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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning. :)


Making a list to keep me on track. Projects to do and weight to lose. Already knocked out that treadmill walk. Yea me. Now to have some breakfast and then knit, sew, and crochet. See you when my batteries run down. :lol

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Good Morning. :)


Making a list to keep me on track. Projects to do and weight to lose. Already knocked out that treadmill walk. Yea me. Now to have some breakfast and then knit, sew, and crochet. See you when my batteries run down. :lol

Good for you for doing the treadmill! It's so humid I don't walk outside and I miss it. So does Sparkie:lol

I also have to drop a few pounds that crept back on...somehow:think

We can do it!:cheer:clap:cheer

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TG for central AC....I need to iron some shirts and blouses right now..the pile was growing...



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:sun Good Morning.......................

Well................lots of crocheting ... knitting and laundry in my plans for the day! Then a baseball game tonight!

Tomorrow I'm takin' the boys to the pool. Its fun... they swim all day... and I crochet under the beautiful sun.








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Good morning ladies,


It rained off and on here all day yesterday. It's sunny today, but we have more rain coming this week. Thanks for the prayers on my sil. They did release her. The surgeon said it is her heart. That is typical though as you have a lot of signs and pain like a heart attack. But the sil who was with her at the hospital said her stomach is 3/4 of the over the hernia. So she was told to go see her doctor today. I'll call her later and see if she went to work or her doctor. Hubby had the same thing. He had the surgery done a few years ago.


Julie I hope you get to go to your reunion. Like the others have said make sure you go rest when you need to not when you want to. Do you have your list all filled out that Linda gave you? That is a really important piece of paper if you would need it. I hope you don't! Better to have it and not need it than to wish you had all that info. All of this just because I care!:hug And I'm a bossy person. I was the oldest of 8 kids so I have lots of practice of being a boss.


Joanne great job getting the bedroom back together.


Marisa your square is pretty! It would make a cute scarf for a little girl.


Judy glad sparkie is back to eating. Dylan is a cute baby and a good size one.


Cheeria, Happy Birthday to your son! Enjo your time with grandbaby. How old is he?


Joanne & Cindy have a good day at work!


Linda your coming right along on your quilt. :cheer:clap


I hope everyone has a nice day. Bbl

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Marlene, I've been thinking about it and I'm sure Sparkie is still "off" after losing his furry big sister in March....I know I am.

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I hope you are done with your list and back in here soon . My errands are done for the day,also dishes done .Next is laundry - yippee . Then that's all Im doing today except making supper tonite .





Jude- Howdy -- and yep,Steph is a good girl .I tell her mom all the time how lucky she is to have her for a daughter . And I tell Cam all the time how lucky he is that he has such a good mom. I want him to grow up to appreciate her .

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Hi, Tam and Marlene!


Tam...I sent you a PM.....

I totally missed it............. sorry hon!

sent you one back! :U







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Yep-- that part of my family is more precious than gold to me ....all REALLY good people who would do anything for you . I am really lucky to have them . We have always wanted to move down there closer to them, but things just never worked out . They live in a place where jobs are extremely hard to come by,so Sam wouldnt quite be able to make the transition down there. He has worked at the same company for 34 years ...6 weeks vacation ..etc,so it is REALLY hard to toss all that and go off down there not knowing if he could even FIND a job . Lots of farmers and things like that in that area.




Thanks Linda- I will definitely bring everything I need with me and be careful so I don't overdo it . Luckily I'm not in charge of reunion this year, or it'd be a pretty sorry looking reunion .One of my younger cousins has done it for the past couple years, but she doesnt want to do it next year,so not sure who they will get . I can't sign up to do it anymore though .. especially when I dont even know if I'll get to BE there .


You have a wonderful time with your girl and grandson ! I can tell you are really excited. This vacation might just do you a world of good .





Cheeria- I bet you are on pins and needles waiting for this new grandbaby ! Let us know as soon as you can about it and a picture if you can sneak one in !!!



Marisa- yea, there are lots of families that never have reunions or only have them once in awhile. They started long before I was born ,back in my grandma's yard when her kids all grew up and married . She always wanted reunion to continue, so we have always honored her request . Never missed a year .We have a big crowd --Sunday is the biggest day -- we'll have over 100 that day .

