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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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That's good that you changed the one square in your afghan. It probably would have bugged you when it was complete if you would've left the one square in the wrong spot, because it would have been real noticeable with the other 3 sides pointing in the right way and that one not .


I know it's a pain in the rear if you get one in wrong. I've done that myself, and often had to cut out a square, or totally re-make a few because it's already sewn into place and the ends are weaved all in .


You're doing fine, though ,so don't give up ,you'll get it !

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I'm glad you are getting the curtain dilemma sorted out now . Sometimes it can be hard to find ones that you like, or that will fit a specific window ,etc.

And they are lots more expensive than they used to be, so you have to be careful to choose some you like .




Mary- it sounds like you are sliding right into that Grandma role, just fine !! Enjoy .



Cindy- yep, sometimes when you get squares made by lots of people, they tend to be off sized, some small, some large.

Usually if you finagle them around you can come up with a fit for them all .

Good luck sewing them - I know you hate that part.

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Hi Cheeria-

Yep, knitted items sure take longer than crocheted, but they turn out so pretty, so it's worth the work, if you have extra time to spend on them .




Jude- hows the Jackson coming ? I bet it is HUGE by now with so many new squares added .

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Morning all -

Sorry if I missed anyone, i'm sure I probably did, when I was so many posts behind you all .


Hope everyone has a good day today ~



*Joanne - I'm with you on the Kate lady. We don't get cable so I've never seen the show ,but I thought her dancing was very poor. She just doens't seem to have her heart in it or something .


The space guy needed to go too ,but he was more likeable than Kate -- she may get it next week .

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Good morning all,


Julie- Yes, I agree, Buzz is a likeable guy- and gutsy too- He put his heart into it- or so it seemed to me. Sorry to see him go, but this is a dancing show. We'll have to wait till next week to see what happens.


On a happier note- the Yankees won last night!! I worked some more on a large granny- and then I hit a yarn barf! By this time it was around 10 and I was getting tired, so I'll tackle that mess after work.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Good Morning Ladies,


Today is supposed to be even warmer than yesterday and we had a record high for this time of year already. I even turned the AC on at the job yesterday ;)


I've been working on the match to my sock and am about half way done with the second sock now :) I should have my first pair soon. As far as I can tell, they are definitely not perfect, but will be usable for housewear. I also have a couple WIP's going right now. I'm making a navy blue hat that I'm about half way done with and hope it turns out ok. I just realized I seem to have some extra stitches somewhere although it doesn't look bad. And it's a fashion winter type hat that is bunchy so it shouldn't make a difference. I have a little lap blanket going as well in a multi green/purple yarn.


When I finish the socks I have a few more projects lined up already, but am not sure which I will begin next. But of course, everyone wants something after they saw my tote, which I still have the line :(


I don't remember who it was, but someone mentioned Hobby Lobby a while back and I'm going up to Allentown to check it out this weekend so am siked about getting some new yarn :)


Joanne - Congrats! Now we're tied.....we'll see what happens tonight. I should be home in time to see the second half :)


Judy - I went to New York for chiro school and I loved every minute of it. I'm actually headed up there at the end of the month for a wine tour event :) It'll be nice to head back to the 'ol stomping grounds ;)


LeAnna - Your sweater is gorgeous!!! Great job!


Hope everyone has a great day!!!

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Good morning everyone.


Marisa, you list of projects is nearly as big as mine. I had promised myself that I wouldn't start any new projects until something was finished. Unfortunately I broke that promise and started a snowman dishcloth last night.



Tab, good news about the car. It's always nice to have reliable transportation.


It's very humid here and raining. Iw as hoping for a nice day since I wanted to do some work outside, but I guess I'll have to find something else to do.

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I have to remake the ones that I undid because the stitching was so tight I had to cut the string in order to get it to get loose of the quiltghan...

Like Julie. I also have had to completely cut out squares and redo them. Join the club:lol

You learn to be a little more careful as you do more of them, though - I don't want to discourage you:hook

Lately I have been thinking what small crochet project that I can work on in the warm months ahead?????? :think I haven't came up with an answer yet.

Face/dish cloths:devil


Jude- hows the Jackson coming ? I bet it is HUGE by now with so many new squares added .

I made a mistake in which side I added some squares yesterday...wasn't working on it all opened up, so...

