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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hey folks

Some of you are maybe wondering about my avatar today.


I thought since June was fast approaching, and it is kinda famous for weddings, we could talk about weddings today .


What was yours like ?


Colors, flowers,dresses , CAKE, decorations, etc ....


OR .. tell us about a wedding you may have attended that was really something beautiful or different .


Anything goes-- tell about yours, a family members, friends... just anything wedding related .


OR if you are not married but someday hope to be, what would your dream wedding be ?


Hmmm.....I was 16 and he was 19. We stood in my sisters livingroom. He wore the ugliest purple suit loaned to him and I wore a peach bridesmaid dress loaned to me. Good match? I think not.....I do not share photos they are hidious. Our cake was from my parents & they bought it at the grocery store (just regular ole sheet cake).


We do plan on renewing our vows at our 20 year mark, which is 5 years from now. I have my dress picked out, beautiful. I plan on carrying purple lilacs (my fave). He will wear a tux or I will kill him. :devil Our kids and parents will be invited and that is it! I want it to be outside at this beautifully handcrafted gazebo at a local conservation site. The gazebo is all natural with bark still on the wood, gorgeous. And it overlooks the mountains. Absolutely stunning. Yep, that is it. Oh, and we will have a honeymoon.....our plan is Amsterdam....I want to go see where Ann Frank hid out during the holocaust. And Hubby has other interests. :yes


Okay, I got the Photo Friday pictures taken. The quilt now has 4 for the 7 rows together, so it's about half put together as far as the top is concerned. And this is 30 1/3 rows of 140 on the filet crochet piece.



Beautiful! :clap


Ok guys --

not any BIG accomplishments this week, just lots of STARTED stuff :

First is started rectangle granny -

Second- started flower garden squares

Third- Some saltines ... just for ?

Last- the brown ripple, with a LONG ways to go .


Awesome job and start on all. You go girl! :cheer


Hi everyone...


Finally I have pics of the stuff that was given to me for free a few weeks ago:'[ATTACH]20261[/ATTACH]




This is the best of the bunch...it is a bed spread that is HEAVY. Have it on our bed over a burgandy duvet...






This is also a bedspread (or could be used as a table cloth (and I think it was used that way...it has some stains on it...) and I really like the design.


Gorgeous! :manyheart


[attach]20269[/attach] The medallion of the bedspread.


[attach]20270[/attach] I know this is a little hard to see, but it's a doily.


[attach]20271[/attach] This is knitted, knitted edging lace...can you believe it?




Double gorgeous! :manyheart


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Good to see you ! Hope it wasn't TOO snotty . How is Doa and how are you ,since you are both ill ?


Your renewal vows sound perfect and the dress is stunning . How much do those cost ?


My dress was 100 bucks. Brand spanking new .

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Thanks Julie.


I am okay when my fever is down.....it starts up about every 6 hours when the motrin wears off.......other than that I am good. :manyheart


Doa is okay......just anxious about the US and having to wait for the results until his appt. Thursday.


Ummm.....as far as the dress....I would guess about 10,000 or so because there is no price online which means boo-koo bucks. :yes But it is a 2010 dress and will be 5 years old when I want it, so the price will be down probably about half. I dunno....I am just guessing. Exspensive, but I deserve it and I will have it even if it takes the next 5 years to save. :yes


My sisters dress for her second marriage was 100 bucks and was beautiful....more gown looking. I like the vintage lacey look.....not a very modern type girl.


Well, time for more motrin and bed. Good night.....see ya in the morning. :hug

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Hi everyone, I feel like I've been missing from home and so many posts that I haven't read. I have been so very busy taking care of my grandbaby and today I had to take him to the doctor for blood works because yesterday my son in law found a tick on him. For a little guy he didn't cry when they was drawing the blood but started crying when the doctor put the band-aide on. :think This week I started a granny but I ended up frogging it for I really don't want to crochet a granny. I'm in one of those moods that I just don't feel like crocheting I just want to finish the knitted baby blanket. I have to add one more skein of yarn to it and I'm working at decreasing the stitches for the blanket is made on a diangluar so I'm working on the last side of it. I'm sorry I haven't share a picture of it with you yet but I'm overwhelm at the moment for it seem at the moment everryone in my family need my help and attention. Maybe once my daughter has her baby everything will quiet down I'm praying for that. I need a vacation just to be to myself for a while and I'm also working at planning that. I'm tired so I will get into my PJ now. Have a great nite house mates. :hug

