some reason, whenever I am nearly finished a project, I have this urge to start something new. I haven't started anything yet, but I've been looking at patterns.


Oh well, back to the shrug.......

I'm the same...always have an itch to start something new!:devil


Joanne that was a bad loss today - they had their chances but just couldn't get it done! At least the Yankee pitching was good!

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We've been rearranging furniture today...and broke down and ordered a new sofa and love seat for the LR ( a sale was still going on). It's brown leather with recliners in both pieces! We should get it just before Father's Day.

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Judy, things are going to look really good at your house, with all the new furniture.


DD's shrug is finished and she likes it.


I think I'm through crafting for today. I'm going to read a book this evening.

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Evening everyone, I had a very busy day. My grandbaby spent the night home with his daddy so I had a good night sleep. My SIL brought him back to me early this morning and headed back to the hospital to be with my DD. The baby and her is due to come home tomorrow so my grandbaby is spending the night with me. We spent the afternoon at the hospital with his parents and his news baby brother and he findly bonded with his new brother it was wonderful to see. He told me grandma we going to have a happy day and it was a happy day seeing them together as a family. He really needed his daddy and mommy and I'm glad they took my advise of how to introduce my grandson to his new baby brother. I even show him where he can touch the baby and it was so cute. My heart really swell. I'm such a cry baby and a softy. :) I can't wait for my life to go back to normal so I can get back to working on my crocheting and weaving.


Judy - I love getting new furniture too, have fun rearranging your furniture when it is delivered. I think that's the best part of getting new furniture is setting it up.


Wani - that is great about your power chair, my husband is in a power chair and it really gave him his mobility back.


Marisa - Yipee for your SIL, I hope she get a girl


Tabitha - just found out about your sprain, I hope and pray it will get better soon.


Cindy - I also do stamped cross stitch, between crocheting and weaving projects I have been working on a dresser scarf. You are right it is a different craft than the ordinary cross stitch.


Well I'll talk to you all later, I have to figure out what to eat for dinner.

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Wow!! Looks like she could grow enough to sell some of it!! What a lot of work....:clap

The garden is just the first half of the work. As soon as harvesting starts, then the canning, freezing, and drying start. We don't have to buy many vegies during the winter. I'm learning more about dehydrating and rehydrating all the time. Potatoes and onions are my favorite things to dry. Have also done celery, and bell peppers and cabbage. A whole head of cabbage will fit into a 1/2 gal. canning jar. We may sell some of it this year if we have a good crop. Put the money in a jar to use for next year's seed and plants and stuff. Lots of work, but we enjoy it.

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Judy, things are going to look really good at your house, with all the new furniture.

We're excited! And it's lots cheaer than buying a new house:lol

DD's shrug is finished and she likes it.


I think I'm through crafting for today. I'm going to read a book this evening.

I knew she'd love it!:cheer

Good evening ladies,


Well, I finished my rainbow granny ghan and as promised am here to put up a pic for you. I've even woven in the ends :clap:yay

I adore it! The colors are wonderful, too!!:cheer:clap


'nite all....:hug:manyheart

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Hi all,


Marissa- The ghan is gorgeous- the colors make me smile!!! Hope you are having a nice visit with your Dad.


Judy- Wow- new LR set too- how exciting for you! Yes, the Yankee loss was a heartbreaker- I watched till the bitter end- all 14 innings!! I did 2 more 12 inch granny's and weaved in the ends and then whipstitched the 3 I have done. That is my "join as you go" method:lol


Cindy- I knew she would like the shrug- who wouldn't? :manyheart Sounds like you had a nice day.


Cheeria- I'm so happy that it was a great family day today for you and that the brothers are bonding!!! Hope you get some rest tonight~


I'm thinking about Linda and Joy and hoping that the visit is going well.


I'm also holding Julie in my thoughts that all is well at the reunion!!!


To everyone else- hope today was a good Saturday for everyone.



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Hi everyone!! I survived the day!! Came home and napped for 4 hours lol. Working on some granny squares crochet-wise. My sleep schedule is so off and messed up it's not funny.


I have to make a new appointment with my cardiologist monday. I've been having problems with my heart racing again :(


Marisa - That afghan is AWESOME!!! <3 Well done sweetie!!