I think we have I think 38 staying at the hotel --- at last count that's what we had --we may have more that I dont know of .

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Marisa- you are doing great on your afghan and have gotten lots done on it in a very short time !



Sherri -- good for you for exercising. I need some of that myself !!! (Or Less CAKE)




Tam- howdy there -- you sound chipper today !!!



Marlene - you don't sound bossy to me at all, you sound perfectly nice ! Thank you for the kind reminders .

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I am done with my TO DO list, but still have some things to do this afternoon. :yes


I did another round on Jaden's RR while getting caffeinated. :hook I have a problem though.....it seems that everytime I crochet I get nauseous. :angry:eek I have not figured out why yet, but it takes forever to go away once it starts. ICK! And nope do not even say it because the doc did a test last week. :yay It was not for the nausea, but she did a test and it was negative. So anyone have any advice or ideas? I am lost and I do not want to have to stop crocheting.


:think :think :think

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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower Oh my, there have been over 300 posts since I last checked in. :eek I skimmed through posts and saw wonderful pictures! I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.


We spent Sat. at DD's finishing up one more bed in their back yard. Sunday we worked in our yard until noon...it was 96*! We're supposed to be at or near 100 all week and I'm not ready for this. :no Any spare time I've had has been spent rippling away. :hook


Back to laundry, bills, etc. Have a wonderful day, everyone. :manyheart

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Are you long arm quilting? I so want one of those one day. :yes

Nope. No long arm machine, just my trusty littler Brother XL-2600. It does a good job it's just a lot of material to wrestle with when I'm in the middle. I've got it positioned so that most of it is resting on the bed which is helping a lot. I'm down to just 1/2 a round and the center motif and the quilting will be done. Yeah! :D


Hi, Mary! :hi Long time no see. Enjoy that little grandbaby and give him a hug for me.

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Mary, be careful in that heat! Enjoy Luke:c9


time to turn off my puter....T/storms rapdly approaching!

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Hi everyone, busy day at work today, although it isn't really busy generally speaking. I enjoy busy though so it's okay.


Julie, hope the reunion goes well. Sounds like you have a terrific family.


Its my mils birthday so we are going out to dinner to celebrate that.


And now for the big news: DD had a baby boy via c-section at around 2 this morning. Mom and baby are fine. His name is Aaron David and he weighed 8 pounds. He is a beautiful little boy with dark hair. I went over this morning and saw her and dh left half an hour ago to visit. Dh and I plan to meet at the restaurant for dinner. We were hoping to go over there together, but I got home from work later than I had hoped, so he went alone.

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Congratulations on the arrival of Aaron David, Cindy!!!! What a lovely day for a birthday- June 1!!! You must be on cloud 9- glad to hear Mom and baby are doing fine!!!


Angels were bowling on my drive home from work- and then continued for a bit. They seemed to have stopped now so I'm quickly checking out what the House mates have been up to and then need to go make dinner!


Julie- Take it easy this week- and yes, please remember to use Linda's list- it had so much good info!


Linda- 3 more days- well actually at this time about 2 1/2 more days! You must be so excited!


Mary- Thanks for stopping by- and hug Luke for me!


Tab I have no idea why you would get nauseous from crocheting? That one has me perplexed. I hope it doesn't last ---and you say you are sure you are not "P......." I can't imagine what could be causing it!


Judy- How is the border coming along?


It was humid today and joy of joys, the AC at work was broken- Luckily the building management got it going around noon, but it was hot none-the-less. I have 2 fans at my desk- you know for those flash moments! One on the floor and one on the desk and they were both going today!! Glad to be home in my AC!!! Just please, if the angels start bowling again, don't let the power go out!!


Time to start dinner- I think tonight will be a light supper- Salad and tuna sandwiches!

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Hi, Sheila and Jules!


Joanne, I have one more 2 1/2 inch band of black to make and I think it'll be at the 36 inches I wanted...good enough for a lapghan or something to snuggle with. I showed my friend the picture part of the ghan and she was thrilled, so I know anything will make her happy at this point.:lol


Time for baseball! Here's hoping the T/storms that are in the area don't mess up the game too much!


'nite all!:hug:manyheart

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