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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning House Friends,


Caught up through the posts, I always keep a notepad as well :D


Cindy - Cute dshcloth, I love it.


DeeDee - Welcome to the group!:hug


Joanne - I will check out that cotton and I am headed to the one in Easton. The 6ers lost, as always, only 2 games left for the season because they definitely will not be in the playoffs. And, I can't believe I fell asleep on the couch in the top of the 10th last night.....but congrats!!


Julie - I'd would enjoy being in the dishclot swap :clap:yay I guess I need to start hunting for a really cute pattern.


Leanna - The hippo is adorable!!!!


Tralee - The doll is adorable as well!!!!


Still working on my sock, hope to have a pair by saturday :D


Have a great day everyone.

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Hi all...thank you for the compliments on the hippo...and a shout out to the one that crocheted the doll ensemble...really nice...


I only got about 4 hours of sleep and I'm leaving here in about 45 minutes to grab a ferry to go off island and visit my sister in law and niece and nephew for the day...


Yeah I really like the hippo...but I didn't like how the original patterns ears were written, so I made my own and the look is very similar...


I hope River squeals and grabs and squeezes it to death...fingers crossed...and I agree with who ever called the bikini bottom a "ruffled diaper" as that's what it kinda reminds me of...but I like to actually think of it as a ballerina tutu...anyone remember the ballerina hippos in Fantasia?????


Have a good crochet day everyone, my crochet bag is packed and I'll be working on the Crochet World cover baby afghan with the flowers (it's over half done...that seems to be my waiting in the ferry line project of choice...it's not due until August anyway...) and my little shoes...I'm hoping to get a couple of those done today as well...oh and an update on that...my team lead took two of the shoes to her meeting last week and they LOVED them...I hope the shoes raise the money we are projecting.

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Good Morning! I'm so glad I have the Happy House to come to. :manyheart The last day or so hasn't been great (only because of my parents...again) and you guys always help me with an attitude adjustment. :D


Leanna ~ Your little Miss Hippo is so cute! And I love the idea of the Easter Beagle. :lol


Joanne ~ I heard it was in the 90's in your area:eek...we are in the low 50's this a.m. and it feels great. Have a good day at work.


Brenda ~ Enjoy your day off and I hope you have lots of crochet time. :hook


Linda ~ Almost done with the FG! :cheer I really want to make one, but guess I'll wait until next fall when it will be cooler here.


Hi Tralee ~ Your work is just lovely! The Crochet Garden patterns are really great.


Julie ~ I missed somewhere that the Castle ghan was twin size...it's going to be so neat! :clap


Hi to those I've missed. :manyheart I'm going to my favorite store this a.m. - Babies r Us. ;) DD asked me to exchange a couple things and of course I'm sure to find something else for Luke. :c9 Then to the grocery store and maybe some crochet time later. :yes

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Good Morning! I'm so glad I have the Happy House to come to. :manyheart The last day or so hasn't been great (only because of my parents...again) and you guys always help me with an attitude adjustment. :D


Leanna ~ Your little Miss Hippo is so cute! And I love the idea of the Easter Beagle. :lol


Joanne ~ I heard it was in the 90's in your area:eek...we are in the low 50's this a.m. and it feels great. Have a good day at work.


Brenda ~ Enjoy your day off and I hope you have lots of crochet time. :hook


Linda ~ Almost done with the FG! :cheer I really want to make one, but guess I'll wait until next fall when it will be cooler here.


Hi Tralee ~ Your work is just lovely! The Crochet Garden patterns are really great.


Julie ~ I missed somewhere that the Castle ghan was twin size...it's going to be so neat! :clap


Hi to those I've missed. :manyheart I'm going to my favorite store this a.m. - Babies r Us. ;) DD asked me to exchange a couple things and of course I'm sure to find something else for Luke. :c9 Then to the grocery store and maybe some crochet time later. :yes


Well you know who the Easter Beagle really is don't you? My hairdresser didn't...but the Easter Beagle made a visit to drop off bunny shaped dog biscuits to her two labs...he had like 6 dogs to visit this year...lol

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Morning, Miss Jude !


Sounds like we have 2 happy baseball fans in the crowd today !


Still assembling your Jackson ?



I need to make 30 more squares...everything else is attached. I'll have to divide my time between Moon and Stars and the Jackson squares, though. Moon and Stars aren't for sitting and watching TV with hubby, so that's time for Jackson yarn to come in the living room with me.


Yesterday it got to 93 degrees...today it shouldn't get quite that high:faint


CU all later!

