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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Well, I spoke too soon. The lady is just expecting me to pull the monkey pattern outta my rump. GRR!!! I told them they had to have a pattern....I am no good at winging it. I guess I better learn, huh? The pressure is on now. :eek



Doa's appt for his MRI is tonight at 6:15, but I will check in after we get home. :ghug

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Hi all

Home from my tests.


Not in the mood to talk much right now ,so will post when I've had some down time .


Got lots of stuff to ponder about what direction to go next .


Thanks for all your good thoughts .


Don't fret-- I didnt get any answers about what the test said and probably won't for a day or 2 .


The test was just a nightmare .


Will talk later --

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Aww, Julie, sorry about the "nightmare".


Sheila, I get what you're saying about your dh being underfoot too. My dh works at home. he's almost always here.


Tab, wtg on getting the crochet jobs. Good luck with the monkey. But look at the bright side, her perception is that you are extremely talented.


Linda, your space looks nice and cozy and so well organized. Hope John's dad does alright.


Cheeria, its nice of your grandson to allow you a little time to plan new projects.


We managed to clean all of DD's main floor. (Kitchen, living room, dining room, master bedroom, nursery and bathroom, and also the boys room. However, we tossed all the toys from the boys room into the family room, so that room is a mess. However, dd is happy with what we accomplished and says she is going to go through all the toys and get rid of a bunch of them.

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Wow, Cindy - that was a productive day!:cheer

Well, we've had a bit of a change in plans. I got a call from John at noon from work (He was supposed to be at lunch with his sister and folks then.) and it turns out his sister had put his dad in the hospital today. He's got pneumonia in at least one lung. They were starting him on antibiotics and had had him on oxygen for a while. Now they're waiting to see what the doctor says. They definitely won't be coming today and may not be coming at all. So much for all the hectic cleaning and other nerves.

Always seems to happen, doesn't it? I hope he's okay.

I've hemmed a pair of pants for Kim today and am getting ready to hem a pair for me now. They are new but way to long. I pinned them up 2" and they were still too long. I've got them pinned up 3" now and that's much better, although 3 1/2 might be even better. I think I'll try that before I start cutting off the excess.

I've hemmed a lot of pants in my day...let some out...took up suit jacket sleeves, too (my mom taught me)...and still dislike doing any of it. I like fun stuff.;) I know what you're feeling!:yes

I've spent part of today putting some programs back on the computer that I had taken off of it when I was so depressed. At least I still had the discs. I hadn't thrown them away so I lost was some time. :P

Good thing you had them, Linda...maybe you should ask John to hide the discs from you so in case you think you want to do it again...?? Kidding...you sound just fine:):hug

Well, I spoke too soon. The lady is just expecting me to pull the monkey pattern outta my rump. GRR!!! I told them they had to have a pattern....I am no good at winging it. I guess I better learn, huh? The pressure is on now. :eek


I'll bet you COULD wing it if you had to!

Doa's appt for his MRI is tonight at 6:15, but I will check in after we get home. :ghug

We're thinking of you all...:hug:manyheart

Thanks for all your good thoughts .


Don't fret-- I didnt get any answers about what the test said and probably won't for a day or 2 .


The test was just a nightmare .


Will talk later --


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Linda ~ I hope John's dad recovers quickly. At least you won't have to do as much cleaning if they come in the near future. ;)


Tabby ~ Yes, we're all thinking of you guys and hoping for the best. :hug Sorry I'm not much help with the pattern...maybe someone will jump in with an idea.


Cindy ~ You all sure got a lot done! I'll bet your DD feels better about the house now.


Julie ~ I'm sorry today didn't go too well. I hope you're able to get some rest. :manyheart


I finished a RR that I started while working on Just Ducky. :cheer It only needed a few rows - good think since I ran out of one of the colors. :blush Now I need to border Ducky and maybe drag out my neglected stitch sampler. :crocheting

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Judy, it's absolutely gorgeous! :clap 70 inches with a K hook...you are amazing! :hook


I have to admit, with the big push I made on it yesterday my hands and wrists have been feeling it:lol

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Hi All. Long time no posts from me. Travelling and then relocating has kept me busy. I'm just about to get settled in though. I did just a bit of skimming through the posts and see that a couple of you need some hugs.