I guess I have a few more squares to make. Going to lay it out on my king-size bed to see what it looks like now.:D

On a happier note- the Yankees won last night!! I worked some more on a large granny- and then I hit a yarn barf! By this time it was around 10 and I was getting tired, so I'll tackle that mess after work.


Hope everyone has a great day!

Yes...the Yankees did great!!! And I always thought Joba should have stayed in the bullpen...he was on fire!

I hope your day goes well...it's humid today and getting to 80...time to wash my hair and let it revert to curly mode today - no point in fighting it:lol

Good morning everyone.


Marisa, you list of projects is nearly as big as mine. I had promised myself that I wouldn't start any new projects until something was finished. Unfortunately I broke that promise and started a snowman dishcloth last night.



It's very humid here and raining. Iw as hoping for a nice day since I wanted to do some work outside, but I guess I'll have to find something else to do.

That's a cute pattern! Thanks...I saved it for later.

Stay comfy today - you can always just read and relax...though I know how hard it is for me to absolutely nothing. I feel guilty - like I shouldn't have a completey "free" day...

One day I'll get the knack...:lol

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Good morning. Warm weather with sunshine again today. I think every tree down here is in bloom at the same time this year. :sneeze:headache :sick:headache :sneezeKim and I were going to go to the hunting lodge with John this weekend, but I can feel the affects of the pollen even inside our house with the a/c on. With a 2 1/2 hour ride both ways and being in the midst of the woods when we get there, we decided that Kim and I are going to stay home. There's a really good chance that the pollens would end up making Kim sick and it's only another 10 days before the wedding of John's son. We don't need her sick for that.





Here you go...I tried to get good pictures...I sewed little purple roses in the tucks of the smocking and the buttons are silver stars...plus my label...hope you like.

Oh, WOW!!! That turned out stunning! :clap :clap :clap

So I wound up undoing 4 of the squares and I have to remake the ones that I undid because the stitching was so tight I had to cut the string in order to get it to get loose of the quiltghan... I am done working on it for tonight, but I should be done making it by friday I hope, if not then by next week for sure!

I think we've all had that happen to us. I have one wrong in a huge quiltghan that I made for John and Kim. I left it in, but when I see it, I think about redoing it even now.

On a happier note- the Yankees won last night!! I worked some more on a large granny- and then I hit a yarn barf! By this time it was around 10 and I was getting tired, so I'll tackle that mess after work.


Hope everyone has a great day!

A yarn barf! Oh, no!!!! :eek

I don't remember who it was, but someone mentioned Hobby Lobby a while back and I'm going up to Allentown to check it out this weekend so am siked about getting some new yarn :)


Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Have a wonderful time at Hobby Lobby, Marisa. I've spent a lot of money on both yarn and material there. It's a great store. :)


Yesterday I ended up working on the flannelghan in the afternoon. I got almost a whole strip done. All of a sudden the wedding is almost here, so I've really got to put the pedal to the metal and get it finished.


Curtains got put on hold. I cheat and use a step stool for hanging the curtains, putting up the brackets, etc. Otherwise my shoulders would be killing me even more.


Last night I added a row to my thread project while watching American Idol. Sometimes I agree with the judges and sometimes I don't. They gave high praise to several of the singers that I thought were boring and ho-hum, at best. Sarge was so funny. He sat on the bag that the thread was in and made me pull it out from under him. And every now and then he'd decide to nose my fingers for scritches, which put everything on hold. Crocheting with my kitty on my lap is always interesting. :lol :lol

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Hi everyone...thank you all for the compliments on the smock top...I can hardly wait to give it to the baby...


I started the Heather Hippo which is a pattern from Lion Brand. Her bikini is done, part of her head is done and part of her body too. I have to go up to the Tree House to snag some stuffing and then I can get the rest of her done. This will be for a little 2 year old who discovered Hippos at the local zoo and is just enthralled with them. If you ask her what sound does a hippo make, she'll answer, "a motorcycle..." which puzzled me until her grandmother explained that they basically do, in that they sound like they are switching gears...you'd have to hear it in person I guess...but little River Sophia (that's her name) is beside herself with her love of hippos...cannot get enough of them. Sophia is quite the popular name right now...we have a two year old in the family named Sophia Rose, who was born about a week apart from River Sophia and the little baby smock top's recipient is Fiona Sophia...lots of Sophias out there right now.


