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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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DD just called- dress shopping is happening tomorrow . I guess she really likes to wait until the LAST MINUTE :lol


But that's ok- lots to do around here cleaning wise! And of course, I'm going to pick up the hook and yarn for a while too!!:hook

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Hey guys

Back --my couple of errands before picking up Cam turned into a couple hours .

Anyhow,back home ,with Cam ready to play ,so can't stick around too long ,but will stop in later again .


As for the question, I guess you guys know my tricks now -- if you google them you'll be able to find them all.

Since this is one of my favorite authors-- the book is by Charles Dickens--


David Copperfiled .


Wish I would have been around when Dickens was -- he sounds like he was as long-winded as me, so that could be why I like his books,they ramble on and on and on .


Well, off to play some games -- and unload the car,so will talk later -

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Hi, to you, too, Cheeria!:hug


OK, another question.....


I've tried to google, but am having trouble. Is there a good program to use to put my picture into a graph pattern?

Not sure but I think someone once mentioned KnitPro?:think


And someone asked what colors I'm making the baby ghans. My niece has her room ready (Wants to be surprised as to the sex of the baby) in yellow with accents of Cranberry and green.... So, of course the first image that came to mind was a soft yellow RR with bands of soft white and Claret....may change when I get my new pattern book.

The other ghan I have to check with G'ma-to-be about colors, theme, etc. I have some patterns I already set aside as possibilities.

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Well, I decided to get off my rump and go out....so I went to WalMart and the market and wandered around. I got a few skeins of vareigated yarn to do some squares. I hope nobody did these colors already :think


Came home, cleaned up my lettuce and had a salad to hold me over until dinner. While I was at the store, decided I was going to make an apple cake and didn't know I needed OJ so now have to run back out, but will just go to the convenient store for that. Then, I'll come back to peel apples for my cake. When that's in the oven, I'll peel potatoes....sounds like a peeling kinda day :lol



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I haven't done any crocheting today, but I sewed a dress! ( it still needs to be hemmed) It's even wearable. I used a pattern that I've had for quite a while and some fabric I found when I was cleaning. It's years since I sewed anything besides purses or quilts. I would have been done sooner, but I had to re-thread my serger with black thread for this dress and that took me about an hour. I haven't used that thing in many months.

Both dh and dd are quite impressed.

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I'm back home...appointment went fine...but have another one for the crown in a couple of weeks.


I'm going to go take a nap now...hope you're all having a great day.

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Hi, Housemates. I've been out and about since about 8:00 this morning. Rosie & I went to 3 different quilt stores this morning. I was able to behave myself but Rosie bought something at all three stores. We also went to a farmer's market/flea market and I got John pickled eggs with hot peppers, pickled hot peppers, hot-hot chow-chow, and hot-hot salsa. He was very pleased. Then I went to an antique mall. Looked but didn't buy. Had lunch/supper at a Chinese buffet. And ended the day at WalMart where I got prescriptions, a purse, 3 tops, and some odds & ends. I'm ready to sit and read or crochet or some such.


Tammy - I'll keep Michael and the rest of your family in my prayers. Tell Patrick his pie looks scrumptious.


LeAnna - Glad to hear that the root canal went well.


Julie - Your squares are very pretty. I've never been a good penpal, so think I'll pass on this one.


CJ - Hope you have lots of fun getting the garden planted. Hope you don't get sunburned out there.


Marissa - A peeling kind of day indeed. At least it's not the sunburn kind of peeling.


Cindy - You are doing great to whip up a dress in just a day.


Joanne - DD is indeed waiting until the last minute on her dress. Have a good time shopping. Hope she finds that special, just perfect dress without too much trouble.

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I haven't done any crocheting today, but I sewed a dress! ( it still needs to be hemmed) It's even wearable. I used a pattern that I've had for quite a while and some fabric I found when I was cleaning. It's years since I sewed anything besides purses or quilts. I would have been done sooner, but I had to re-thread my serger with black thread for this dress and that took me about an hour. I haven't used that thing in many months.

Both dh and dd are quite impressed.


Cool! You'll have to post a picture! Only if you want to of course...:D

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I'm back home...appointment went fine...but have another one for the crown in a couple of weeks.


I'm going to go take a nap now...hope you're all having a great day.


