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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I am horrible at jumbles, but the game sounds good...


Hope you're all having a good day, I'm dragging...

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Cindy- yea, unfortunately, the older we get ,the less parts that work well in our bodies.

The best part I have is my left knee, and it's fake . Everything else is broken .




LeAnna-- how goes it today ? Still kinda early out there isn't it ?

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Cindy, the pictures of the flowers are lovely.


For those of you still working on Julie's puzzle. A hint: It's a comedy show with lots of drama in it. :lol :lol :lol Right, Julie?

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Hello all. Busy here today so not much time for the puter. I tried several times at the puzzle and nothing. :think Hope you all have a great day!! :manyheart



Beautiful flowers Cindy. :manyheart My favorite flowers are lilacs.....they smell so good. :yes


BBL if I have time.

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Hey Julie, current time is 11:17 a.m. but at the time I posted earlier it was maybe around 9:30ish...


Day's going okay so far...but I haven't started tackling this one problem I was having yesterday...I'll be glad when Sunday's over...I'm drained trying to deal with this issue (has to do with something at my church...)

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Cindy, the pictures of the flowers are lovely.


For those of you still working on Julie's puzzle. A hint: It's a comedy show with lots of drama in it. :lol :lol :lol Right, Julie?



Well, I guess you could describe it that way .....;)


I'm surprised it has stumped so many people - I thought everyone would figure it out immediately ,then I'd have to come up with another one .

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Ok gang --

I'll go ahead and post the answer to today's hidden letters game -

It was : Sanford and Son


Be watching for the next one !!


Coming up soon ...

:lol:lol:lol:lol...I got the "and Son"....but was stumped. All I could picture was a ratty old pick up truck:lol:lol:lol:lol


I'm closing for the night - been able to get a quite a bit of hook time in this afternoon - when we weren't out back vegging out:lol

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Okay, the one problem is taken care of...thank you to my priest...and then I have spent the better part of the afternoon on Shutterfly making photobooks for my mom and my mother in law for Mother's Day...I need a nap...

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Hello House,


It doesn't seem to have been too busy in here today. I hope everyone had a good hump day ;) and cinqo de mayo :yay


I did another octagon for my rainbow granny ghan last night, so now have a grand total of TWO :D LOL I had a few days break while I was away and worked on my lapghan since that's pretty easy and mindless as I'm sure this will be after another 2 octagons ;) Next I'm going to do one of the motif pieces so I can connect the 3 pieces and start to get a teeny tiny visual :think:yes


Julie - I already can't wait for tomorrows puzzle ;)

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I finally got the answer to your puzzle Julie, but it took me quite a while.


I managed to get quite a bit done today, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the kitchen and master bedroom, and even some crocheting on my baby blanket.


I have to work tomorrow, and I don't think they will give me another day off this week.

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Hello to the House!!!

Love the flowers Cindy and lilacs are my fav!!!


Judy- Can't wait to see the pics of your flowers!! Still haven't gotten mine- probably won't until next weekend since I'm off to Boston Friday for a weekend with my girls!!!!


Julie- There is no other baseball team worth rooting for than the Yankees!!:lol:lol (Of course Marisa would disagree- she is a Phillies fan:lol:lol)


The plumber came tonight- and leak is fixed- but it seems the icemaker is still not working:think- I don't care at this point- just don't want any more leakage!! Now we have to seal the ceiling in the family room and re-paint- but I guess it could have been worse- and no use crying over spilt water:)


Tomorrow is my last day of work b/4 my fun weekend! Can't wait- hear the weather isn't going to be great- but it's all about spending time with my girls- it isn't often at all that all of us get to spend a weekend together- it will be a special Mother's Day:manyheart


To everyone in the House- Happy Cinco de Mayo- now that it's almost over! After the plumber left, we went over to my youngest DD's house since she was having a party tonight for Cinco de Mayo- Who am I to turn down home-made Mexican food? :lol


have a great evening house mates!