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Tabby, it sounds like you have wonderful plans for your 20th...you go, girl! I watch Say Yes to the Dress...so I'm familiar with Lazaro and some of the others...it's gorgeous!! I hope your temp returns to normal soon:hug


Cheeria, the poor little one... I hope he's okay:hug


Sleep well, House mates:c9

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Hi House Mates, It was a rainy day here today and tomorrow also. We are at daughters house. I did get some crocheting in. I crochet towel toppers for mil and my mom. I even started a rr last night.


Julie I'm glad your heart is okay and I hope they find out what is wrong soon. You can come in here and vent or complain what ever you want to call it all you want. We all care about you.


Tab glad your feeling better and know what is wrong with you. I hope hubby's cyst is a simple fix.

That wedding dress is beautiful!


I didn't take notes on what everyone is doing or has going on. Sorry!


Judy your flowers look great. We have lots of sun and shade to. Hubby is the flower one at our house. If I try he doesn't think I know what I'm doing. So I let him have it, but I do put my two cents in.


LeAnna those are some beautiful pieces.


The quilt is beautiful! I'm sorry I can't remember if it is Diane or Linda.


I've had two weddings. I made my dresses both were very simple dresses. The first one we were married by the mayor who happened to be a teacher of mine in junior high. He was actually a student teacher.

The second wedding hubby and I flew to Vegas and got married.

I had a reception for both weddings. My aunt made both cakes.

My son was married at the hospital because his dad was dying. My dil was deployed for 3 months and almost went to Turkey. We had a pig roast/campout at there place.

Sd had a nice small simple wedding. Let me tell you it is hard getting the mother and stepmother working together. You would of thought I was the mother and she was the sm.

My daughter said when she gets married she is going to the justice of the peace then have a party. Simplier that way. I would love to make a crochet dress for her. I should show her the dress I have in mine and see if she likes it or not. She probably won't as are taste on some things are not even close. But I think it would nice on her.

I need to go get a pattern for my other towels.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

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Hi everyone-

Just checking in- read all the posts! Beautiful pics LeAnna!


Julie- the ripple is coming along nicely- and i love the colors of your saltines and your flower grannies


Linda- the quilt and the filet are beautiful


I had a good trip up to Boston- and we had a lovely dinner. Came back to my DD's house, and 2 of them made a delicious apple crisp, my middle DD worked on her final presentation and I crocheted and watched the Yankees beat the Red Sox.


I'll check back in the AM- I'm kind of tired now but wanted to see what everyone was up to!

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Thanks, Marlene. The flowers make me smile....:)

A crocheted dress would be amazing! But you're wise to check first:yes


Joanne...funny how Beckett "Lost control" on the good hitters, isn't it? I think CC needs to scare some people today.

Glad you're having fun!!


Jules - I hope you're doing okay today. Is Cam over??


Off to start my day -

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[quote name='judianne;2052709

Joanne...funny how Beckett "Lost control" on the good hitters' date=' isn't it? I think CC needs to scare some people today.

Glad you're having fun!!-[/quote']


Yea, I thought so too- really? "Lost control???" I awoke to thunderstorms here- and now it is raining- they are forecasting rain on/off today- less as the day goes on- so we'll have to see if the game goes on today at 3. If not, I hope it is rescheduled tomorrow afternoon. They are already scheduled to play tomorrow at 8 so a double header would be doable.


My girls are all still sleeping- I finished the baby blanket and took a pic, but my camera cord is at home, so can't post now.


Hope everyone has a great Saturday!


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Morning ladies -

I was on Yahoo Talk or whatever the messenger talking thing is called ,talking to our girl in Korea . It's kinda frustrating, because it works kinda like the space shuttle photos-- the people look like they are moving in slow motion,and the talking is slower than in real speed .

They are all ok, though,and trying to adjust to life in a different country .


Cam isn't here yet, but he will be calling soon. That is our Saturday system, he calls when he wakes up and is ready to come up and I go get him .


I got a call from my Dr's office yesterday. They want to send me to Cleveland Clinic. Needless to say, I am scared SPITLESS at the moment .