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Well you know who the Easter Beagle really is don't you? My hairdresser didn't...but the Easter Beagle made a visit to drop off bunny shaped dog biscuits to her two labs...he had like 6 dogs to visit this year...lol

Awww....I don't even make those

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Awww....I don't even make those


Last year I made the Easter dog biscuits egg shaped...this year decided to use the bunny cookie cutter...

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:sun........ Good Morning kids!

Wow... I have been so busy.............I'm cleaning... organizing and rearranging my craft room........... :whew!

I'm getting close.........................:faint



Tammy...I could kiss you :bheart For almost 2 years i have been trying off and on to make Krystal's Daisy square and could never get it to come out right...i was talking to Sissie and she said that you had done a photo by photo instruction on how to do it over at our Group...so i run over to the group and what do i find?your photos...so i download all 60 of them and put them in my windows player so that they play in slow motion and waala...I MADE MY FIRST DAISY SQUARE :jumpyay:jumpyay:jumpyay Now i cant stop!!!I only changed 2 things...I catch the back tip of the petal in the row after that to hold it down and i only do 1 row of hdc instead of dc with 3 hdc in each corner...thought that looked better.Big :hug to you.

aww........ shucks........:blush

You are such a sweetheart! I'm so glad my instruction pics helped! :hug! :heart:hug

Congratulations on your new daisy square!!!


Success! The third and fourth curtain panels are shortened and up and look great. John is on the way home from hunting and they came up empty again this weekend. The only thing they shot was a lonely raccoon. John kept the tail and is threatening to attach it to the car radio antenae. (sp?)

:woo ............ good for you........ I'm so glad you conquered those curtains!!!


We have me with hubby and DS...and there's Sparkie, of course, never far from us.

Omy.............. what great pics!!! Its so good to SEE you! :hug


An update on my first quilt ghan...


So far...


I got all of my light blue squares done...


Last night I finished the last of my turquoise squares...


And today I am going to work on my white squares.. I got 50 more to go... buuuut...


I still cant figure out how to do the gosh darn bi color squares... I don't understand the directions at all.. *sigh* This really sucks..

Good for you! you're doing it... :yay!


yesterday my DH made my daughter alittle bracelet and made me a necklace for my cross to go onto. since I kept breaking the chains:blush

He was going to make a cake for me:lol inwhich I really didnt want to have that mess to clean up too so I told him next week we can have my birthday cake since there was so much candy and cookies.

So I said make me something:clap

OmGoodness.......... How pretty!!!


This is a WIP of my quilt ghan! Though I think I messed up already... but oh well, it will work out. I hope...



OH............look at you go!



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Here you go...I tried to get good pictures...I sewed little purple roses in the tucks of the smocking and the buttons are silver stars...plus my label...hope you like.

Wow.................that is absolutely beautiful!






Here's the Hippo...I'm not very good at embroidery, so all my animal faces are always a bit off...been like that for over 20 years...but she's done and next Tuesday she will go to live with River Sophia...really cute, I like her...might have to make myself a hippo...


Hope you like. I am so tired...I am off to bed...getting up early tomorrow to go visit my sister in law and my niece and nephew...

OmGoodness........... how cute is that hippo!!!


LeAnna~ your hippo is adorable!


I finished my Love Knot Symphony this week, then started Princess of Twilight, both from Crochet Garden.

I love that set......... you did a great job!








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Here's the Hippo...I'm not very good at embroidery, so all my animal faces are always a bit off...been like that for over 20 years...but she's done and next Tuesday she will go to live with River Sophia...really cute, I like her...might have to make myself a hippo...

Your hippo is adorable, LeAnna. :clap

LeAnna~ your hippo is adorable!


I finished my Love Knot Symphony this week, then started Princess of Twilight, both from Crochet Garden.

What an absolutely adorable outfit, Tralee. :clap

Have a good crochet day everyone, my crochet bag is packed and I'll be working on the Crochet World cover baby afghan with the flowers (it's over half done...that seems to be my waiting in the ferry line project of choice...it's not due until August anyway...) and my little shoes...I'm hoping to get a couple of those done today as well...oh and an update on that...my team lead took two of the shoes to her meeting last week and they LOVED them...I hope the shoes raise the money we are projecting.

That's wonderful, LeAnna.

Good Morning! I'm so glad I have the Happy House to come to. :manyheart The last day or so hasn't been great (only because of my parents...again) and you guys always help me with an attitude adjustment. :D

Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry. :hug :hug :hug Have fun at Babies R Us.

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Thanks Marisa --

Got your note about the dishcloth exchange. We'll wait it out a little longer to see how many others may respond before I assign partners.


A big shout out to all the rest of you who I missed this morning -- just got home from the store -- had lots of things to get done this morning ,so caught up again ..