Julie and Tab+Doa you guys are now on my prayer list. :hug

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Evening, house mates!

Wow the house was busy today- took me a long time to read about what everyone has been up to.


Julie- Hugs to you and sorry that the testing was a nightmare- Here's some more:hug:hug:hug. I have never watched Big Brother- is this another show you are going to suck me into?:lol:lol:lol You've turned me into a Biggest Loser fan, so what's another show?


Judy- That RR is spectacular!!! Love the colors!!!! You do beautiful work!!!


Linda- Sorry to hear about the change in plans and hope John's Dad will be ok. But hey, cleaning is done! Great job on organizing your fabrics and your yarn!! And happy to hear you in such a good mood:manyheart


Marisa- That stained glass afghan on pg 58 is beautiful!!!! Well, Bruins play the Flyers tonight so we'll see what happens. Go Bruins!:lol


Cindy- You and DD got a lot accomplished today:clap and it does sound like your DD is nesting!!!


Mary- Looking forward to seeing your RR.


Cheeria- Yes, it was a cold, damp, rainy day here- so I didn't mind being at work all day! What project are you working on?


Tabitha- thinking of you and doa at the MRI- And WTG on getting commisioned to make a peapod or should I say monkeypod? I'm sure you'll be able to figure something out!


Sheila- It must be hard having DH home all the time. I know how I love it when i get home b/4 DH and have some alone time to unwind!


Marlene-hope you had a good day


I can't remember anything else and hope I didn't miss anyone! Time to turn the yankees on (they lost the first game of the day/night double header) and still need to figure out what I want to crochet. I did absolutely no :crocheting last night- just vegged and watched Biggest Loser!


have a great evening everyone and here's some extra :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for all of you!!!

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Thanks, ladies! I love how Homespun works with this pattern:c9 I think the rest of my Homespun stash will end up being RRs too - except in technicolor, since there are so many different colors in the bin:lol


Sherri, it's great to see you!:hug


Joanne, Hughes is doing great for the Yankees tnight! Hard to believe he's only 23!

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Hi, I didn't mean to be MIA, but I have so hit the wall energy-wise and just chillin' (it really is chilly in spite of it being really nice weather lately...) watching the hummingbirds getting drunk on the freshly made sugar juice (I've been making their hummingbird food every other day, they are just sucking it down like there is no tomorrow) and enjoying Hub-E being home...


Still no crocheting...but lots of naps...


Hope you're all doing well.

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Its been a very long few weeks............. I dont even know where to start with all that has been going on!

So............ I'll just leave it behind and start new ................ I sure have missed you all!!!!:manyheart

I havent had a chance to really go back and look through posts.. but I'm going to... I want to see what everyone has been up to!








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Tammy- I've been thinking about you and wondering where you've been- I've missed you! :yay Glad to see you post!!! And you are right- it's always good to just go forward!!! :yes


LeAnna- glad you are chillin and enjoying having Hub-E home.:c9


Judy- Yes, Hughes is doing well for such a young pitcher!!!! Yankees ahead 2-0- lets see if they can hold on!:cheer


Good night House mates- cya in the AM!

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This is made from Homespun, with a K hook. It measures approx 70 inches across

WOW! That's gorgeous!


Cindy - Good job on getting all that cleaning done. You guys rocked!


Hi, Sherri! :hi We've missed you.


Oh, Julie! :hug :hug :hug Sorry you had a nightmare of an afternoon with the test. :hug :hug :hug We're here.


Tabby and Doa - :hug :hug Hoping the test went well.


LeAnna - Good for you on getting some much deserved rest.


Hi, Tammy! :hi Good to have you back. Hope the family stuff is now resolved.


John's dad is doing better, but it looks like they will be staying with John's sister and NOT coming here. The consensus seems to be that Linda (John's sister) will be driving them back home instead of them flying back as was originally planned, too.


Time for me to go downstairs soon and watch Top Chef Masters.

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Julie~Sorry your test was a nightmare. :hug :hug :hug



We did not get home until 9:30. :eek I had to wait in the waiting room for over two hours not knowing anything.....I got so tense that I pulled a muscle in my jaw. They gave us a disc but I cannot tell what is what....plus it is suppose to be for the doc :devil I just had to. :yes Anywhoo, we will know tomorrow at 9 a.m. what is going on.....I will let ya'll know.