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I cannot believe I did not get that scramble.....I love Sanford and Son, hilarious. :yes


Anywhoo, busy day and I am beat.....going for a shower & then bed. Chat tomorrow.....i'll have time to :hook and yak. :yes


Good night. :manyheart

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I'm glad your priest was able to help with your problem .


Judy- we'll see if we can fool you again with this next one .


Marisa- good for you to get another piece done for your afghan !


Joanne- I'm glad they got the leak repaired-- those can be costly especially if you need to repair damage that was done too .

Cindy- it sounds like you put in a full day's work, even though it was supposed to be your day off !


Tab-good to see you tonite-- how is Doa ? Everything ok ? We'll wait to hear from you tomorrow-- I just thought I'd check in here once more tonight before going to bed.



Good luck on this next puzzle folks .

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Evening everyone, I'm just getting on the computer for the day has been busy, busy. I decided to clean the house than grandbaby and I went outside to blow bubbles and play with his squirt water turtle. Then we took a nap. I did do some knitting but I have to add on another skein of yarn and I just don't feel like doing the russian join at the moment so the knitted blanket will not get work on tonight. I'll probably crochet a little. I'm finding that I love making smaller items because they are fast and you can move on to something else.


Julie - I wish I got on earlier for I would have liked to figure out the puzzle too.


Cindy - I love flowers and the beautiful array of different colors. No one they bring so much joy just looking at them.


Nite everyone. :hug

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Hey all, I've been keeping up with all the posts, just haven't had much to post about. I decided to work on my stash a little with a baby blanket since I haven't made my almost due little one anything yet. I ran out before the blanket was finished, so I'll have to go get more yarn soon. I saw in the free pattern area that someone had made a blanket from a doily pattern, and I loved it so I thought I would try it :-) Here is the pattern: http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/textile/karolinekirschenmann.html


I just finished my last exams of the semester on Tuesdays, straight A's! :clap


I hope everyone has a very good night!


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Well ladies I'm off to bed,


Julie - I will try your puzzle in the morning, it'll give me something to ponder over breakfast :D


Jennifer - Your doily blanket is awesome!!!! How long did that take you? Congrats on all the A's :clap:yay:cheer


Joanne - You're right about my Phils :yes It looks like the Bruins are gonna take my Flyers out :( But, I'll keep my fingers crossed. Glad to hear your leak is fixed. Hope you figure out the icemaker :think Oh, and I love Mexican too :manyheart



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Good morning House and Happy Nurses Day to all of the nurses in the house!!!


Wish I had time to work on the puzzle- but I need to get moving to get into work- Always lots to do before a couple of days off!! I'll be curious to see what the answer is after work!


Jennifer- Congrats on the A's!!! That is awesome! And the blanket is beautiful!!!!


Cheeria- I hear you about the small projects and some instant gratification!!!


Marisa- Bruins are playing good despite all the Flyer imposed injuries to their team:lol. I'm glad they are doing so well cause now my DD will be in a good mood when we're up in Boston:lol. This weekend is another Yankees/Red Sox series- so it'll be 3 of us against her! Tickets were ridiculously priced- and for standing room! So we'll be watching from the comfort of her living room.


Tammy- Thinking about you and hoping all is well with you- miss you around here:hug


Tabitha, LeAnna, Judy, Cindy, Cheeria, Marlene, Linda, Sheila and anyone else my caffeine deprived brain may have missed- Make it a good day- have fun with the puzzle solving today!!!


Cya on the flip side!!

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Hi there Jennifer --

Great job on the blankie for your new baby -- it is really pretty and dainty . Perfect for a summertime baby .

Good job on the grades too !!




Morning Marisa- have a good day at work --maybe the puzzle answer will come to you if you get a few minutes to ponder it .



Howdy Joanne- Happy Nurses' Day to you . Enjoy the day ,and I know you are excited for the week to soon be over ,so you can spend some time with your girls . That will be nice .

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