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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning Sunshines !


How are all of you this fine day ?


I am sitting here trying to suck in enough air to keep my body from shutting down . MY GOSH, these last 2 HOT days have put a whole new spin to this thing .


I needed a couple days to gather my thoughts about the whole situation, before being able to tackle it . I was just totally discouraged after last visit with the LUNG GUY .


Let's just say me and him are going in opposite directions,and I will NOT be going back there .


It's like having a little kid for a Dr,and you are playing a guessing game .He keeps asking has this happend. has that happened, has your body ever done this ,etc .... I mean the list goes on and on and on ....

THEN he tells me this MAY not be asthma at all, but some other totally different lung affliction .


THEN he tells me that my regular Dr is the Quarterback on this team, so we have to run everything by HER before making any other moves.


He keeps asking what does SHE say, well she told me in the beginning that she is NOT a lung specialist and would try to help me, but if she couldn't then she'd have to send me elsewhere for this until they get it controlled, then I wouldnt have to go there anymore, I could come to her .


Anyhow, the guy had another Dr. "shadowing " him again,for lack of a better term .He just stood in the corner .


When they went to leave the room,after doing a total of N O T H I N G

,ordering nothing new ,no change in meds, nothing .....see you in 4 months.


When they went to go out the door I said HOLD IT - ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME OR NOT ?


His response : I DON'T KNOW .


When they left ,he said to the other Dr -- Boy, we're starting out with a tough crowd to please aren't we ?:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry


He hasn't seen me at my worst, but I am angry enough at this point to part his hair with an electric knife .


I will NOT be going back there .


So, today, I go back to MY Dr, one of my favorite nurses there recommended the Dr's she used to work for who are allergists,asthma specialists and immunologists .


I have an appointment with them NEXT Friday ,so we are starting this whole process all over again .


I am now at the point of being MAD AS A WET HEN and TWICE AS MEAN .


THIS is really starting to irritate me .


Anyhow, had to let off steam somewhere. Sam is out at 5:30 AM, cutting the grass for the 5th time this week -- he has become like a dog that someone kicks everytime they see him .


HE is SKEERED ...........I have no one else here ,so he has to listen to it .

He is almost at the point where he will volunteer at city hall to paint the water tower ,just so he can get FAR AWAY from me .


So, I'm done..... no sense in crabbing at all of you guys (OR HIM) about it .

I am just plain MAD .


After that TEST FIASCO, then this Dr ,and I can barely get air in ....I am getting REALLY T I C K E D .


You all have a good day .... I will be going to find some Behinds to kick .:yes

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Hello Housemates,


It sounds like another busy week in here.


CJ~Welcome, nice to meet you.


Linda~glad you figured out a fix to your quilt. Do you use a quilting frame? Back in the day, when I quilted, DH made me a frame. It consisted of 4, 8' long 2 x 4's. I staple gunned some muslin down the length of one side of each board, had 4 C clamps to hold it together. I would set it on top of the backs of my kitchen chairs, that would get it about waist high (easier on the back). I would pin the quilt to the muslin, then baste it and then take it down. When we lived in Wisconsin, our townhouse was so narrow, there wasn't room toput it up, so the manager would let me use an empty apartment to set it up in. It would only take a few hours but I always felt so sneaky.


Tam~David sounds so sweet and tender-hearted.


Sheila~yay for husbands new job. The economy is hitting everyone hard.


Well, I have been so disappointed in my crocheting this week. I got to round 35 of 56 and decided I was frogging it. The pattern was Patchwork Round Ripple, an Annie's Attic pattern. Looks nice but doesn't work up the way I thought it would. It had lots and lots of fpdc's which made it very heavy. It wasn't something you would want to cuddle up with. I told DH it seems more like a rug. I want to walk on it rather than be under it. So, I unraveled it and started a basic 12 point round ripple....much happier now.


Julie~I'm in for the varigated square. This sounds like fun. Got 1 done, RHSS discontinued color called Fiesta Jewel. Am 1/2 way thru another, yarn is peach/brown sparkle, also discontinued.


I forgot who had the encounter with the snake.....at this age, I hate any creepy/crawly that moves faster than me, unfortunately, that is almost everything.


Sherri~Baxter is so cute, and his blankie is splendid!


Well, off to fix a cup of tea. Hugs to those I missed. Will check in tomorrow for photo Friday.