1wani - my grandmother does a LOT of canning but she does fruits more then anything. She also makes Jams


CHEERIA - I'm glad everything is going so well!!

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Good morning Housemates!


Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!


I'm going to go get some coffee and then finish up another square while the house is nice and quiet and before I have to go pick up DD's BF from the train. DD is out of town and she took the car that she and BF share. I'm just happy that he is willing to help DH with opening the pool. :yes



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Good morning, House mates!!


Hi, Cindy, Sherri, Cheeria, Marisa, Sheila, Diane (where art thou?) and everyone!


Lissa, I'm hoping it's nothing more than anxiety attacks for you - sounds like what I've had in the past...but I'm no doctor...haven't even stayed in a Holiday Inn lately (heard that commercial?):lol It's a good thing to check it out. Please let us know how the appointment goes.:hug


Hi all,


Judy- Wow- new LR set too- how exciting for you! Yes, the Yankee loss was a heartbreaker- I watched till the bitter end- all 14 innings!! I did 2 more 12 inch granny's and weaved in the ends and then whipstitched the 3 I have done. That is my "join as you go" method:lol

I watched all of it, too:P

...you JAG method is like mine....as long as I'm not working from a set pattern (or afraid of running out of a certain color:lol)

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...you JAG method is like mine....as long as I'm not working from a set pattern (or afraid of running out of a certain color:lol)


:lol I thought I had 2 skeins of the color I'm using on the last round of the squares and for joining- but, I only have 1! So it looks like a trip to Michael's will be in my near future since the yarn is their own Loops and Thread. Hopefully the color won't be off due to dye lot-:eek


Photo Friday came and went, but here are the V squares (why are they curling at the ends?:think ) Here too is what I've gotten done so far on the granny ghan.



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Hi Ladies!


Tam, I'm glad Michael is able to play baseball. It gives him and you something to look forward to.

Your Mom's shrug is really pretty! She'll love it!


Sherri, All your work looks great!


Tab, Glad you only have a sprain. Flip flops and softball don't mix:think. Hope your resting your foot and you recover quickly.


Lissa, Tell R congrats on her blue stripe.

I spent a lot of time with one of my grandma's (every weekend until my Mom said no more, because I was the only one she took). I have wonderful memories of my grandma. And I tell everyone that I had great grandma's and I took lessons from them and that's why I love my grandkids and love having Maya all the time. But I will also tell you my brothers and sisters resented all the time I spent with grandma and they didn't. They let me know I was her favorite. This gives you extra time to spend with R and she is reaping the rewards of that. My kids grandma use to take them one at a time. She would pick them up after school and they would spend the night and she would take them to school the next morning. She said it was easier for her to have one at a time. I wish my son lived closer so I could have Payton (5) and Jocelyn (4) over more. The other gks are teens and a preteen and they have other interests.

I hope your stess gets better and you feel better soon. :hug


Cheeria, Congrats to the new gs Sean! He's a healthy big boy! Glad you dd is doing well! It's good that your gs got to go spend sometime with the addition to his family. My gs Payton was 2 when his sister was born. He wouldn't leave her alone. They finally had to put her in a different room from him so she could sleep. He was always kissing her and touching her. Enjoy the boys!


Cindy, All your work looks great! I knew your dd would love her shrug!


LeAnna, Hope your sale went well!


Marisa, I hope you enjoyed your time with your dad!

Congrats on being an aunt! I hope they get there wish.

Great finish on your ghan! It looks great!


Joanne, Your v squares and granny ghan look great to!


Wanda, Your garden looks great!

You'll get use to your chair. My bil went all over, even in the yard with his power scooter. You'll do just fine real soon.


Joy & Linda, Enjoy your time together!


Judy, Love your new dinette set! A new soaf with recliners is great! You both will have a recliner!


Mary & Sheila, Hi! I hope things are going well for the both of you!

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:lol I thought I had 2 skeins of the color I'm using on the last round of the squares and for joining- but, I only have 1! So it looks like a trip to Michael's will be in my near future since the yarn is their own Loops and Thread. Hopefully the color won't be off due to dye lot-:eek


I always overbuy:lol


Photo Friday came and went, but here are the V squares (why are they curling at the ends?:think ) Here too is what I've gotten done so far on the granny ghan.