Thanks for going through this with me.....I am a wreck. :ghug

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Good Evening Everyone,


I hope everyone's day went well. Work was slow for the first half of the day, but got busy for the 2nd half. I worked on knitting for my lunch break :) Now, am watching American Idol and working on more motif squares for my afghan. I have 5 octagons done (out of 20), but each of the other 15 have at least 1 of the colors I am now waiting for. I am working on my 6th square, which is half of them and again need the other colors to continue. Hopefully it won't take too long :eek


I see the house was busy today, so please forgive me if I miss anything......


Julie - Sorry the test was a nightmare, but at least it's over and hopefully will yeild results quickly!! :hug I don't do too bad with needles and having blood drawn, but I always tell them to take it from my left, they never listen and want to use my right since the vein is more visible; however, the right is mobile so they usually try that one a couple times then move to the left anyway and get it on the first shot!!! :think Oh, and I don't have a good memory....I take notes!!! :lol


Judy - Right now, most of my yarn is already promised to a project, but one pattern that I'd like to get my hands on is for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Haven't searched much yet, but they are my sister's team. If I'm looking for any, I will be sure to ask :yes Your homespun RR is gorgeous!!! :clap


Linda - Sorry to hear about John's father :( That is really unfortunate :hug Hopefully he will make a speedy recovery!! On the flip side, your organization skills are great!! :)


Tab - That's wonderful you're getting some orders in. I've done well finding patterns on the internet so maybe you'll get lucky :) Seek and you shall find. I hope DH's MRI went well this evening!! :hug You should have results tomorrow.


Marlene - Have a great visit with you daughter :yay Those are always too short though!


Sheila - Good luck getting your work done. ;)


Mary - I also love getting packages...even if I do send them to myself!! :devil Good job finishing your RR!! :clap


Cindy - Great progress :cheer sounds like you and dd got alot done today!!!


Sherri - I look forward to hearing more from you and welcome back (even though we haven't met) :hug


Joanne - Looks like the Flyers are doing pretty well, I hope they keep it up through the last period :cheer (even if you don't :devil ) LOL


LeAnna - It's ok to go MIA and take a break for a bit, you need it sometimes, esp after all you've been dealing with lately :eek We're here for you :ghug


Tam - Welcome back....we've missed you sweetie!!! :hug:yes

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Will try to catch up on my posts from yesterday .


Hi Cheeria -- hope things are ok with you today .


Hi Sheila- yea, when the husband is home, it kinda changes the logistics doesn't it. Especially if you are used to him being gone all day .


Hi Mary- I hope you got some crochet-time in sometime yesterday ! As a follow up, I see that you DID -- you are getting a couple items completed,so good job !


Hi Linda- sorry John's dad got sick ,and you've been rushing around getting everything ready for company,but at least the house will be all tidied up,so that's one plus.



Tab- good luck pulling the monkey pattern out of your rump ! :lol ( That's the only thing that made me laugh yesterday .)


Cindy- good job on getting so much cleaning done, helping your girl . She is lucky to have a mom like you !



Jude- your new RR is SO pretty. I bet it's nice and squishy. What colors was the yarn called ?



Sherri- Welcome back ! It was so good to see you in the house again . Feel free to drop in anytime .


Joanne -yep, you'll have to try Big Brother -- it's a cool show. They usually start early June and run all summer long ,3 days a week . They put several people ( I think maybe 12 --14 ) into a house together. They are strangers, but are put into this house for the summer and not allowed any outside contact,so no phones, tv,etc .

It's a little like Survivor, only they get nicer places to sleep and sometimes good food to eat, but sometimes they have to eat gross stuff . They also have weekly contests and votes,so it's a little like Survivor, in the voting system,that each week a new person gets voted out . I like it because it's on so often ,you get to know the people well .


Hi LeAnna - good to see you. It sounds like you are really tired. I bet that long trek across country had you worn out . Hope you are soon feeling better again .


Tam- wonderful to see you ... I hope life gets better soon and things aren't so stressful . We're all here if you need someone to lean on .


Tab- thinking about you guys as you wait for today at 9 to get here - I hope everything goes ok -- keep us updated,we'll all be waiting to hear .