I am going in Monday AM to talk to my Dr more about it, why they feel this next step is necessary,and what they are possibly searching for .

NOT gonna be a good day .


So, if I'm not on here much this weekend, you'll know why. I am a CHICKEN when it comes to Dr's ,but have pretty much got over it generally. As long as the Dr is close, I know a lot about them,and know what they will do to me, I'm ok.


Cleveland Clinic ................let's just say THAT won't be a relaxed time for me ... I will be in panic mode, which I am close to NOW ,just thinking about it .


Enough -- gotta keep my brain occupied elsewhere . I have already driven Sam so crazy about it, I think he might climb up on the roof and JUMP. ( I hate to tell him, but it won't kill him, he'll probably just break a leg ,but his EARS will still work, THEN he will have a broken leg, so he won't be able to get away ....


Alright. gotta go get things done and get my mind on other stuff .


Will stop in later- hope you all have a great day and great Mother's Day tomorrow to all of the Mothers out there. :)

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Hi, Jules...


I'm sorry you're so stressed out...but I'm thinking you have GREAT doctors who know when to refer you to others. In other words, they know when they DON'T KNOW something. I would be anxious too - but also glad that I could be FINALLY getting an answer!:yes


I hope you get to spend some fun time with Cam today - and keep your hook flying to keep yourself occupied.:hug:manyheart

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Hi, Marlene! Have fun at daughter's house.


Hi, Joanne! Sounds like you're all having lots of fun with your family.


Oh, Julie! :hug :hug :hug I know the thought of the Cleveland Clinic is big time scary, but sometimes it's for the best. A big place sees more of the oddball, rare stuff than smaller doctor's offices do and thus stand a better chance of figuring out what is going on with you. We're here any time you near to vent, wail, jitter, or whatever.


We are off to a quiet start to the day after a week that's been too full of busy-ness. We're watching scary movies on the SyFy channel. Kim adores scary movies. I'm okay with some and not okay with others so we'll see how many I last through.


John's folks are coming for a visit on Wednesday so I have a bunch of picking up and straightening up to do before then. Among other things I have to get the guest bedroom back to bedroom instead of project room. :lol Katie is an excellent seamstress so I've got a couple of projects lined up for her while she's here. She does much better as a house guest if she can be doing something, especially if it involves sewing.

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Morning House, decided to drop in before I go to visit my mother in New York for Mither's Day. Hope everyone have a nice, fun and quiet day today.


Julie sending you a HUG :hug Every thing will be okay. It's best that they check everything out so that you know what's happening. We are all afraid of the unknown, but when it's known our mind will be at peace and that is what I'm wishing for you peace of mind. :manyheart

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Linda, it sounds like John's folks are nice people. It's nice being around dfferent people.


Cheeria, have a great visit!


Happy (early) Mother's Day to everyone - and that includes those of you who "mother" your furbabies:)... your husbands...or both:lol

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Tabby, it sounds like you have wonderful plans for your 20th...you go, girl! I watch Say Yes to the Dress...so I'm familiar with Lazaro and some of the others...it's gorgeous!! I hope your temp returns to normal soon:hug



I love that show and a commercial during that show is where I originally first saw my dress. :yes



Julie~I am here if you need to chat. :hug:manyheart Try not to fret about it too much. :hug:manyheart

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Jude - hope your baseball doesnt get rained out today -- it is cold and nasty here today,but not lots of rain,only a little. It just looks like it will rain .


So are you still plugging away on the ATW or something else ?



Linda- I'm with you on the scarey movies-- I don't like them either . Too chicken.


Good luck getting all ready for company ,and maybe the one who is a seamstress can be drafted to help with your quilt .


Cheeria- I hope you have a nice visit with your mom. Mine is in Florida,so will just have to call her tomorrow . Her birthday is next Saturdau,same as Cam's . He'll be 8 . She'll be ____ ???? She NEVER tells us how old she is and HATES her birthday. She is always in a terrible mood on her birthday .



Tab- thanks for the positive thoughts -- hope you and Doa both get shaped up this week .

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Hi everyone. Quick check in from me.


I caught up on posts, but I'm too tired to respond as well as I'd like to.