Nice work on both!

sc is a tight stitch - mine curled, too:hook

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Hi Ladies!


Maya and I came down to her house thursday afternoon. Friday was Maya's (4) birthday and saturday was her party. They live in an apt complex with a pool and she had a pool party. It was a fun time for all.

Julie her Mom made strawberry cupcakes with vanilla frosting. I found some strawberry shortcake hard candy cake decorations and we put them on top with a few sprinkles of chocolate sprinkles around them. Maya did say to me grandma you didn't make me a cake. All the cupcakes were all gone so I guess they were a hit with everyone.

Friday was a fun and busy day for me. I started out with coffee with some friends at are nephews restaurant in my hometown. My mil and bil came in and I have a short visit with them then gave mil a ride home. Then I went out to my sisters and planted sweet corn, tomatos,peppers, sunflowers. Still more things to plant, but a storm was coming so I stopped. My sister is a bartender so I went to visit with her for awhile. Then I stopped to visit some friends that spend 6 months in florida that I haven't seen. It was a nice visit and made plans to visit again next friday when we come back down. Then I went to daughters and had supper.

Maya was having a sleep over with her sister and a friend. They were getting ready to go see Shreak. In are hometown there is a theater and shows are only 2.00 and they have popcorn, pop, candy for 3.00 for kids. Ended up the 4 of them went to the show for 21.00, that's a bargin.

Then I went to see another friend. She has a brother that was in an accident and she is his caregiver now. He can't and probably never will be ever to live on his own. It's really sad as her brother was such an out going person. It was nice catching up her. Are sons started school together at the age of 4 and that is how we met and have been friends every since. And the boys will be 35 this summer.

I'm quite lucky I have 3 friends that we have been friends for over 30 years. I just wish I lived closer to them. Maybe some day we will move back. We talk about it.

Today I'm going to put some flowers out at the cemetary for my dad, grandparents and my ex-husbands. Then Maya and I will be heading home. Hubby is making baked chicken for dinner.

A storm not sure if it was classified as a tornado yet. Came through a few miles from where I grew up and took down a barn that was 150 years old. But no one was injured from the fly debris so that is a blessing.


Julie, I'm sure your having a good time! I hope you are feeling well. Can't wait to hear all about your reunion.


Well I'm off of here now. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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:lol I thought I had 2 skeins of the color I'm using on the last round of the squares and for joining- but, I only have 1! So it looks like a trip to Michael's will be in my near future since the yarn is their own Loops and Thread. Hopefully the color won't be off due to dye lot-:eek


Photo Friday came and went, but here are the V squares (why are they curling at the ends?:think ) Here too is what I've gotten done so far on the granny ghan.


Love that granny ghan.....squares look great too. :cheer

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Sorry that I was MIA yesterday, but we had more bad news on the home front. My Hubby has had back pain for a week or so and we thought it was muscles due to baseball. Wrong...they think it is a cyst (2nd one found in less than a month). This one is compressing hs nerves so he is in alot of pain. He has to go see his doc this week and figure out what is next. The oncall doc said they will probably have to take it out. It worries me since it is almost on his spine. UGHH! All that has been going on just makes me want to crawl under a rock and I hate putting it on all of you. Sorry.


I am going to hide for a bit.....maybe crochet.....watch a movie.........BBL.

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Good afternoon ladies,


Thanks for all the wonderful compliments!!! :clap


I'm still at my father's, we just had dinner. Mom made soo much food, we had leftovers :D She's only gone for 5 days and left enough food for a month!!! :lol I get that from her, I always have too much....better than not enough though ;)


I started a v square this morning and it's about half done. It just started pouring here so I guess I will have a rainy ride home :( Hopefully, uneventful. I already have the car ready to go since we saw the clouds rolling in, I didn't want to have to worry about it when the rain hit ;)


I didn't take notes while reading posts, so I hope everyone's day is going well.


Joanne - your granny squares are great and the v squares are as well....mine are also curling.


Judy - congrat's on the new living room set too!! :D


Lissa - Glad you got lots of rest...you needed it! :yay


Marlene - wow! You've been super busy!! Enjoy all the time your spending with everyone :clap


I'll check back later on.

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