I'm glad your appointment went well!:hug

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OK ladies,


It turned out not to be so lazy. I went to pick up my OJ and I just took my cake out of the oven....it smells wonderful and now I'm wishing I picked up some vanilla bean ice cream at the store...it would've been great with warm apple cake!!!! :drool Oh well, such is life, I'm not going back out to pick any up now so will enjoy the cake alone :D I peeled and cut my potatoes and I added new soil to my herbs from last week, since they've settled now. Then I changed my shower curtain liner and jumped in :D


Cindy - I'd love to see a pic of your dress if you have an extra minute to put one up. That's awesome to have done it in one day...including the hour you spend rethreading the black thread ;)


LeAnna - I'm glad to hear your appt went well. Have a good nap :c9


Linda - Sounds like you had a good day of shopping. And, the chinese buffet :drool I love Chinese :D


Now, I'm going to try to crochet a bit :D Hockey game at 8!!!!! GO FLYERS!!!! :cheer:yay:cheer:yay

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I'm back home...appointment went fine...but have another one for the crown in a couple of weeks.


I'm going to go take a nap now...hope you're all having a great day.

Sorry you have to go back - but hopefully the worst is over:hug:hug

I haven't done any crocheting today, but I sewed a dress! ( it still needs to be hemmed) It's even wearable. I used a pattern that I've had for quite a while and some fabric I found when I was cleaning. It's years since I sewed anything besides purses or quilts. I would have been done sooner, but I had to re-thread my serger with black thread for this dress and that took me about an hour. I haven't used that thing in many months.

Both dh and dd are quite impressed.

Wow! I'm SUPER impressed!:nworthy You obviously have a wonderful innate ability for sewing...my mom did....and her work was outstanding.

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Marisa, it sounds like a great night: fresh apple cake and hockey - Mmmmmmm


Joanne....what the heck happened to the Yankees!?!?


Linda, it sounds like you had a great day!


'nite everyone.

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Ohhh, Marisa! I LOVE apple cake! :lol


busy-bee: planting went well! It was really hot, but I think we got all of it done! :cheer

I didn't really get sunburned , but my mom got it on her arms and was hurting..:( I think ir's okay now though.:)


Night, Night, Judy! :D


:sleep tight, don't let the Bed :ladybugs bite!




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It took me most of the evening to put the finishing touches on the dress. I'm very slow at hand sewing. (listening to an audio book probably slowed me down a bit too!) I'll get dh to take a picture of me in it tomorrow. (Remember, I'm a beginner!!)




Wow! I'm SUPER impressed!:nworthy You obviously have a wonderful innate ability for sewing...my mom did....and her work was outstanding.


I don't know about that.... I think it will be a case of practice, practice, practice. But it was fun and I do have quite a sense of accomplishment. Of course nothing else got done today!


Good night everyone.

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Hello Tam -


Will definitely be sending positive vibes in your direction . I didn't know your son was ill. I'm very sorry to hear that ,but will hope that this is just a plain old cold and nothing worse .


And wow, you are teaching your sons well if they can make pies ! Terrific job .

Thanks so much for your love! Michael was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome back in 2005. He's been in and out of remission since.

All my kids have been eager to learn things... cooking ...crafting ... etc!

Patrick wrote a Hot Dog cook book a couple years ago. There are 16 recipes in it if I remember right. He gave them as gifts to family for Christmas that year and even sold a few.



Tam, sending prayers for Michael.


The rhubarb pie looks delicious, almost too pretty to eat!

Thanks sweetie for the prayers.... I appreciate that!

Oh... it was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY! He's going to make another one next week! :yay


Good Morning, House mates!:hug


Poor Michael - thoughts and prayers, Tam:hug:hug:hug


What a wonderful looking pie!:cheer

Thank you for the prayers for Michael!!!

:D yeah... Patrick did a good job on that pie!


Tam - Will keep Michael in my prayers that everything turns out alright :hug :hug :hug and Patrick's pie looks yummy :drool

Thank you so much for your prayers!!!

Oh... it was very yummy! :D


Tam- Thoughts and prayers for Michael- and that he only has a cold. Patrick's Rhubarb pie looks delicious!!! I never had rhubarb until my oldest DD made a rhubarb pie- and boy was it good

Thank you for your prayers for Michael!!! It means alot!!!

I love rhubarb pie......... and Patrick did a great job making this one! it was so yummy!








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Tam: I'll pray for Michael! :hug I hope he gets better!

Thank you sweetie!!!! :hug



Tam that pie look so Yummy. I will keep Michael in my prayers

Yep........ it was really yummy :D

Thank you for your prayers for Michael!



Tammy - I'll keep Michael and the rest of your family in my prayers. Tell Patrick his pie looks scrumptious.