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You all have a good day .... I will be going to find some Behinds to kick .:yes



Ahhhh, Julie. So sorry about all this. Listen, if the behind moves slow enough, I'll help you kick it.

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Good morning! All I can say is TGIF!!! TGIF!!!! TGIF!!!!! I only have 8 more hours of work and then I am off for 3 days!!!! TGIF!!!!!:clap:clap:clap


I finished the 2nd square and started a third last evening- the third is in Aspen print. So one in Gemstone, one in Artist print and one in Aspen print so far.


Tonight when I get home I have to clean out the bedroom- painter is coming tomorrow afternoon to start removing the wallpaper and chair rail and then Sunday he will paint. So lots of moving of stuff tonight and tomorrow morning!


Julie- Glad you vented to us- I can understand your frustration at having to start over with another specialist! Any thoughts about heading to Cleveland Clinic for a consult?

Hang in there --- we need you---as does Sam and Cam!!!!:manyheart


Happy Friday to all!!!!!:hug

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Good morning housemates :coffee


Well, I woke up with a headache again :( But, not like it was yesterday. If it stays like it is, I won't even take anything so it's just annoying :(


Julie - I hate that your having all these problems, but it's true, some doctors are just idiots :eek Definitely find a new one and I really hope you're seriously considering getting to the Cleveland Clinic :ghug


Diane - Sorry your first ripple wasn't coming out as you had hoped, but glad your happy with the new one :clap


Joanne - You're on the home stretch!!!! :yay


I will need to pick up some variegated yarn this weekend for the square game. I have 1, but it's already promised to a knit project I'm working on and don't want to end up short with it. I think I have 2 small skeins of peaches n cream, but used a little of it for something so will see if there's enough to get the 8" out of it.


I took a pic of my progress with my rainbow granny ghan and the pieces are kind of random and not done in order (because I did what I could when I still needed the other 3 colors).......


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Hi Diane- thanks for joining in on the squares with us ,and also for the offer of the butt-kicking helper. I may need it if I have to stop to breathe ,you can take over .





Hi Joanne --- Well, CC is still an option -- one that my regular Dr has mentioned - I DID ask this other dude about it, because he always asks what my other Dr has to say .

He actually ASKED : WHAT DEPARTMENT ????

GEEZ ,am I looney or is HE ?


What am I in HERE for , an ingrown toenail ?????


I said,well, i'm guessing the LUNG department .


He advised against it at this point, because he said once they get you "into their system",then THEIR Dr's will be assigned to the whole case ,so I may have several different ones working as a team to handle this, should it turn into something that affects more areas than just the lung issues .


Plus he said the traffic to get there is a nightmare .


Well, the traffic to Akron is no picnic when you live in a hick town like mine. If you do manage to GET there in one piece, your chances of being hit in the head with a brick for a quarter are pretty good .



MY guess is that he knows if I hit the clinic, I WON'T be back to drop him another 200 bucks every couple of months . Pathetic,but true,that is what I got out of it .


Anyhow, I took it upon myself to at least give these new Dr's a go at this -- it's only a week away, they were highly recommended ,and it won't drag out into any long situation. I am just gonna see what they are like, let them look at it with fresh eyes,and see what they suggest . If they say they can't do any more than this guy is doing, the next step will have to be higher up the ladder .

This idea wasn't done with my Dr's knowledge, I did this myself . We'll see what her comments are, but at this point, it doesn't matter. I NEED help to breathe, so I'm about desperate . I'll try anything .I won't mess around with these guys though .


I have wasted 10 WEEKS with the other dude, and all he has done has said -- see you in 4 months, pay on the way out .


Believe me, my Dr today will voice her opinion . she is a gabber - a lot like me, and not afraid to voice her opinion. She may say these 2 are Quacks for all I know, but her suggestion hasn't helped me, so I'm gonna try my own ,at least for one visit - to see what they are like and if they seem like they can help me .


It's just a big ball of mess, and we have more family issues getting dumped right in my lap too,so that makes me double mad .


Anyhow, don't I sound like POLLYANNA today ?


Smothering will do that to you .


I'll try coming back in a better mood later -- sorry gang .. Justr carry on without me and I'll be back after bit . I am just ROYALLY TICKED at the moment.

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Your afghan is looking very pretty ! Good job and thank you for sharing your Friday Photo !



I hope your headache goes away as the day goes on .



Don't know if I'll be posting a photo this week . Been a little too preoccupied with other stuff to do much else .


I AM making the Variegated Squares though because they keep my hands busy and don't take any concentration .