Julie and Linda, your projects are looking wonderful


Julie, I can understand your anxiety about your health, and I think its wise to talk to your own doctor regarding your fears. However, I think the Cleveland Clinic is a fabulous place when your own doctors are stumped. They are a world class facility. (and no, I don't work there, but I've heard lots of good things about them from the patients I've cared for over the years.)


LeAnna those goodies you received are just gorgeous.


Tab, your dream dress is beautiful. I sure hope you get to wear it for renewing your vows.


We had a nice time in Shipshewana, despite the weather which was lousy., Cold and rainy for the most part. Everywhere you go, there are horses and buggies, since the area is predominately Amish. I took a bunch of pictures, but I haven't gotten them onto my computer yet.

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5 hours without power (a tree encountered a neighbor's power lines) and it turns out I didn't miss much here!


Cindy, that sounds like a place I'd like to visit, too. Looking forward to seeing your pics.



Jude - hope your baseball doesnt get rained out today -- it is cold and nasty here today,but not lots of rain,only a little. It just looks like it will rain .


So are you still plugging away on the ATW or something else ?

My Yankees played in Boston - a rain delay mid game, but they got back to playing and clobbered the Red Sox:D Unfortunately I missed seeing the great game had to content myself with the radio - felt like I was 11 yo again, listening to it instead of watching it!


I'm working on finishing a RR for a nursing home and when the light was too dim to see the dark yarn I switched to light colored yarn as I made another square for my massive blanket. When the RR is done I'll be making more ATW saltines.


Time to close for the night - I hope everyone has a good rest:hug:manyheart

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Hello Ladies and Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers :flower


I've been MIA for a couple days it seems and decided to check in before bed, that was an hour ago :eek Why I decided to do that is beyond me!!!


I'm late for photo friday, yet again, and I do have a pic to post so will get it up tomorrow. I didn't add too much to my rainbow granny ghan yet though.


I am not married, nor do I have kids. I was engaged years ago and I was going to wear a renaissance type gown that looks like a wrap around almost and flows out from below the bust. The bridesmaids were going to be in pastels - different colors and different dresses. Let's see, there's only 2 places in my town to book for the reception so that was done, I had a videographer and photographer booked. Was getting an ice sculpture of cinderella's castle and the invitations also had a castle/princess type theme. I decided on the type of dress I wanted, but the rest was my planner, who is a family friend so has been waiting for a long time to plan my wedding since he's got free reign....it really doesn't matter to me all the details LOL.


Diane - glad you had a great visit with your family and that your mom loved her afghan. Way to go on the baby RR, knit scarf, and citrus grove.


Julie - Hope you got some work done on your brown RR, which looks great so far. All of your projects are great, I like the colors of the granny and the flowers. Your MIL doesn't know what she's missing out on!!!!! My great uncle went to Cleveland....got excellent care there!! If anyone can find your answer....it's them!!! :think


Tab - Hope your sinus infection is doing better and is under control :yes The dress you plan to wear for your renewal is absolutely stunning!!!!


July - Glad you found some tops at Dress Barn. Keep going on your RR :clap It's nice to hear you had such a great relationship with your MIL. My SIL is the same way with my mom....I think she and my mom talk more than the rest of us all together :lol In fact, the mother's day card I got my SIL complimented her in laws!!! :rofl


Linda - Good news that Kim's doctor appt went well the other day. Your quilt and filet both look great and are coming along very nicely :clap


Melany - congrats on the semester and your grades!!! :yay:cheer


LeAnna - The beadspread is awesome and all the photos are amazing!!!!


Cheeria - Only 1 more skein on your knit afghan :cheer Hope you have a good trip to NY.


Joanne - Sounds like you are having a great time in Boston!!! And, I guess congrats are in order....you totally kicked our tushies :eek


Finally bedtime! Nite nite y'all :c9

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Morning ladies and Happy Mother's Day -


I just woke up , or got woken up by Sam and our girl "talking " on the yahoo thing . I told him to do just the typing part -- the phone on it woke me up and will wake Cam too, and I like him to get to sleep longer on the weekends since he has school all week .


Anyhow, I hope you all have a good day today . Not much planned for here ,we are homebodies and rarely do anything exciting ,but it's fine with me. I like boring and quiet .Usually if there is NOISE in our house, it means trouble. ( not US, but one of our kids or someone attached to them .)


After many years of that stuff, I am just glad to have peace and quiet .


So, off to get some breakfast -will check in later .

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