Thank you my dear! I appreciate your prayers!

I will pass on the compliment! :D







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Julie, you can add me as a pen pal. I'll be back tomorrow after the company leaves.

Maya is sleeping on my lap so it's kind of hard to hold the laptop and her to.

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Good morning House


Judy- I don't know what to say about the Yankees- :eek other than the bullpen imploded! No excuse for being up so many runs and then losing!


Cindy- Can't wait to see your dress- I am impressed- and Yes, I will remember you are a beginner :lol


Marissa- I watched some hockey too last night- Go Blackhawks! :cheer Sorry, my friend, but as a NJ Devils fan I just can't root for your Flyers!;) Your apple pie sounds delish! Must have been a pie day- Tammy's son Patrick's rhubarb pie, your apple pie. Anyone else make a pie? :lol


Julie- Hope you had a nice visit with Cam. Did he like the games you got?


Linda- Glad you had a nice day- seems like you did a lot of "fun" running around! When do you leave on your trip?


Cheeria- So, did you end up heading out yesterday, or hang in and do crafts?


LeAnna- Happy that the dental appointment went well, even if you have to return for the crown. Hope you had a nice nap.


CJ- Must be a nice feeling to have the gardening done and everything planted.


Tammy- Continued prayers for Michael!


Mary, Marlene, Wanda, Tabitha, Jennifer and everyone- wishing you a happy Sunday!


DD called me yesterday around 4 and wanted to meet to go dress shopping. We lucked out at the first store we went to- of course she tried on about 16 dresses, but found a nice black dress that fit really well, and on top of that it was only $30!!! She even got a pair of shoes! It all worked out, last minute and all!


The painting is coming along- the ugly wallpaper and chair rail is gone! PRimer is on, ceiling is painted- he'll be back today.


I started crocheting a summer garden hat using some of my I love this cotton. Pattern is here

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Morning all

Can't type long -Cam is still asleep. I let him sleep on the couch last night because it was so hot upstairs,so I'm trying to be quiet so I dont wake him up .


Tam- I'm hoping your son's test will come back just fine ..the waiting on the answers is the hard part, isn't it ??


I love your son's idea of a hotdog cookbook. I only know one way to make a hotdog .




Cindy-we willl all be excited to see your dress ! Good job,and for a beginner ? I'd say great job.

I have never been able to master a sewing machine .



Igot you for the penpals Marlene,and will announce this morning who gets which penpal , and what the 1st category is .

I'll put the names in a bowl and have Cam draw out 2 at a time to match you up .

We MAY switch each month or may keep the same ones- we'll just play it by ear .



I spent a little time working on Cindy's afghan on her web page yesterday,and will make that my main project for this week so I actually have something a little bigger to show on photo day .


You all have a good day - I'll check in in a little bit ,give your penpal list out,and the category for the week .

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Morning Joanne -

I won't even mention the baseball, because it "might" have been Cleveland who played you -- I think I saw on a commercial that it was who we played this weekend, so I won't say much about it. I dont follow baseball,so dont keep up well with who played,who won, etc .



The garden hat should be handy for this time of year .


Cam liked one game, the others were not so great ( I didnt even think they were fun),so may pull out a new one for today til he goes home . I am only doling out one or 2 at a time to make them llast longer. He gets easily bored- once he figures something out, he needs something new to keep his brain thinking .


Well, gonna get off here for a bit -- will check back in soon .

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What color are you using for the afghan you are making? I am going back and forth in my mind on what big project I want to start- a "never ending square" ghan or the Ripple from attic24. So because I couldnt' decide on a big project, I started making a summer hat!

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Hi Joanne

I am using the RH Honeydew color --kinda real light pretty green . Cindy's pattern is really pretty and easy-to-follow directions.

She writes patterns out well so you can follow them .


I know what you mean about the trying to decide on big projectss . I do that a lot too.


I sometimes even think a certain color of yarn doesn't look right in a certain pattern,so I change even for that reason .


Good luck in deciding ! :)



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Hi Joanne

I am using the RH Honeydew color --kinda real light pretty green . Cindy's pattern is really pretty and easy-to-follow directions.

She writes patterns out well so you can follow them .


I know what you mean about the trying to decide on big projectss . I do that a lot too.


I sometimes even think a certain color of yarn doesn't look right in a certain pattern,so I change even for that reason .


Good luck in deciding ! :)




I was wondering about that:lol but, hey it's early in the morning, so you are forgiven :hug:hug


Time for me to get my coffee!!!!:yes

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