Need to get back to the shoes and the Jackson ghan and then start the purple Tree of Life ghan...and also finish up another babyghan (that last one I find I work in the car while waiting and/or riding the ferry...it's over half done...)


Hope you all have a good day.

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Linda...I think half the fun of crocheting is dealing with a kitty who wants your attention. Serenghetti loves yarn and string of all sorts and she still, at almost 5 years old, wants to play with yarn, but she knows that if I'm working on a project, it's best not to play with THAT particular yarn...but she has been cuddling next to me more often when I am working on something. I love my cat.

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Hi, Leanna...

We have a 6 yo great niece named Sophia.


I have 31 more squares to make to call my king-size, Amish-looking, Jackson ghan done. It'll have a single row of hdc around it for a border.


May have to put it aside for a couple of days to work on the baby ghan for my friend....


I just made some potato salad, now I need to get dressed. I was sitting on the patio before it gets too hot later on....


Later, gators:hug

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Hi ladies


I have read the posts and caught up. You all have definitely been busy. I haven't touched a crochet hook in almost a week. Life's crazy as usual. I'm not complaining though.


Today, we see an end to our unseasonably warm weather. :sigh We've been in the 80's for almost a week. It has been so nice, but I knew it wouldn't last for long. Tomorrow we're going to have a high of 50.


Chat with you all later!

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Nicole, I hope you haven't forgotten how to crochet! :lol

I don't know that I've ever gone that long without a hook in my hand...esp since joining the ville.


Back to working on the moon and Stars ghan....BBL

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Hi, DeeDee....welcome....

pull up a chair and visit a while.

We're in a lull with posts today, but are normally busier than this.


I have to get back to my project...let us know if you want to try any of these and if you need suggestions, etc:hook

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Good afternoon everyone. I've had a semi productive morning, although it would have been a lot more productive if I hadn't decided to knit that snowman dishcloth. Its half finished.


I did manage to get two loads of laundry done, get a roast in the crockpot, make some freezer mashed potatoes, (from the 30 day gourmet site), and make two pans of quiche. (evidently I was hungry!)


It's still gloomy and drizzly here. According to dh there is a good chance of snow tomorrow. I hoe not, pretty much all my perennial flowers are up, and I would like them to look nice for a while yet.

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Happy Wednesday, Ladies. :)


Hi DeeDee! It's always good to see new people. :manyheart


LeAnna ~ The sweater is adorable! Your work is just lovely!


Marisa ~ Good for you for making socks. :clap Oh, yes! You'll love Hobby Lobby - they're I Love This Yarn is wonderful. :yarn


JoAnne ~ I hope you continue to have great weather. I need to start paying attention to baseball.:yes We used to have season tickets to the Rangers' games, but haven't been in a long time.


Hi Nicole ~ We've missed you. :hug


Hi to everyone else, too. :manyheart I need to leave soon for an appointment. 'Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. :)

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Howdy and a good afternoon to all ,

sorry I haven't kept up in here the last couple days ,but will try harder .


I'm thrilled to see how busy this group has become ,so it's nice having lots of posts again .


Believe me, I understand how hard it is to keep up in a busy group. I used to be really good at it, but when you get out of practice, you are bound to get overwhelmed with all the posts, names to remember, responses you want to make ,etc.


It helps to keep a notebook next to your chair, then you can make out a "cheat sheet",with names of everyone, posts you want to answer ,etc.


If you can only drop in once a day, you may be behind by 50 or more posts, so it's easiest for you to take notes then you'll keep up easier .


And don't feel you have to remember everyone's name or respond to every post . Just do what is easiest for you .


Anyhow, just dropping in for a quick visit -- I need a notebook myself the past few days !


Hope all of you are busy at a project that is giving you great satisfaction !

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Thank you Mary! I'm having a good day...have bunny shaped dog biscuits in the oven that the Easter Beagle will hand out to his special canine friends here on the island. Yeah, he's a little late...but such is the life here where I am.


The little hippo I'm working on is almost done...the head and body and bikini are done...just need to do the legs and the ears and the face and prima...really cute so far.


Gonna get back to it.

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Hey DeeDee


Didd you have a pattern in mind that you like ? I'm working on a twin-bed sized one that Linda designed for my Grandson ---it's a castle .


I'll be showing an update again on Friday- that's our day of the week that we have as photo day,but you can post photos anytime you want -


We always like seeing pictures of what people are working on .

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