Til next week anyhow .

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Hi everyone, sorry for not posting often, but I am so busy that at times all I can do is fall off to sleep the minute I hit the pillow. It has been very hot here in New Jersey, the weatherman claim that this do not mean we will have a very hot summer. We will see. This week I only got to knit a few rows and work a little on my knitted dishcloth. Knitting and crocheting is the only thing that relaxes me. I glad that it is part of my life. I did make a few notes on my pad as I read a few posts.


LeAnn I love the Hippo real cute. The May/June 2010 Crochet Today magazine has some really cute animals to crochet, especial a MaMa panda bear wearing a cute shawl and her little baby panda bear holding a flower. Check it out you might really like the animals they have.


Tralee Love your cute doll all dress up in her crochet dress and bonnet, Look like she went on a Easter Egg hunt. Real nice work.


Julie the dishcloth swap sound so tempting but sorry that I can't commit to being part of it, maybe next time. Have fun.


To the others in the house just dropping by to say HELLO.

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Hi Cheeria -

It sounds like you are keeping busy and finding lots more patterns you like once you are done with what you are on now .

It's perfectly ok if you can't do the swap -- no problem at all !


Thanks for dropping in !

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To the people who had some interest in the dishcloth swap, I think for now ,we may just hold off. It seems to be a busy time for everyone, and summertime is fast approaching,so maybe it'd be best to save the swap idea for Fall when things start getting quieter and less things to do .


So, let's just do that for now,and we can always try again later.


I see there's another Square Swap starting up ,plus there may be several more swaps in that area-- I havent been in there to check .


Anyhow, thanks to those who showed interest, but I think we'll hold off for now til we can get a bigger group . :)

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Still working on 63 squares. Got 43 done and 12 put together. Moving along.

Good work!


Cheeria, I know all about crochet and knitting being relaxing... Do what you enjoy, when you can, but above all listen to your body and rest, as you have been. You have a lot on your plate:hug


Nite, ladies.:manyheart

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I'm back from Kingston...oh my goodness you are not going to believe what happened to me today...


I went with my sister in law to drop off the afghan at the lady's house who is gathering all the donations...first off her house is gorgegous and overlooks Puget Sound facing the Kingston Ferry Dock...it is just insanely wonderful...and then the lady herself is a quilter and while I don't quilt, if you get two people together who makes things...well you know how it goes, there's show and tell and general excitement and my SIL was just taking it all in as both me and the other lady just go gaga over each other and THEN...


The lady gave me literally 2 trash bags full of antique crocheted pieces...3 absolutely divine bedspreads (just wait 'til I get pics...seriously awesome stuff) and then a bunch of other pieces she had acquired over the years...I'm still stunned...


You give of your heart and it comes back to you 10 fold and then some...


Oh and I had taken a pic of the hippo to show to my SIL, SHE LOVED IT...guess what I'll be making her for her birthday next month????

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Hi all,


Wow LeAnna- that is so awesome- i can't wait to see pics of the bedspreads- and you are so right- what goes around comes around- both bad and GOOD!!!!


Julie- That may be a good idea about the swap-wait till fall- maybe after Labor Day?


Tralee- love the doll outfit!:manyheart


Mary- hope you had fun at your favorite store- what did you buy for Luke?:lol


Hoping to get a few more rows done on the large granny before calling it a night-


I think I'm getting a second wind- but if I don't go to sleep soon after the late night last night, I'll surely pay tomorrow!

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Hi everyone, I'm just doing a quick check in before I go to bed.






Here's the Hippo...I'm not very good at embroidery, so all my animal faces are always a bit off...been like that for over 20 years...but she's done and next Tuesday she will go to live with River Sophia...really cute, I like her...might have to make myself a hippo...


Hope you like. I am so tired...I am off to bed...getting up early tomorrow to go visit my sister in law and my niece and nephew...


LeAnna, the hippo is really cute. And I'm looking forward to seeing your crochet "gifts". Those bedspreads sound gorgeous.


Tralee, that is a cute baby outfit.


See you all tomorrow!

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Hi House :)


Just a question to see if we have any interested parties in this :


How many of you would like to be a part of a simple dishcloth exchange ?


It can be any pattern, knit or crocheted . You will only be signed up with ONE partner ,for ONE dishcloth .


The cost would be minimal to MAKE and to MAIL .


You could be the proud owner of a handmade dishcloth from one of your friends here in the House .


If you are interested , just post your comment below ,and we'll make up a list to see if we get a nice -sized group ,then go from there .


Thanks ! :yarn:yay:yarn:yay:yarn:yay

I wanna play!!!! Me.. pick me........ :hi












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