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Good morning everyone.


Julie, I'm sorry that this is turning into more of an ordeal than it needs to be. I was also wondering about the Cleveland Clinic. Maybe today's visit to your regular doctor will come up with some new ideas. That lung doctor that you saw sounds incompetent to me. Sounds like he is incapable of coloring outside the lines. He'll help you as long as you have a nice normal easy to diagnose problem.


In the meantime, maybe it will cool down and be less humid, and at least you will fell a tiny bit better. And look at the bright side...at least Sam is being super productive!


Joanne, I'm cheering along with you for your last work day. It makes me tired just to think about it.

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I took a pic of my progress with my rainbow granny ghan and the pieces are kind of random and not done in order (because I did what I could when I still needed the other 3 colors).......


I really like this!

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This is what I have been working on for... ever. These four blocks might have been from last week and part of the week before. I'm nearing the end. Nine more squares to go. I would've taken pics of the variegated squares from this week, but they are buried under a project I hope to finish this weekend.




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Good Morning all!:morcoffee


marpan: Your afghan is really pretty! You'll have to post a picture of it finished!:D


SheffnJerri: Your squares are really nice!


(I'm still not sure wether to call everyone by their names, or usernames......:think:D)


My sweater is coming along, I hope to get a picture up later.......:hook




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CJ - what are you going to school for?




I'm still in school.:D I'm 14.:) I'm almost done for the summer(I'm homeschooled). I just have math, science, and a Home Ec. computer program. But I'm almost done with math as well! I can't wait to finish every thing! :cheer:P

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Good morning housemates :coffee

Linda, it sounds like another oooops moment....I hope it works out!:hook


This is what I have been working on for... ever. These four blocks might have been from last week and part of the week before. I'm nearing the end. Nine more squares to go. I would've taken pics of the variegated squares from this week, but they are buried under a project I hope to finish this weekend.


One more...

Beautiful work!:clap:clap

Judy - Glad you love your new color :yay did you end up getting it cut at all?

No cut...she was running very late when I got there, so I ran out to the library and came back....I just wanted to get out of there:P


I am sitting here trying to suck in enough air to keep my body from shutting down . MY GOSH, these last 2 HOT days have put a whole new spin to this thing .


When they left ,he said to the other Dr -- Boy, we're starting out with a tough crowd to please aren't we ?:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry


He hasn't seen me at my worst, but I am angry enough at this point to part his hair with an electric knife .


I will NOT be going back there .


I have an appointment with them NEXT Friday ,so we are starting this whole process all over again .



Anyhow, had to let off steam somewhere. Sam is out at 5:30 AM, cutting the grass for the 5th time this week -- he has become like a dog that someone kicks everytime they see him .


HE is SKEERED ...........I have no one else here ,so he has to listen to it .

He is almost at the point where he will volunteer at city hall to paint the water tower ,just so he can get FAR AWAY from me .


So, I'm done..... no sense in crabbing at all of you guys (OR HIM) about it .

I am just plain MAD .


Jules, something tells me that those doctors finished at the bottom of their class - what arrogant ***


Poor Sam...he feels so helpless watching all this - at least he can vent his feelings in physical activity - you just keep that hook churning, my friend, so you'll have something to do, too.:hug:hug:hug:hug

Well, I have been so disappointed in my crocheting this week. I got to round 35 of 56 and decided I was frogging it. The pattern was Patchwork Round Ripple, an Annie's Attic pattern. Looks nice but doesn't work up the way I thought it would. It had lots and lots of fpdc's which made it very heavy. It wasn't something you would want to cuddle up with. I told DH it seems more like a rug. I want to walk on it rather than be under it. So, I unraveled it and started a basic 12 point round ripple....much happier now.


Julie~I'm in for the varigated square. This sounds like fun. Got 1 done, RHSS discontinued color called Fiesta Jewel. Am 1/2 way thru another, yarn is peach/brown sparkle, also discontinued.



Well, off to fix a cup of tea. Hugs to those I missed. Will check in tomorrow for photo Friday.

That's a great color!:cheer
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CJ, you can call us whatever is comfortable for you....for me, anyway.

You sound so much more mature that 14! Yay for home schooling!:yay

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Happy Friday, everyone. :)


Joanne ~ Yay for a 3 day weekend! You deserve a break. :yes


Marisa ~ Your afghan is just wonderful! :clap The colors are wonderful together. I hope the headaches ease up for you - this time of year can be so bad for allergy stuff. :hug


CJ ~ You can call me Mary, but I'll answer to anything. ;) Looking forward to seeing your sweater.