Thanks for dropping in - it sounds like you had a full day yesterday. I hope you are able to latch onto your other yarn colors soon so it doesn't hold you up much .. you were on a roll on your project .

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Well folks, I'll try to make this brief, but you know me ...


First let me say that I know lots of us right now are dealing with issues in our own lives,and I truly feel for each and every one of you . I hope for the best for all of you,no matter what the problem .


This is one good strong group we have here and I believe we can hold each other up when needed ,so we can all get through our troubles, if we all band together .


To fill you in on my test yesterday :

I get there, fill out the forms, wait in the waiting room for a pretty long time, which is unusual over there. They are usually pretty speedy. The longer I waited the more nervous I got though .


Anyhow, they call me in, and this hospital always has the person doing your test as the one who comes out in the lobby, and walks you back into your exam room . So, this lady comes out, and I'm thinking OH NO, it's the one who couldn't get the needle in my arm the last time .


I said WHAT ????? :angry

Nice that somebody told ME what I have . Woulda been nice to get the diagnosis from the Dr, not the lab girl . :angry

Then I get in the room and here comes the OTHER lady who couldnt get the needle in . :angry

I immediately said I NEED SOMEONE ELSE TO GET THE NEEDLE IN. You guys didnt get it last time, after SIX tries . You won't be able to do it this time either . Get the lab girl from Hungary-- she is working , I SAW her .She's the only one here who gets it first try .

But NO ..... they proceed to TRY AGAIN to do it .They spent a good half hour digging into my veins, looking for new spots, over and over . :angry

I got MADDER as the minutes went by ,then finally said ENOUGH .

If you two can't do your jobs right, get someone in here who CAN .

If you don't , i'm leaving . SO,they call Mary from ICU in .

She was nicer than them and tried to be more gentle .She tried getting it in the same hand they did... DANG did it hurt .

THEN she said that's the best I can do, I can't see any other place to try .This is in a small vein, so I'm not sure it'll work or not . Good luck . :angry


She leaves. They start discussing whether the vein will work or not ,and proceed to push saline into my vein .I said STOP -- it is NOT in the vein !!!

They said it's fine, we can FEEL it going up your arm .

What a load of CRAP . :angry


they said ,no, it's ok... it's fine ...

Then all at once, one says : OH NO, LOOK !! IT's BUBBLING UP UNDER THE SKIN !!!!

I said NO S*** SHERLOCK ,I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T IN .:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry


SO.. they take the needle out and say they are gonna keep on til they get it in. I said I'm leaving ,if you people don't know how to do your job, I'll have to find someone elsewhere that does . :angry


SO,they call the Dr , who said to do it without the DYE, which won't show everything as accurately as it should. :angry


I dont know that much about those tests or machines, so no clue as to what results you get with the dye, vs, without . :angry


They had my entire hand wrapped with that sticky-tape crap and said to leave it on or it'd be black and blue . :angry


I left feeling VERY frustrated .

1- THEY gave me a diagnosis that I had no clue was an actual TRUE diagnosis, it was just a possible thing we were searching for .:angry

2- They are NIMRODS and have lousy bedside manner .:angry

3- They neither one could put a needle in someone's vein if their life depended on it . :angry

4-They did the test without the dye, so how accurate will it be ?:angry

5-I am literally sick to death of doctors,tests,hospitals, drugs,etc. :angry




I am doing 3 things :


1- Going to hunt down the BOSS in that department and lodge a complaint . Twice with these same BOZOS is 3 times too many .

They need people in there who can do their job ,have good bedside manner and be more polite. :angry


2- I'm gonna get me a hunk of cake as big as my car and gnaw on it all day .:yes


3-I'm gonna take a long nap .when I fully come out of this STUPOR I'm in,I'm going to my Doctors office to CLEAN HOUSE . :angry


THIS is RIDICULOUS . I am as mad as a wet hen and totally discouraged at this point . :angry


So, that was MY day .


Makes me wanna jump off a bridge, but we have no bridges here tall enough to do more than sprain my ankles . Knowing my luck, they'd send me to x-ray and I'd get the same NIMRODS from yesterday .


And I'm still left sitting here today going ,now what ?


GEEZ .... ridiculous .

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