Linda ~ So sorry about the scarf...knowing you, you'll work it out! Have you started packing yet?


Sherri ~ Your blocks are lovely!


Julie ~ Good for you for taking charge! We want you to feel better. :hug


What's everyone doing for the Holiday weekend? We're going to help DD and her DH with a little more yardwork and try to work on ours, too. It's supposed to be in the mid 90's, so I'd rather be inside. :lol

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No chocolate!:eek:eek:eek


Take it easy with the exercise...slowly your body will get stronger and healthier.

Are you going to make the monkey a banana?


off for tonight - see you all in the morning.




It has been hard since I still have a full bag of goodies. :eek But I have fought it for 2 days now. :cheer


Yep, I am making a banana. I am finished with the monkey except the sewing of the tail & tummy onto the cocoon.



Tab - I also need to watch my chocolate intake.....and I do....I watch myself intake it :devil:rofl but for real, I give it up every year for lent, I find that it helps get me back in check with it.



That is how my intake worked too for a LONGGGG time & unfortunately I have also been watching my weight steadily increase, ughh.


Good morning housemates :coffee


Well, I woke up with a headache again :( But, not like it was yesterday. If it stays like it is, I won't even take anything so it's just annoying :(


Julie - I hate that your having all these problems, but it's true, some doctors are just idiots :eek Definitely find a new one and I really hope you're seriously considering getting to the Cleveland Clinic :ghug


Diane - Sorry your first ripple wasn't coming out as you had hoped, but glad your happy with the new one :clap


Joanne - You're on the home stretch!!!! :yay


I will need to pick up some variegated yarn this weekend for the square game. I have 1, but it's already promised to a knit project I'm working on and don't want to end up short with it. I think I have 2 small skeins of peaches n cream, but used a little of it for something so will see if there's enough to get the 8" out of it.


I took a pic of my progress with my rainbow granny ghan and the pieces are kind of random and not done in order (because I did what I could when I still needed the other 3 colors).......


I hope your head feels better soon. Your afghan is awesome...love the shapes. :cheer


This is what I have been working on for... ever. These four blocks might have been from last week and part of the week before. I'm nearing the end. Nine more squares to go. I would've taken pics of the variegated squares from this week, but they are buried under a project I hope to finish this weekend.


One more...


Beautiful! I love cables. :clap:manyheart


Tell me when you're tired of Little Guy pictures. :lol And the progress on my "Happy Ripple"...I'm loving the random colors!


The "little guy" is adorable. :manyheart Your ripple is awesome....love the colors. :cheer

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Julie~ I am so sorry that you keep having run ins with stupid dr.'s that belong flipping burgers. I hope this new lead will be helpful....my twins allergy specialist helped tremendously with their breathing years ago & I hope that specialist will do the same for you. :manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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:sun.............. good morning kids....... :mug

Stoppin' in to say :hi HI... and see what everyone is up to!

I have my sc square 50% done. I got sidetracked yesterday with other projects and didnt get it finished. Hopefully today!!! :hook







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Tell me when you're tired of Little Guy pictures. :lol And the progress on my "Happy Ripple"...I'm loving the random colors!

Omgosh... look at that sweet baby!!!!!!

the blanket is awesome!!!!







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Good morning housemates :coffee


Well, I woke up with a headache again :( But, not like it was yesterday. If it stays like it is, I won't even take anything so it's just annoying :(


Julie - I hate that your having all these problems, but it's true, some doctors are just idiots :eek Definitely find a new one and I really hope you're seriously considering getting to the Cleveland Clinic :ghug


Diane - Sorry your first ripple wasn't coming out as you had hoped, but glad your happy with the new one :clap


Joanne - You're on the home stretch!!!! :yay


I will need to pick up some variegated yarn this weekend for the square game. I have 1, but it's already promised to a knit project I'm working on and don't want to end up short with it. I think I have 2 small skeins of peaches n cream, but used a little of it for something so will see if there's enough to get the 8" out of it.


I took a pic of my progress with my rainbow granny ghan and the pieces are kind of random and not done in order (because I did what I could when I still needed the other 3 colors).......

Bless your heart!!! I know all about headaches! I live with them on a daily basis! Some days I are just much worse than others!

Your afghan is coming out so darn neat! I love the colors! You're doing a great job!







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